Zoa not looking too good?


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So i got a few different zoas in the other day, acclimated and put them in a low par area. Everything was opening up nearly immediately except two heads of magicians. One head hasnt opened yat and the other head is looking worse and worse. At first the head looked a bit inverted not it looks inverted and pinched. Can anyone give any suggestions?
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I'd try an iodine bath but outside of that nothing. That's what is frustrating with zoas, while easy to keep, when they decide to go they go without reason. Albeit this one kind of does have reason to be stressed.
im trying it in 120 par , im think it doesnt like the light, cause the other polyp is closed
I spy with my little eye, some algae you probably want to remove as well.
I'd do a quick 2-3 minute 30:70 dip of used tankwater to peroxide... it almost looks like that hair algae has twisted itself around the polyp like a tourniquet.

That's what I did with those maybe-reverse-space-monster zoas I bought from you the other week (they're all finally open and starting to color up, so time will tell as to their named-ness, but they look great!). The plug looks sandblasted clean between that and the attentions of my trained dwarf hermit crab army. ;)
I dipped them before putting them in. The second polyp is now doinf the same thing. just not so severe yet.
And the inverted polyp looks like its done for
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the magicians are expelling thier zooxanthellae , the brown stuff coming out of it
I wonder what those brown specks are around the middle polyp? And is there something vaguely nudibranch-shaped on the left one?

I think DawgFace has the right idea - iodine dips seem to be the one consistent saver of sick-but-not-poxed zoas.

After treatment I'd leave it in until it melts away completely... I've got one small cluster of zoas that seems to rise phoenix-like every time I think it's on its way out - it's never grown more than 4-5 polyps at any given point but always pops another 1-2 out everytime another closes up and disappears.
when you say iodine, what kind? i have an iodine supplement? and i'll take a closer look around the frag. brown specs are the zooxanthellae being expelled
I've used coral rx and HP with success . I went through a massive meltdown a few months ago. Happened kinda overnight and never really found the cause
This happened to my zoas with the same pink coloration as in the picture. Happened when I switched to LED's. All 10 polyps inverted and shrunk into a grain of rice over about a month or so. A couple opened back up as baby polyps and now they are full grown and multiplying. As someone mentioned earlier, don't toss them out until you are absolutely sure no tissue remains.
Iodine is a better dip for damaged tissue.

For this I use: 50:50 tank water:peroxide for 2-3 minutes while blasting with a turkey baster.

The first pics look to be an algae issue, the last pic looks to have most of the algae removed but seems to have a pest present.