Another Bryopsis Thread

Well thats all good but like I said no one other than Dave had any Idea who this thread was about. I didn't even consider it was a LFS he was talking about.
Nobody was trying to take a jab at your store here. I hope you understand and I hope I clarified some things. Take care I will hopefully check out the store on Monday of next week. Also I'm sure plenty of people here would like to thank you for the good deals on the reactors in our last group buy. I'm staying out of it from here on out. I just wanted to ease your mind that no one was trying to damage your store with this post and to give you a different perspective of how the thread was percieved. Honestly I gurantee Dave didn't go around saying I can't believe what I saw at Marine Designs the other day. I like Dave and I consider him a stand up individual that would never do something like that. I hope you 2 can work it out. Goodnight
I had a problem with it at the beginning of the year in my QT. Not sure where I got it... But, Dave's Tech M thread was what I followed to eliminate it. Thought I had found other natural solutions but there's a difference between a treatment and a cure. There's no money in the cure. Just ask the pharmaceutical industry!
I intentionally did not implicate any specific person or any specific business in this thread, and the purpose of this thread, as stated in post #1, was to ask if anyone has ever successfully used any biological controls to eliminate rather than only control bryopsis. Seeing it in a newly established reef tank brought up the question.

If the owner of the tank wants to post and name themselves, that is their choice, not mine. My example was generic in nature, and the specifics were not told to anyone.
MarineDesigns;676515 wrote: Also I'm not quit sure of the reply earlier about never to buy a frag at Marine Designs...I'm not quit sure where that comes from but I assume someone had a negative experience. As most of you know I am more than happy to take care of most any problems or issues...but to do so the issue has to be brought to my attention.

Here is the exact quote:

MorganAtlanta;676055 wrote: Wish him the best of luck, and remember not to buy any frags from him.

I don't see the name Marine Designs anywhere in this statement. It was a caution from one Reefer to another to stay away from bryopsis infested corals, given based on a generic system description in post #1 with no idea as to who owns that system.

You have every right to claim that system if you want, but you were not named at all.