Bkostuch's 120g Build


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Hey guys, new(er) member here but have trolled the site for a while now. I have been slowly building my 120g setup over the past few months now. I picked up a 4x2x2 tank from another member here a month or so ago which included a stand. After a week or two of figuring out where to place the tank, yes I did it backwards, my wife and I (mainly my wife) agreed on a nice place for the tank in my home office.

So naturally the next steps of the build consisted of an item list of what I still needed and where the heck I was going to get them. So I came up with the following list of items

<li>Sump with Refugium - Ended up going with an Eshopps R-200 and absolutely love it</li>
<li>Skimmer - Picked up a Coralife 125 from a member here, looks good so far :D</li>
<li>Return Pump - Mag 12 which I picked up from another member</li>
<li>MP40 - I feel like a broken record, picked up from another member ;)</li>
<li>Eheim Jager 200W - bought two of these for the tank - 300w was way to long</li>
<li>Base Rock - Combination LFS and ARC Member</li>
<li>Sand - A LFS opened up right about 5 minutes from my house and grabbed about 80lb of dry and 20lbs of Live (not placed in the tank yet)</li>
<li>Tops - Custom made screen tops</li>
<li>Lighting - Grabbed a Photon 48 from Reefbreeders, originally was looking at the Orbits but decided against it with the dimensions of the tank.</li>
<li>Plumbing - my local hardware store, I think my kids are now banned from this place to be honest :)</li>
I ended up testing all the used items and they work like champs, so a big thanks to all those members I purchased items from. As far as the tops, I did a combination of window screen frames with bird netting. I know that their are kits for these but most of the ones I found had the white/clear screens and i wanted to go down the road of all black. And since the bird netting is super thin there is no lighting hindrance. Plus when I was in high school I worked at a window company and used to make screens.... way to many of them :confused2:.

Now on to the progress pictures:

Water testing the tank

http://www.kabweb.com/tank/IMG_0528_1.JPG" alt="" />

Original Sump that wasn't going to work for me
[IMG]http://www.kabweb.com/tank/IMG_0543_1.JPG" alt="" />

Tank and stand
[IMG]http://www.kabweb.com/tank/IMG_0578_1.JPG" alt="" />
Skimmer and Eshopps Sump/Refug
http://www.kabweb.com/tank/IMG_0580_1.JPG" alt="" />

Screens for the Top
[IMG]http://www.kabweb.com/tank/IMG_0581_1.JPG" alt="" />

Screens on the tank
[IMG]http://www.kabweb.com/tank/IMG_0582_1.JPG" alt="" />
Pre Plumbing fit testing

http://www.kabweb.com/tank/IMG_0652_1.JPG" alt="" />

[IMG]http://www.kabweb.com/tank/IMG_0653_1.JPG" alt="" />

[IMG]http://www.kabweb.com/tank/IMG_0655_1.JPG" alt="" />
Sand And Rock placed in the tank
http://www.kabweb.com/tank/IMG_0695_1.JPG" alt="" />

[IMG]http://www.kabweb.com/tank/IMG_0696_1.JPG" alt="" />

Plumbing sealed
[IMG]http://www.kabweb.com/tank/IMG_0698_1.JPG" alt="" />
And apparently I have a friend in the sand... he isn't covering his tracks very well. I am sure he isn't going to be happy once the water gets in the tank. Anyone have a clue what is doing this?

You're off to a good start but as for your friend in the sand, I'd have to say some sort of crab. No matter what it is, it is too funny!
Nice set up, since I'm addicted to builds, I'll keep my eye on it and welcome to team ARC!
Its a Y pipe from the drain, in the picture on the far left it was cut out.
Looking good!!
Did you find out who/what your friend is?

I'd sure want to find it and make sure its "friendly" before I'd fill with water and stick my hand in there! It dosen't look to be exactly small!
Thanks, and yes I found my friend. It was s little beetle, my wife's friend was adamant I was the one making the patterns until she poked around enough and he crawled out of a rock.
Ok so I took a few days to post up more pictures but I have been busy flying around for work and pleasure. So here it goes.

Here is the newer rock scape I decided on, mainly wanted a lot of places for the fish to hide in and also have enough area later for more rock if needed for corals.

http://www.kabweb.com/tank/DSCF8449_1.JPG" alt="" />

Here is my ReefBreeders Photon 48 burned them in for about 4 days to make sure all was good, now its time to program them.

[IMG]http://www.kabweb.com/tank/DSCF8450_1.JPG" alt="" />

And finally I have my RODI setup in my office, nothing perm yet. It feeds from the outside hose through the window next to my desk, the waste runs out the window as well. I have a under faucet Tee adapter coming in the mail and then it will become mobile.

[IMG]http://www.kabweb.com/tank/DSCF8454_1.JPG" alt="" />

Well I have started to fill the tank after the 1-2 hr prime window of the RODI so hopefully I can get this up and running by the weekend. :yay:
Updated pictures of the tank. Prior to the initial cycle phase.

Pre Cycle starting ~6 days ago maybe. - Clean rock, sand clear.
http://www.kabweb.com/tank/DSCF8470_1.JPG" alt="" />

2 Damsels in the tank (yes I know, shame on me for live fish in cycle:yikes:) I was thinking of how I cycled tanks 15 years ago. But they are very happy and active. My kids have named them Mario and Luigi. :)
[IMG]http://www.kabweb.com/tank/DSCF8471_1.JPG" alt="" />
Current pictures from today (5/31/15)

Last six days have been crazy with the diatoms blooming everywhere, they look to be dying off a little though.
http://www.kabweb.com/tank/DSCF8490_1.JPG" alt="" />

Wider picture of the full tank in cycle.
[IMG]http://www.kabweb.com/tank/DSCF8491_1.JPG" alt="" />
looks like a pretty average diatom bloom to me! should go away soon enough.
Diatoms died off and I have been testing daily watching my levels.

Ammonia is 0
PH is sitting at 8.1
Nitrite is between 0 and .25
Nitrate goes between 5 and the occasional 10

I haven't performed a water change yet, plan to do so this weekend. Mario and Luigi (Damsels) are happy and hungry little guys. :fish::fish:

I assume since Ammonia and Nitrite is pretty much 0, I am towards the end of the cycle. I plan on getting a couple hermits if the levels stay the same over the next couple days.
It has been a couple days since the last update. CUC is in full force.. well a force of about 5 Hermits, and 2 Emerald crabs :D. Only other fish I added was a Diamond Goby, my sand is way to fine and he is the only thing keeping up with the random Diatoms. I have more pictures shortly.

Tank parameters are rock solid now and have been this way since the last update.

Salinity - 1.025
PH - 8.1
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
