Yellow Tangs


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I'm seriously starting to question my ability in this hobby.

I've gone just fine for many years, maintaining a healthy, happy mixed reef tank with a number of happy fish. Then I upgraded to a bigger tank to allow me to go with some more fish and bigger fish.

This time I figured I'd "do it right" and set up a QT which went horribly wrong my first go-round. Lost a bellus angel and a blenny. Okay fine, regroup and move on. Now it's a yellow tang.

I spent hours picking the best specimen in the shop, out of probably 25 yellow tangs. QT went pretty well. Ate like a PIG, ate anything I would put in. Very happy, no stress, etc. Water levels stayed suitable thanks to large changes and using Prime & Stability. No infections in this guy. Awesome.

Then as my QT period was ending I noticed what appeared to be Ich in my main tank so there was no way I was going to put the tang in there. I opted to set up a second QT to get my fish out and medicate them while leaving the display fallow for 6-8 weeks.

Right about this time (2 weeks into the yellow tang QT), the yellow tang goes psycho. He is absolutely flipping out. After some reading I find that Yellow Tangs, the supposedly "easy to care for, no issue" fish, are really neurotic, psychotic, high-strung whack-jobs! Okay, so maybe the fish isn't dying, just seeing its reflection. So I cover the sides & back of the QT. Nope, still going insane.

It's now 3 days into not eating. If it's not wedged flat under something, it's swimming vertical figure 8's or loops. Hell, last night it jumped out of the tank!

I don't know if it's "playing dead" like many web accounts state or if it's "really" dying. At this point every time I see it and it moves I'm surprised.

I'm just kinda bummed and frustrated at playing the grim reaper & killing everything I touch. Driving me nuts... And if this is the "easy" fish I can't see how I'll ever manage to get ANYTHING else in this tank... (that is assuming I can actually catch the cardinal & chromis to treat them for the ich).
Man that sucks. Sorry you are having so much trouble lately.

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I added a copperband and had some ich issues with my kole tang. He was flashing on the glass, swimming erratically and spazzing. I fed him some food soaked in garlic and metronidazole. I also added two blue striped gobys (he let them clean him). It took about 3 days but he settled down and build his immunity back up.
Man, Sorry to hear about your troubles. I can definetely relate. I've about given up on Tangs myself.

What other livestock do you have?
When I got him, he was eating Nori soaked in selcon. He would eat that like it was the greatest thing ever.

Also eating mysis and some other frozen blends that Creation feeds their tangs.

In 3 days he won't eat ANYTHING I put in the tank. Doesn't matter what I'm soaking it in or putting in.

Other livestock right now is irrelevant because the tang is in QT by itself, but in my 150 right now I have:

1 adult female false perc clown
1 adult sunshine chromis
1 adult bangaii cardinal
1 adult male green spotted mandarin

That's it.

Edit: buying from SEA or Live Aquaria is an option, of course, but having a store QT a fish is not a 100% cure-all solution and doesn't really do much for me today. Certainly can shape my future purchases though which sucks. While I love SEA and Live Aquaria, there are other stores that I enjoy too that have quality livestock.

I'm just ranting in frustration. Sorry... I appreciate the empathy & advice/encouragement
It's np on the rant. I completely understand. I asked about your other livestock because I thought I read that you had ich break out in your DT. Depending on how big your QT tanks are, you may need to do a QT of all of your fish at once. I don't want to jump the gun, but, your yellow tang is displaying the same behavior that my sailfin and kole tang were right before they developed ich. I've found that it's easier sometime to maintain one QT, rather than multiple QT's. I hope your tang doesn't come down with ich, but, if he/she does, this may be an option to consider while the DT sits fallow... It will also reduce the stress of adding all fish back to your DT afterwards as they should be used to eachother if your QT can fit them all.

Edit: Also: Jumplittlechloe has a good point, but be careful. I have no experience with the blue line gobies, but, my cleaner wrasse harassed the sailfin for cleaning so much that he probably added to the stress instead of taking away from it...
I forgot your rock layout, but are there any caves that the tang can hide in? Maybe providing more areas for him to hide / feel private could keep him from hating his reflection and stressing out?
Im a firm believer in feeding tangs Live macros, I grow Gracilaria in my sump and feed my yellow this constantly. I to have lost yellow tangs for unknown reasons (fed nori and mysis), but since i started live macro i've never had a healthier tang. Just my .02"></a> these guys have some good info not the video i thought, but they used to have on all about feeding tangs live macro.

<div class="gc_ifarem_title">Snacking on Seaweed - YouTube</div>[youtube]... this is just funny gonna try that with my dog lol
Ripped Tide;798623 wrote: Just buy from SEA, and skip qt.

