Apex problem

My apex is hooked up to my ethernet switch and then to my router from there. Will that pose a problem when it comes time for an update?
Hnguyen;943203 wrote: My apex is hooked up to my ethernet switch and then to my router from there. Will that pose a problem when it comes time for an update?

It shouldn't. That's how I had my Apex Jr. hooked up at my office and was able to update before. I think as long as there is a connection to a router, no wireless between the Apex and the router, it is fine.
you can get this
http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=aBPkAGOinKRyFM&tbnid=_gLvQmcC3lGpEM:&ved=0CAYQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newegg.com%2FProduct%2FProduct.aspx%3FItem%3DN82E16833704165&ei=9KwoU9H5MuGfyQHy34HIAQ&bvm=bv.62922401,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNFmrQZyXorgLYwaGP5f-IWFWGlXSQ&ust=1395261025873361">[IMG]http://images17.newegg.com/is/image/newegg/33-704-165-TS?$S300$" alt="" /></a>

Hnguyen;943287 wrote: Do I also need to hardwire my laptop to the router as well?

Yes. No wireless connections between your computer and the Apex.
I'll wait until Friday night to upgrade in case something goes wrong I won't have to worry about work the next day and I'll have all weekend to mess with it.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
My Apex Jr recently started doing something similar recently, reboots would fix the issue for a little while but not permanently. I upgraded the firmware and web pages to 4.31 and the issues went away.
From all the feedback so far, I'm leaning towards firmware as the cause of all this. It's no surpise that my apex has been working flawlessly since I've been back in town. This just reforces the statement "what can go wrong will go wrong..... when your not home" go figure. lol
Since the update everything's been good. I keep checking things while on vacation. It appears my lights are working normally since my pH when back up. It was staying pretty low while the issues were going on. I get home tonight so hopefully everything will be happy happy.