210 Tang Reef


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Documenting my latest adventure, setting up a 210 gallon reef tank. This falls on the heels of getting back in the hobby this year, setting up a 90 gallon, and remembering that I could not really house my favorite fish- Tangs.
I have done quite a bit of work already, so Ill post some pics here from the beginning to where I am at now.
One obstacle for this build that I don't think I gave enough thought to was my constraint on space, as I am relegated to a single room in the house for the fish stuff lol Everything in this build seems to be way bigger in person than on paper and in measurements, so I am having to get creative to get everything to fit and still be aesthetically pleasing.

The tank is going into a smaller room that serves as my office. I already know one major issue I am going to battle is humidity and keeping it at a low enough level for the computers in the room.
The room is a wreck right now, don't judge the mess lol
I would like to do a wall to wall built-in unit that has the tank in the middle and work-spaces off to either side. Walls painted, baseboards off, ready to build

Lighting is all squared away. One step down, feels like a million more to go lolol

@scottw - Do you think I will have any heat issues with the noops enclosed like this? There is a vent on the Giesemann fixture that allwos the noops fans to exhaust perfectly

