24 Gal Cube SPS nano reef tank

Made some changes to the tanks.

I got a new Fiji 22ext to replace the Jbj aio. (Thought about getting bigger tank but main reason I went with nano have all the equipments at hand). I still had to buy new rms mounting kit and plumbing kits.

I also aquascaped both tanks while making some minor changes like moving it away from the corner of the wall for better access etc.


Currently adding kalk and esv 2pt to being back the tank from 5.0-5.5 dkH to 7.5-8.0dkh. Not sure how long it was that low.


I made this big island expending from wall to wall front and the sides. Middle section of the aqua scape is hallow underneath. Also changed powerhead to gyres for better water movement. Changed out the light mount due to sagging too much.




For the 2nd tank, I went with 2 tall standing islands. Lots of spaces to fill. All negative spaces. Also added 2nd mocha clownfish to pair em. So 4 fishes in each tank. Took the skimmers out of both tank because it needed to be cleaned. Not going to put ‘em back for now.




Close up sps

Close up lps
While I was out of the town last week, my return pump died. Apex shows temp dropping to below 60 around Tuesday at 12pm. But I didn’t get back home til wed around 5pm. (And this was purely out of luck due to catching a flu while in New Orleans for work).
Apex shows temp drop on Tuesday around noon. Came home Wednesday late afternoon and return died again next day dropping the temp of the tank again.

So the tank was running without sump and at very low temp for about day and a half while sump was being cooked.

I came home and the tank was white as snow. (ESV 2pt dosing at 18ml per day). I have kalk dosing at 3liter per day into the sump. So kalk was being added into the sump. 2pts into the main display.

Tank was super cold and the Sump water was boiling hot (i have the temp sensor in the overflow box and the heater in the return chamber, the heater kept cooking the sump). Vectors s2 Return pump (bought brand new July 2024) was not running.

So I wiggled it and it started to work again. So I just went to sleep trying to get better.

Next morning, the return pump was turned off again and the tank was white as snow again.

Realizing that the return needs immediate attention, I got old Innovative Marine return pump to replace the vectra pump for few days. I went and got the new vectra pump from Lfs yesterday and the broken one now heading to EcoTech for service under warranty. The inner pump don’t spin “freely” at all?!! I assume the magnet is the problem perhaps.

I went and took kalk and 2pt off line for about 3days. I lost few tiny frags and few corals are paled out but the damage was minimal.
I got lots of dust (probably die offs in phosphate) on the glasses than before.





LPS tank - was not effected at all since it’s a separate system.


My AI Axis40 return pump on the 2nd tank has failed thru out the week while I am still out of the town T.T.

And it seems to have completely died as of last night. I was able to have my wife put the heater into the main display so I hope the damage will be minimal. -.-;

I never turn off my return pumps unless I am servicing them. Which is like every 3 months. I use the filter roller for this reason.

Unfortunately the 2nd tank’s klir filter roller only works manually and being out of the town, it didn’t get shifted. And I do ask my wife to feed heavier than I usually do when I travel so it’s easier for me to clean up than do add more food when I come back to town.

Idk, it’s 2nd time return pump has failed on me. 1st one from ecotech, (still waiting for return under warranty and was planning to replace this one with that).

I push way below the flow rate for my return lines, granted I do run high flows thru the sump for my system. Probably, just need some good cleaning perhaps?!

Idk, I told my wife, as long as one tank is okay, I can come back. Lol

It’s been a roller coaster ride watching that return pump kicking in and out it seems but it did ended up dieing and was not able to reset from here.


Started acting up on Monday

I’ve asked her to put the heater in the main display. Thru the week, she did say they looked okay as usual.
I finally got home and was able to replace the return pump to the spare for now.

What I realize is that there is about 2.5Gallon of kalk solution /rodi added to the sump which is now all mixed up in the tank -.-

Idk, will see. They should be alright~ I think.


So I went and cleaned out the Axis40 return pump but it won’t start. Granted not much gunk was there. It makes buzzing noise trying to start but fails. Oh well -.- It’s new to me that return pumps been giving me troubles lately.



Seems like the kalkwasser (2.5gal) that was dosed into the sump precipitated and had zero impact to the my Alk. This tank don’t get tested so I’m going to assume this is going to be okay.

As for the SPS tank. Alk is down (increased in consumption) 0.2dkH from last week testing. I will text middle of next week and adjust accordingly~.

I have two Alk tester. At about two year mark I bought another one just to be on the safer side. Im simply using same sample and test at the same time. Works great. (And old one always register at higher concentration as well).

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I just caught my small Mocha clown hosting a clam. -.- I had to use the zoom! Camera shy I think.

Time to bring out the LED light trick and hope it will find the anemone. Worked in the past in the 120. 4ft away. Pitch dark! Shine the bright light on the anemone. They swim up to it! Get stung few times and they are one! Perhaps! Will see~. Anemone are big enough I think.

