Added more rock, how does it look?


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let me know if the aquascaping looks alright. Only light on is a 96w pc actinic, halides are off, fish are tired.

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random GSP pic

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sorry if some of the pics a blurry, i suck at pic taking
Thanks, it's been up for about 6-7 months. I'm working on getting more SPS. I just added another 175w SE 10k halide so i think i'm ready light wise.
I have not gotten around to adding halide light yet. I have only had mine up since x-mas. I have not even made the top to the tank yet. Working to many hours at my job and not enough on my

Do you work at Moody?
yeah i do, i just noticed your in valdosta! That's a first, someone not near atlanta, lol.
That is what I was thinking. Not to many of us on here. Now that I have found you that makes two. How long you been in town?
A friend of mine, is starting a 75g reef tank. He's having the custom built stand and canopy stained this week. Hopefully this weekend he gets it filled. Let me know if you need anything info wise, i have about 4 years of exsp in FOWLR and 2 in reef. I'm working on a sps tank with softies to fill up the unused low light space. If your interested in halides i can provide you with the info to build 250w fixture for under $90. Looks like with your size tank you'll need about 3-4 of them. That price includes the bulb too. Both Tom and i have 2 175w halides with parabolic reflectors...real easy and cheap to make.
It is going kind of brownish, greenish, and red. So I think every thing is back on track. If I could keep the hubby from buying every thing in the store when we go. I think we over did it about two weeks ago. But the water still test good. Do I guess that is all that matters.

Where do you get you fish and stuff from? I mean do you get it here in town or out of town or off line?
That is cool I need to get some halides for my tank. And for that price I could afford it. lol
Yes, I know. I bought a lot of my stuff from them. Started buying from them with my fresh water tank. Have you been to Gainesville they have a good selection also. If you would like you can stop by my work and we can talk fish and lights. We own Pro Street Sounds so any time is good for me. Maybe we can talk about those lights with my husband. He is the handy one. He built my stand for the tank. And as soon as it slows down a bit he will have to get on the top so it will look complete.
here my halides, cost me under $170 for EVERYTHING!

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cool i know where that's at. I work night shift so someday i'll have to stop in.
here is a compairason between the 14k and 10k lights, both bulbs are $10 :)

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I think I can find that much change in the seats of other peoples car. LOL Just jokin'. We are usually there Mon-Fri from 9-6 and on Sat. 9-12 or until we have no more sells.
This is what my tank looks like. Not as nice as your's yet but maybe some day. The Green carpet I got in Gainesville. Saw it and had to have it.
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looks great. That's a large tank to fill. You'll be needing some real large pieces of rock to get to the top. Have you looked into drilling the rock and stacking it on some pvc piping? that would give you a pillars to build off of and at a much cheaper cost.

nice carpet btw, mushrooms look good too.

how are your calcium and akl levels? You'll have to let me know when your shrooms have babies, i alwayse have xenia and gsp frags.
you could get some domino damsels and they will host in the carpet. You could try Clowns, but some wont take to it.
I got the shrooms for Jim about a month ago. I have some different kind of shrooms that another guy here in town gave/sold me. That is it didn't cost as much as if I would of bought them in a lfs. They are in the second pic at the top. It is hard to see them everything was a sleep until I turned the light on so I could get a recent pic of them.

I have not thought of drilling the rocks but that would make since and they would stay in place a lot easier.

Not sure of the Calcium or Alk levels at this time I dont have a test kit yet. I know I am very bad for this but I do take my water every Sat. to Jim and I have him test it.