Blue Spotted Stingray?


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Ok, so Petland had one, now I want one!! He's small, about the size of a loose fist and 60 bucks. I can't have this guy, because I have nowhere for him.

BUT- what if I put him in the 55 when Dennis gets it resealed? Lets' say him and the puffer on a sand bed with a few LRs... Sound ok?

Opinions please!! Trying very hard to resist going to buy this guy!!
Impulse buying and this hobby are recipes for disaster :). Glad you were able to resist though! If you're going to get one of these, make sure that its eating... Have them feed it at the store. If it readily eats then it should be fine. Not so sure though that it'll do so well in a 55.
FutureInterest;75547 wrote: Impulse buying and this hobby are recipes for disaster :). Glad you were able to resist though! If you're going to get one of these, make sure that its eating... Have them feed it at the store. If it readily eats then it should be fine. Not so sure though that it'll do so well in a 55.

I agree totally. Stringray should have a dedicated tank, with very fine sand, and a big footprint. I think a 55 would be a terrible tank for one. Although the cortez/california stingrays dont get that big, they are still very difficult to house properly.
Kimberly, I read where someone told Linda this and I think it applies here also. "Step away from the tank!" Jeff:yes:
Don't worry.... he's already sold :) and NOT to me :sad:

Guess I'll wait a while longer.. thanks yall!
jefft;75566 wrote: Kimberly, I read where someone told Linda this and I think it applies here also. "Step away from the tank!" Jeff:yes:

Research research research. With the exception of the first 3 fish I put in the tank, I've managed to resist all impulse buys, even though I've seen so many amazing critters that I sure wanted to buy on the spot.

Three things I've learned:

* If the LFS assures me that a particular purchase is fine, I research it anyway. LFS's want to make that sale, especially with those higher-priced exotics. If research seems to indicate that the addition <u>might</u> be okay, I ask the club anyway. Someone will have first-hand experience or at least second-hand knowledge of the species I'm considering.

* If I find myself saying "wow, I'll bet no one has one of <u>those</u>!!", there's generally a good reason. If the critter is especially unique and I've seen no one on the boards talking about owning or caring for one, then care is probably difficult and survival expectancy is slim to none except for the very skilled reefer. When I've asked, someone will be quick to say "been there, done that and here's why you probably shouldn't go there." Sure saves a lot of $$$!!

* Carry a pocket guide at all times.

~ Linda

(now... if I could just apply these practices to chocolate!!!)

Yeah, so far the only impulse buy was the condi.. no wait... the jawfish.. no, it was the puffer... Ok, maybe I'm bad at that...

We've had a jawfish and a puffer before, so we knew what we were getting into... But we didn't think the puffer would eat him! The condi really was an impulse buy, good thing he's worked out! Except lately he will NOT find a spot and stay there! I keep having to move coral around and around.. Had my arm in there 4 times yesterday!

What if the stingray went in one of those tanks that looked like a coffee bar? Where are the filters on those? That way, he'd have at least 6 x 3ft of room.
Nevermind.. I was thinking of the glass coffe table types at But those are only 25gs, Def. not enough..