Are any of these fish jumpers?


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I'm planning on moving some fish to an open top tank, but first I wanted to check if any of them are jumpers. Let me know!

Gold stripe maroon clowns
Six line wrasse
Royal gramma
Blue neon stripe goby
CGill311 wrote: I'm planning on moving some fish to an open top tank, but first I wanted to check if any of them are jumpers. Let me know!

Gold stripe maroon clowns
Six line wrasse
Royal gramma
Blue neon stripe goby

I had jumping issues with one of my Goby's...but it was a Orange Diamond Goby. Good luck!
I had a maroon jump once. what i have learned is that the more streamlined the fish is the more likely to jump it is
None are really bad jumpers.

I've had clowns and a six line jump before but that's the exception rather then the rule.

Definitely true the "faster" a fish looks the more likely he's a jumper with the flasher wrasses probably being the worst.
thats why eels always jump. i had mine jump like 20 times before i realized that he was getting out right under the hang on filter. anyways i have had two tanks open top for a couple of years and only has one jump. I had a clown do it. But i also had a wrasse in there but he didnt jump he got stuck under a rock when he burrowed. I think it was a christmas wrasse. i would go for it. one bad thing is if you have a dog then some how there always is dog hair in my tank. !!!
All fish have to potential to be jumpers. I've even had my blue tang jump. Luckily, he landed in the overflow :)
i agree 10000000% with burdundi. If you have an open tank, any fish, save seahorses are capable of jumping, and it is likely you will have fish jerky sooner or later. as to which ones are more prone, wrasses are known for it, but dont think you'll be safe if you dont have a wrasse. Use caution.
mmmm fish jerkey :tongue: Ok, that was bad, but yes just as everyone states any fish will jump, espically if they feel threatened or maybe they thinkn they can make the fish olympics.
i had a dwarf lionfish jump becaues it was being chased by my snowflake eel. that was a surprise. any fish can jump even lionfish that suck at swiming. good luck
6 lines are notorious for jumping. I had 1 commit suicide about 6 mos ago. He only had a few inches of clearance to get out. My current 6 line has jumped 2 x but luckily he landed in the overflow.
I agree that all fish can be jumpers. I had most anything jump over the years. I don't think speed has anything to do with it. I had a mandarin goby jump (which isn't fast at all) but never a tang, which is very fast. I think it has to do with where they swim, their temperment (skittish fish are more prone to jumping while cool calm fish are less), and their tank mates. I think many jump cases occur when another fish chases the fish out of the tank.
The only fish which is "safe" from jumping are seahorses. Although it may not seem it, it is about swimming speed. Fish can swim faster than you think, especially when frightened. If you dont think so, try to catch one of your "slow" fish in your tank with a net. Seahorses cannot generate the speed to break from the water.
I agree with the overwhelming opinion here: All fish are potential jumpers.

I had a six line for 4+ years and for no apparent reason found him carpet surfing behind the tank. :( Meantime, nothing had changed in my tank during the previous year. Go figure.

A similar incident happened with my daughter's tank with a false perc. Her tank only had a 2"x2" opening for the heater and a powerhead, but that was large enough for it to jump through.

you could always cut out some egg crate and put that over your top... that'd keep most things from worming out
My neon goby jumped into the overflow twice. I finally just left him in there, because he was getting nice and fat and I couldn't get him out.