3D Printer

Any updates on your printer? I keep breaking things on mine. I kept getting print jam issues and looked down to find my jhead hot end broken how I do not know

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SuperClown;849300 wrote: Any updates on your printer? I keep breaking things on mine. I kept getting print jam issues and looked down to find my jhead hot end broken how I do not know

sent from old rotary phone

I had made a replacement aluminum bed out of some aluminum plate that I had, but one corner is still constantly about 0.2 to 0.3mm out of flat.

I haven't had jamming issues on my print head.

I think my Y rods may be out of parallel alignment and it's slightly twisting the bed as it travels...

I'm going to try and see if I can re-tweak it this weekend and work on it some more.

Also, I ordered some replacement PLA and ABS filament from UtilMachine.com, who reportedly makes some good stuff.

I think the stuff I've been using recently is of a lower quality - it should stick to the glass bed, but doesn't... and it sticks almost too well to blue tape.

I also ordered some ABS and kapton tape to try out...

Also trying to see about getting updated MDF parts laser-cut from a small company here in Atlanta.

These guys:
That's cool i was thinking about doing this out of acrylic or wood if our machines are the same wonder if we could get in on a group rate I feel like the tolerances of my printed parts could be better and my 3d printer would print better parts.

I ordered my filament from eBay and it has a lot of air bubbles in it mine I ordered some kapton tape but have been using abs juice and it sticks great

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