75g rimless build

Got my reefkeeper elite and and some 3/4" and 1" fittings today. I'm going to be plumbing the system this weekend hope fully or at least a dry fit to see how it's all going to work.
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alt="" /> If anyone else has a rke did yours come with warranty or instruction papers? Mine didn't although the box says "see warranty information inside" Might have to call brs or digital aquatics although I heard their customer service isn't the best. We'll see. Stay tuned for more updates in the near future. Recommendations are always welcome! Thanks :)
Decided to try and dry fit all the plumbing today.
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Just to get an idea. Still thinking I'm going to try out crew's idea with the reverse durso but haven't got the fittings yet so for right now I'm just plumbing to see how it's all going to fit. It's going to be tight but hopefully it'll work.
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Going to try and figure out where to put my unions below the bulkheads in case I ever have to replace them. Which will probabaly happen eventually.
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alt="" /> I'll be officially done with the plumbing and ready to glue after I get my skimmer and make a few adjustments. But, it is a good reference to have. Hopefully going to have this thing wet in the next week or so stay tuned!
I'd would move that set up out, remove that vent and stuff a new, large sponge in it, cover it up with plywood or whatever you've got handy while you still can acess it easily.

So now that you have dry plumbed and gathered all your parts, I'm going to through this at ya. My plumbing was similar to yours but I did a little change up and added another filter sock. It sits like yours right next to the other one. What else you going to do with that space?
Just a thought!

I'm certainly NOT a plumber but consider coming straight over and down to the return pump. The angle on the PVC may end up being in your way down the road. I kept all plumbing up out of the way with just enough room to brace a large UV between it and the tank.
Also you may want to add a 90 going right after your cut off with an additional cut off for additional equipment you will most likely add... If the PVC was up top then it would still all be out of your way.
Like I said, I'm not by far experienced in this area but it's just MHO :)
The vent is a couple feet behind the tank on the opposite wall that the tanks going to be sitting on. I just pulled the tank out so I could easily get around it. It's not too much space but I'm going to add my skimmer and hopefully a fuge if.i can fit it. But it's to the point is the fuge actually going.to be big enough to benefit the system? But I'll be adding gfo & carbon reactor, couple dosers, probes for my rke , etc.
I guess it took me too long to put all those thoughts together :)

Can you push the sump back farther and all to one side to give more space for your additions? Don't you want you free area on the return pump side?
If you soak at light weight towel in straight vinager around your over flow, clamp it at the top and rewet with turkey baster after 30 minutes, it will come clean with a little elbow grease.
Yeah I think I am going to move the sump all the way to the left so I can have the return straight up. I originally had it like that because I had a good amount on space on either side and there is a middle support beam which gets in the way of the bulkheads sort of. I'll post a pic when I get home. I tried to mostly use 45's so it wouldn't reduce the flow as much but sometimes you have to use them.
Your going to need another 3-6 pices of lock line if your going to punch out the second hole on left side of the over flow. That's how I did it anyway, same tank.
You can get on eBay for $6.50 for 6.

If you didn't purchase new bulkheads and replace the old, I highly recommend it. It's not worth the trouble or chance dealing with a leak.
Yeah that right side is going to need 4 more pieces to match the left. And I did get new bulkheads! The old ones were missing the rubber gasket.
Got my Reef Octopus 150sss in this morning. Keyword morning, I usually never get my packages until at least 2 pm so this was a nice surprise!
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ReefKeep66;989607 wrote: Yeah that right side is going to need 4 more pieces to match the left. And I did get new bulkheads! The old ones were missing the rubber gasket.

Word from experience, don't ever use used bulk heads regardless!

You return pipe in the top of your overflow isn't centered is what I'm trying to tell you.
They can't "match" you will need more lock line on your left side.

Nice skimmer, do you have room for that footprint?

I just set this tank up so I remember well all the stupid kinks I had to work out. The guy I got it from did not have it set up to its potential!

What about that footprint?

I've got a black stand that's got a solid platform the tank sits on, no center bracket. If you want to come look at mine, your welcome too. I think I did a pretty good job, with lots of ARC help of course :)
You have to become a member first tho, lol
Footprint of the stand? It's 48x18x24. I notched out a part on the support so I could plumb everything a bit easier. I'd love to take a look! I've actually never seen this tank set up.
Got the skimmer put together. This things huge! Comparing to a regular size water bottle,
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Going to be breaking it in on my current tank.
Here's a comparison picture
alt="" /> my old skimmer is a cpr sr3 skimmer. The most "gunk" it pulled out was dirty water at the most.
Put the skimmer in my 10g sump on my 20gl until I set up the 75 . Might be the most ridiculous skimmer to tank ratio lol
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Gonna start this update by saying silicone is a PITA. Decided to remove the middle baffel in my sump to give me a good but of room but not going to be able to run a refugium, although I might set up a display refugium in the future.
alt="" /> Any how, the baffel was actually pretty diffucult to get out there. Took some generous saw motions with a razor blade to finally pry it out.
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Thought about reusing this baffel since somehow I managed to not break it.
alt="" />Not for sure how much of a difference that would make.
Started doing the eletrical side of things today. Mounted the rke head unit onto the stand.
alt="" /> it fits perfectly between the doors and I don't have to worry about the door hitting it. More to come.