75g rimless build

Decided to mess around with my kessil a360w after the lights went out and put it on the 75.
alt="" /> If anything, it makes me more anxious to see it with rock and sand. Let's face it, a empty tank is boring lol. But I had fun for a couple of minutes
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Note: I also realized that one kessil wasn't going to do it. Eventually I'm going to be getting another a360, but for the time being I'm going to use a metal halide I have. Maybe I'll try an experiment between the two, but I'm pretty sold with leds
Finally got my salt in today. I ordered from Dr forster & smith due to their free shipping, and the first salt I got was in a plain white bucket. They sent me another one thankfully.
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Today has been one long anticipated! Finally got my rock in and few other goodies. All I'm waiting for now is for my sand to come in. I ordered 45lbs of reef saver dry rock from brs, new ro/di filters, and a new refractometer. The rock was shipped pretty decently as most of it was intact. Thanks to the 10000000000 peanuts inside
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alt="" /> I plan to set the tank up Monday if all goes well. Until then, I'm going to be messing around with aquascapes until I find one I permanently like so I got a peice of cardboard and measured my tank and overflow with duct tape
alt="" />. Here's a few examples I wanted to get your opinons on! Aquascape #1:
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alt="" /> these are just a few rough examples. Let me know which one you like best!
I like 2 and 3 the most. First one will look more like a rock wall when the corals grow out.

Since you're starting with dry rock, it's fun to use a chisel and drill with driveway markers or acrylic rods to create some suspended shelves. Not sure how heavy that is but it worked great with my pukani rock.
Just try to envision what corals you want, where you would place them, and how they would grow. You start changing your aquascape then lol! Looks good so far!
I might chisel a few peices. I tried to do something along the lines of the big island, with good room for different coral placement, and to the left a ridge.
alt="" /> I tried putting the exact thing in the tank to take a look and it came out like this,
alt="" /> I'm definitely still going to work on it before I set the tank up. It's been so long that I've aquascaped a tank that didn't have corals,fish,cuc,water. It's sooo less frustrating lol
Another thing to keep in mind, especially if you stick with Kessil's, is shadows. I have a bonsai tree that creates shadows for lower light corals but some would want full light everywhere. Are you going bare bottom? If not think about how a couple inches of sand will change the scape or be prepared to find a way to raise the rock off the bottom the same amount. FWIW, I like the pic above if you're going with 2 lights, one on each side. The different height adds a nice effect too.
I'm going to be adding 80lbs of sand. I'm also going to be using a 150w mh until I get my other kessil. But like I said, I'm still gonna mess around with the rock work. Does anyone have any pics of theirs with a similar approach?
Messing around with the rock work again and finally found something I like for more than 10 minutes lol.
alt="" /> I managed to get the left side done. I put my mh on there because all pictures I took you couldn't see the rock that well. There are a few little caves and crevices, but good options for coral placement.
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alt="" /> there's still room behind as well,
alt="" /> I'm going to continue to figure out the other side.
As I patiently wait for my ro unit to pump some 75g+, I messed around with a few peices of ruble and made an arch,
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alt="" /> super glued it together and am thinking about super gluing it to the rock work (and how to get the super glue off my hands )
Don't trust just the super glue. Get some small acrylic rods and drill holes for them to hold the structure together.
RedStang;996572 wrote: Don't trust just the super glue. Get some small acrylic rods and drill holes for them to hold the structure together.

+1 fiberglass driveway markers also seem to work well as they haven't killed anything in my 30g yet :D
I might try that, although I'm more than likely going to want to change my aquascape at some point. Can you get either one easily at home depot or somewhere?
ReefKeep66;996250 wrote: Today has been one long anticipated! Finally got my rock in and few other goodies. All I'm waiting for now is for my sand to come in. I ordered 45lbs of reef saver dry rock from brs, new ro/di filters, and a new refractometer. The rock was shipped pretty decently as most of it was intact. Thanks to the 10000000000 peanuts inside
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alt="" /> I plan to set the tank up Monday if all goes well. Until then, I'm going to be messing around with aquascapes until I find one I permanently like so I got a peice of cardboard and measured my tank and overflow with duct tape
alt="" />. Here's a few examples I wanted to get your opinons on! Aquascape #1:
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alt="" /> these are just a few rough examples. Let me know which one you like best!

Keep working at it IMO (not knocking what you have there), if that is pukani you can do some REALLY cool stuff. its VERY easy to saw into exactly what you want, and has plenty of holes to use a bit of epoxy and acrylic rods to make some "anti gravity overhangs"
maybe this will inspire you !!!

<div class="gc_ifarem_title">Real Reef Rock Display - YouTube</div>[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyUEuo-KPqA]
Been making ro water 24/7 for the past couple days. Finally got my sand in today,
alt="" /> got around 50+ gallons of mixed saltwater I'm heating up to add first while I finish making the rest. I'll be back with some pictures when the water and sand is in so you can see my cloudy tank lol