Ok ralph number What was the last fish you bought there? Like Jeff said , QT great and all, but it's not a guarantee, and you know it :p

I personally have never tried to remove a fish that got ich for a long time. My luck with treatment has always been grim. It seems to stress the specimen even more and cause more damage than good. I have had the best luck just leaving them be, I don't even over feed . My display tank has never eliminated ich 100%, so I see 1-10 dots on the inhabitants now and than. But the get over it. I don't think ich SHOULD be able to kill a "healthy" fish in a healthy system.
I've never done a QT... and never had ich... weird..

i know time bomb.
Well, the tang took a turn for the worse. Red spots on its belly now so I'm thinking it's just a matter of time. I picked up some new food (julian sprung sea veggies) to try that but I'm not holding out much hope.

As for layouts, the tang is in its own QT. It's never been in the DT. Before the tang could go in the DT, I saw signs of Ich so I wanted to deal with that first which resulted in now a second QT that I will medicate once I manage to catch all the fish. Caught the clown pretty easily last night, but the chromis & cardinal aren't having anything to do with my bottle trap and they go deep cover when the net comes out. Probably have to move some rock around tonight.

SnowManSnow;798666 wrote: I've never done a QT... and never had ich... weird..

i know time bomb.

Me neither... My problems STARTED when I tried to QT...
Hate to hear that Man... Is it spots, or a red line? HLLE?

If it is any consolation: We'll both be moving LR tonight from DT to catch and treat fish.
Red spots/blotches.

It's not HLLE. Hasn't had anywhere near enough time to develop it.
The red spots and blotches might be from the rubbing against something as it swims. Sorry to hear that you're having trouble. I can assure you that we all have been there at one time or another. I can't begin to tell you the times I've made a mistake and killed half of the inhabitants in my tank, coral included. It sucks!
JeF4y;798668 wrote: Well, the tang took a turn for the worse. Red spots on its belly now so I'm thinking it's just a matter of time. I picked up some new food (julian sprung sea veggies) to try that but I'm not holding out much hope.

As for layouts, the tang is in its own QT. It's never been in the DT. Before the tang could go in the DT, I saw signs of Ich so I wanted to deal with that first which resulted in now a second QT that I will medicate once I manage to catch all the fish. Caught the clown pretty easily last night, but the chromis & cardinal aren't having anything to do with my bottle trap and they go deep cover when the net comes out. Probably have to move some rock around tonight.


Me neither... My problems STARTED when I tried to QT...

Sorry to hear. Im not quite sure I understand the implication of HOW a QT could cause problems. It should be a clean, healthy, stress free home, where the fish can recieved treatment if needed. If QT is stressing a fish to unhealth, it isnt set up properly. Being a display or QT doesnt matter, if it isnt set up properly.

Off my soapbox.

JeF4y;798678 wrote: Red spots/blotches.

It's not HLLE. Hasn't had anywhere near enough time to develop it.

red streaking is using a bacterial sign- ie- septicemia. I would treat with some kanaplex.
jmaneyapanda;798694 wrote: Sorry to hear. Im not quite sure I understand the implication of HOW a QT could cause problems. It should be a clean, healthy, stress free home, where the fish can recieved treatment if needed. If QT is stressing a fish to unhealth, it isnt set up properly. Being a display or QT doesnt matter, if it isnt set up properly.

Off my soapbox.

That was the prob. It wasn't set up correctly. I /thought/ that my bio filtration was enough to support the previous 2 fish. Either it wasn't enough (did have a high ammonia level) or it was the heater bleeding voltage into the QT (found bad heater, replaced it).

Second go-round all was fine. Did a much better job of controlling water through changes & Prime / Stability and additional bio media. Tang was great for 2 weeks and then started flipping out. Spent a few days reading literally hundreds of accounts of the same behaviour and most all were indicitive of the tang being territorial/skittish because of reflections. So I tried to cure that, but it's gone on too long at this point.

red streaking is using a bacterial sign- ie- septicemia. I would treat with some kanaplex.

It's red blotches, not streaking. Isolated on stomach. (or was at lunch).

Had I been able to get it in the DT at 2 weeks I don't think I would have had this problem, but it appears that I have ich in the DT (one fish is symptomatic) so I didn't want to put anything in until I resolved that.

At this point I'm now wondering if I should remove and QT all the fish from the DT (clown, cardinal, chromis), or if I should try to treat in-tank with metro & focus.

If I treated in tank, I'm still left with a Yellow tang that is in SERIOUSLY bad shape and I don't know that putting it in the DT would do any good at all. In fact it could be more harm than good.

I just don't have a lot of good choices but need to figure something out quickly.
Mouth is red
Both eyes big red spots above them
Fish hasn't stayed upright in 3+ days
Red spots on belly & near anal port

Really thinking I should pull it and euthanize it. Any thoughts?

Edit: Alternatively I could throw him in the DT and hope for the best. BUt in all likelihood that's what introduced ich to the DT when I did that with the Bellus.