Worried about wrasse!!


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Powder Springs
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Mr. Blue has had a bad lip now for over a week. It seemed to appear out of no where one day. I thought he hurt it on a rock. He is crazy active, chases all the girls and eats like a pig!
Problem is, it doesn't seem to be getting any better or worse. I'm starting to think he needs to go into QT and treated with meds!
Anyone have any experience or suggestions with lip disease??
I took it to google and found this, thought it might help.

I know my Wrasse gets spooked easy and I've heard sometimes they may injure themselves when trying to hide quickly. Maybe Jenn can chime in on how to treat it. When you QT him for treatment you might want to put in a Wrasse box filled with sand so he can feel safe when he sleeps at night. If you can't find one I can make one for you.
Thanks guys!

Crawford, I'd done the same but I'm just questioning the "water quality" association! I can't find much info saying anything other than to QT and medicate...
I did check water prams and everything is in line. Did a WC anyway and am making 30 gallons to set back up QT Ive let foul :(
Catching him is going to be my problem! I honestly don't think I can!!

Brett, I'm so hoping to wake up every morning and see it improving but it not happening :( I love this guy!
He sleeps in an SPS coral skeleton vertical between two SPS lol. If I can catch him I'll add an SPS skeleton Ive got similar to the one he sleeps in, he'll love that!
Lol, crazy wrasse!

Any suggestions on catching him? (Don't forget, I'm currently handicapped.) would a fish trap work?
The aquamedic fish trap is the best one I've ever used. I spent too many weeks and different methods trying to catch a red coris wrasse. I caught it in less than 5 mins with that trap. I loaned it out it and unfortunately wont be back for a week. :( if you can hold out that long your welcome to it.

Here is a link so you can check it out. Let me know if I can help.

Your the BEST! I've been stressing over trying to catch it!
I really appreciate the offer but would be scared to wait. I'll check if ones available near me by chance, but will order it before close of business tomorrow.
I feel better already!
Thank you
Camellia;1037639 wrote: Your the BEST! I've been stressing over trying to catch it!
I really appreciate the offer but would be scared to wait. I'll check if ones available near me by chance, but will order it before close of business tomorrow.
I feel better already!
Thank you

Your welcome anytime!

I got a fish trap 5 days later but he was so active, eating and flashing his rainbow colors, I decided to keep an eye on him instead of stressing him out.

A month has passed and nothing has changed?! It's a good thing but seems so odd that it hasn't gotten worse or better!
Has anyone had/have a fish with such a growth on its mouth that never went away or affected the fish?
Any ideas or suggestions welcome.
if he isnt lethargic or looking sick, id let it go on it's own. my regal tang had ich after the first week of having him and i just had the game plan of "until he looks like he needs my help, im letting it go". he recovered just fine.

sometimes its best just to let nature do it's thing rather than micromanaging the tank.
Russ-IV;1042760 wrote: if he isnt lethargic or looking sick, id let it go on it's own. my regal tang had ich after the first week of having him and i just had the game plan of "until he looks like he needs my help, im letting it go". he recovered just fine.

sometimes its best just to let nature do it's thing rather than micromanaging the tank.

Agreed, that's what my plan has been. It's sad though, such a beautiful fish with a deformity on its lip, sad!

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Camellia;1042768 wrote: Agreed, that's what my plan has been. It's sad though, such a beautiful fish with a deformity on its lip, sad!

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gorgeous fish. it may go away on it's own.
It is hard to see from the picture, but if a month has passed and nothing has changed it's likely either a scar from a mechanical injury, or there's a remote chance that it's Lymphocystis, a viral, wart-like growth that usually appears from stress. Usually these go away on their own when the stress level decreases.

Either way if it's one or the other, there's nothing to be done. If it's a scar from a mechanical injury, it's likely there to stay and won't harm him as long as he's able to eat - which I'm guessing he can.

If it's Lymphocystis, it will eventually go away. One can do more harm than good trying to pick it off or whatnot.

Thanks Russ, hope so!

Hey Jen,
Actually in the last pic it didn't have the white spot. I just thought it was a pretty picture of him, lol
The first pic's posted with the spot is exactly as it is now.
This guy is actually the "King" of the tank. He turns color and flashes around every night like "I'm Bad" :)

He does eat fine.
Hoping it goes away, it probably bothers me more than him!
I'm really glad I didn't trap him for the QT!
That second pic is a nice one :) He's a pretty specimen.

I think in this instance, the watch and wait approach was the right one.
