Made some changes to the tanks.
I got a new Fiji 22ext to replace the Jbj aio. (Thought about getting bigger tank but main reason I went with nano have all the equipments at hand). I still had to buy new rms mounting kit and plumbing kits.
I also aquascaped both tanks while making some minor changes like moving it away from the corner of the wall for better access etc.
Currently adding kalk and esv 2pt to being back the tank from 5.0-5.5 dkH to 7.5-8.0dkh. Not sure how long it was that low.
I made this big island expending from wall to wall front and the sides. Middle section of the aqua scape is hallow underneath. Also changed powerhead to gyres for better water movement. Changed out the light mount due to sagging too much.
For the 2nd tank, I went with 2 tall standing islands. Lots of spaces to fill. All negative spaces. Also added 2nd mocha clownfish to pair em. So 4 fishes in each tank. Took the skimmers out of both tank because it needed to be cleaned. Not going to put ‘em back for now.
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