Yellow Tangs

Internal bacterial infection? I might not know what I'm talking about because I'm a newbie. However, as I was reading your post the symptoms sounded familiar and this is where I read it.
a> Does it look like the pics
JeF4y;798748 wrote: Mouth is red
Both eyes big red spots above them
Fish hasn't stayed upright in 3+ days
Red spots on belly & near anal port

Really thinking I should pull it and euthanize it. Any thoughts?

Edit: Alternatively I could throw him in the DT and hope for the best. BUt in all likelihood that's what introduced ich to the DT when I did that with the Bellus.

Please DO NOT introduce a sick fish to the display.
I'm sorry for the difficulties you are experiencing.

Option 1:
Do you have alot of corals in your DT? Would it be possible to remove corals and place them in a temporary QT (different from your orig. QT) and treat the yellow tang in the main DT along with the others? This simply means dropping/lowering the salinity (hyposalinity) and having your DT remain as a FOWLR until the ich subsides or until the yellow tang/others show no real threatening sign of ich.

Option 2:
Treat yellow tang along with those that are infected with ich from your DT in</em> the QT tank. This obviously is more riskier since you now have all ich, "stressed" fishes in one tank, and the yellow tang remains in QT. Red blotches IME is a sign of inflammation and something is bothering/pathogenic to the tang itself.

Option 3:
At your own risk, treat yellow tang in the your DT along with all others, including corals. Obviously, you have to resolve the conditions of DT itself so this does not become a problem later.

All in all, I highly think you should doubt yourself. I'm more than sure your best judgement will put things in the right path. Maybe others will have better options besides mine.

i.e. your very last post sounds more like yellow tang is on a downward spiral. I'm sorry to hear, in that case you now have option #4...
Treat the bacterial infection, then if it don't work 40 plus drops of pure clove oil from gnc in a small bucket...
Well, it's over. As Jeremy stated, I opted against trying to put it in the DT as that caused me issues last time. I tried basically handfeeding it mysis with kanaplex and I got a couple into it, but I think it more or less just inhaled them. And after 15 min of 'spoon feeding' he lost the fight.

Did I learn a lesson on this one? I don't know. I guess moving forward I need to be picky enough about my livestock sources that they can go directly into the tank or have a QT setup for 2 months before trying to QT a fish.

As for the DT, the Chromis is looking much better than he was a few days ago, as if he may be shaking whatever he has on his own. I opted to put the clown back in the DT from my 2nd QT setup and am feeding them mysis soaked in Kanaplex, Metro & Focus for the next week to see how they do.
I am deeply sorry. If it is any consolation, you put up a very, very good fight, and I am sure this will only reward you later in the future...
sounds like he got the measels, sometimes you need to just laugh. :lol2:eek:kay thats enough back to serious :mad2:
Looking back my post was wrong, sorry shame on me. I lost a sixline didn't last a day my two talbot damsel chase him out of the tank or in the overflo never did find him
swfk44;798861 wrote: Looking back my post was wrong, sorry shame on me. I lost a sixline didn't last a day my two talbot damsel chase him out of the tank or in the overflo never did find him

LOL.. don't sweat it. I needed the laugh.

I'm not terribly broken up over it. It happens. Just gotta move on.

Which for now means getting my DT stable (fix the ich or whatever the Chromis has going on) and then deciding where I go. I will get some more fish in eventually.

Edit: I am however, still totally baffled by how apparently neurotic/psychotic that Yellow Tangs seem to be per the interwebs... Everything I read previous had them as the ideal tank inhabitant. Now I'm not so sure.

So to further the discussion, has anyone else had a crazy Yellow Tang?
Jeff, I'm sorry to hear the troubles.
I've been going back and forth on keeping a tang for over a year now. Just when I get cocky enough to think I can handle it, I hear about the difficultly that experienced reefers have. I've read that the Yellows can be aggressive at times., I wonder if it comes down to individual fish personalities or even if tank bred might fair better. So much to learn.
I think with all fish, individual personalities play a big part. Sure, a puffer will eat anything that will fit in it's mouth but each have personalities. I just recently received a large yellow tang. It is the biggest baby in my tank. LOL It is like it needs to be snuggled up to one of the other tangs in order to feel secure. The person who gave it to me said it was an extremely gentle fish and so far that is what I have seen out of it.

As you all know, I am pretty new to all this but everything people tell me and that I have read says that once acclimated and adjusted to the tank, there is nothing overly difficult about tangs. Give them plenty of room, lots of veggies along with feeding other things and they will be good tank mates. Just be careful which ones you mix and match.

I think that in Jeff's case, the fish was not well when he recieved him. I don't believe it had anything to do with how he cared for it.
JeF4y;798796 wrote: Well, it's over. As Jeremy stated, I opted against trying to put it in the DT as that caused me issues last time. I tried basically handfeeding it mysis with kanaplex and I got a couple into it, but I think it more or less just inhaled them. And after 15 min of 'spoon feeding' he lost the fight.

Did I learn a lesson on this one? I don't know. I guess moving forward I need to be picky enough about my livestock sources that they can go directly into the tank or have a QT setup for 2 months before trying to QT a fish.

As for the DT, the Chromis is looking much better than he was a few days ago, as if he may be shaking whatever he has on his own. I opted to put the clown back in the DT from my 2nd QT setup and am feeding them mysis soaked in Kanaplex, Metro & Focus for the next week to see how they do.

Sorry to hear man. For what it's worth, theres a LOT of things to consider. If you can rule out issues within the aquarium, its time to start thinking what may have changed OUTSIDE the aquarium. Including traffic, lighting, daylight- anything that may have an effect on the fishes' perceptions and senses. Behavior issues do not just "pop up" There is a reason behind them, whether people understand them or find them, or not.

An important aspect to quarantine is to allow fish to get used to the buyers nuances too. To let them acclimate to the water they use, the food they use, the lighting regime, the behaviors around the aquarium, their kids, their pets, their TV watching routine- all without the stress of competition and aggression.
I'm pretty sure I'll try another yellow tang at some point down the road. And will go the QT route again. The last experiences have been valuable on what can go wrong.

Will end up breaking down one of the QT's soon. Just not sure if it will be the one that held the tang or the one that I setup to medicate my tank fish. I haven't medicated either QT, but on the off-chance that something was wrong with the tang itself, I think I'll toss the media from that QT and sterilize that setup.

Can bio media be sterilized using bleach / peroxide or am I better to just toss it?