Zoas randomly melting


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Hi there! So, I have this thing going on where zoas will do extremely well, then out of nowhere one or 2 frags will just implode and melt away. Even with peroxide dips for any algae, making sure I don’t see any other irritants/predators, I’ll just lose some here and there. This is the most current example.

This picture was taken Feb 27

This one is from today

Anyone experience anything similar, or have any idea what may be going on? I’ll have frags right next to the ones melting, that are perfectly happy and spouting new heads frequently, while others just melt away.
Maybe try a dip in furan 2?? I seem to recall a post awhile ago where someone stated this helped there melting zoas
Worth a shot. I’m only about 30% success rate with hydrogen peroxide dips saving them.
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Like everything else in this stupid hobby - things melt/die/rtn/stn/jump/break/disappear/go-up-in-price-3x for no apparent reason...
Some zoas are just known to melt...kraks come to mind. And there are some things that do well in certain tanks but not others.
I have a spreadsheet of stuff I just can't keep...I pull it up every ~6months to try again - usually without success.
I know this is crazy talk but when was the last time you dosed bacteria to your tank?

I had similiar issues when i set up my current tank from dry rock and added other live rock to it... Was fine for about a year. One day i saw a decline in some zoas.. then next was my BTAs.. Water changes dips nothing lots of things died off. Have been dosing bacteria for about 4 months... the zoas that were left, opened up again and are now growing.
Not since I set it up 2 years ago. I’ll give that a shot as well. Everything else in the tank is growing and doing great, just the zoas they are swinging.
Now I'm curious...are you gonna try this out @Hunna
I sure am! I’ve had my daughter the last few days and haven’t had a chance to try either yet. Plan to later this week and some are still acting up while others are thriving, so hopefully the results will be positive🤞