Bryopsis solution verified


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As many here know, I've been fighting a serious outbreak of Byropsis plumosa</em>, which looks something like this:

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In the past 14 years of being in this hobby, I've always heard about bryopsis, but have never dealt with it first hand. Until now. It was covering about 60-70% of my rock. Not exactly the look I was going for.

It's very invasive - it slowly covers everything, and can't be removed manually. A single cell is all that's needed for it to restablish, so nothing short of boiling the rock will get it off. Based on what I've read, I've tried:

a) manual removal
b) urchins, hermits, foxface, tangs, sea slugs
c) adding a considerable amount of GFO - measured in 1/2 gallon increments
d) adding a sulfur denitrator
e) large water changes (though with 800g of water in the system, large is only ~50%)
f) adding magnesium beyond 1700ppm
g) cutting lights out for 3 full days
h) cutting back feeding

The f) one is interesting. I read a number of threads about adding magnesium chloride from the standard 1300ppm to over 1700ppm. So after adding a couple gallons of MgCl and then ordering another 5g bucket from, I was up to 1700 or 2100, depending on the test kit I read, and absolutely no change was seen.

I finally read that you have to use Kent Tech M magnesium:

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Supposedly, there's something in the Tech M that causes the bryopsis to go away- either an impurity or something about how it's made. I read everything out there about reefs with a hefty grain of salt, but was willing to try just about anything. So I ordered 4 gallons @ $30/gal.

I added at about 2-3 cups per day (again, remember I have 800gals), and after about a week, I started to notice the bryopsis turning color. After another 3-4 days, it started to die right off the rocks. I still have some dying off, but it's only been a week and a half (after looking at it for 6 months). I started seeing results after about 2 gallons.

This was not a scientific experiment, but my tank, so I really didn't care which methods or even combination of methods was needed. I don't know if the formula is 2gal of Tech M for 800gal of tank water, if the existing Mg levels had anything to do with it, or if something else is related. Honestly, I don't care - it's going away. :)
I'll take some tomorrow. I couldn't bring myself to take pictures when all this started, so I don't have any pics at it's worst.

dawgdude;332093 wrote: Haha WOW thats an awesome find! Now cure aiptaisa!

Well, I can't take credit for the find- can only confirm it.

I don't think aiptasia will be quite as easy, but I found the cure for majanoes- replace all your rock... I finally ridded myself of the little *******s by replacing everything and kalk'ing the remaining ones I found. I guess the aiptasia would be about the same... :)
Chris I wish I had known that you were battling it. I did the research regarding the high mag levels and dicovered the same thing about using kent . It is a theory that because it contains a signifitly higher copper content, it is the copper. No real proof of that but seams to be the only thing that stands out differently than the rest of mag adds. A lot of people had some invert die off along with this treatment. Have you noticed any?
grouper therapy;332100 wrote: Chris I wish I had known that you were battling it. I did the research regarding the high mag levels and dicovered the same thing about using kent . It is a theory that because it contains a signifitly higher copper content, it is the copper. No real proof of that but seams to be the only thing that stands out differently than the rest og mag adds. A lot of people had some invert die off along with this treatment. Have you noticed any?

Intersting. I noticed two of my corals having what could be described as "burned tips", but nothing extreme. Now that you've said that, I think I'll test for copper to see if anything shows up. I guess I should also plan for some poly pads and large water changes after this clears up.

Honestly, I'm willing to sacrifice some corals if it means getting rid of it...
I am with you on the sacrifices. That stuff can be bad news. I have had it in my tank from time to time and finally removed the rock it was on. With 11 tangs and a rabbit fish they keep it at bay until it disappears. None of them activily eat it, with so many in there they just take turns taste testing
I should add that in most of the cases that inverts were affected it was mainly snails, starfish etc.
I just tested with a mediocre copper test kit (it's amazing I have one at all). I can't really tell, but it does look like the copper test somewhere between 0 and 0.25mg. I'll need to test against a clean sample to be sure.

I haven't seen any loss of inverts yet - my shrimp, snails, cucumber, and hermits all seem to be fine so far.
Thanks for the Post Chris! I am going to give it a go with the Kent product and will let you know how it goes... I have both Bryopsis and regular hair algea in spots. The GFO seemed to slow it down for me but not make it retreat.
Great, hopefully you will not have any problems. Please rmember I said theory. But it seemed the only logical reason since copper content was the only testable difference and the invert side effects. I think it is wise to appoach the idea as you have by testing for copper just in case.
Hope all goes well.
Chris, what level of Mg did you start with before adding the Tech M and where are you now?
Schwaggs;332144 wrote: Chris, what level of Mg did you start with before adding the Tech M and where are you now?

I">think</a> it was ~1700. I haven't tested it since I started (yes, I'm a bad reefer..).

Honestly, I would try it without boosting the magnesium first, just in case the high Mg has some effect that's not known yet.
I would like to say I have been in the same position with the bryopsis outbreak. I posted about it on here as well. I fought it for 6 months and it wiped out 90% of my corals. I had it on 70-80% of my rock. Tried a small bottle of tech M after the serious researching.... It seemed to kill some of it off. I ended up ordering a gallon jug and using half a gallon in a week. Within the next week all the bryopsis was dead and floating away. clogging up anything it could. But, it was dead.. And hasnt resurfaced since...

Best $$ spent on supplements yet.
I'm getting some of this TODAY if I can find it. Who sells Kent products?
Thanks Chris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most places sell it, but unless you have a nano tank, the amounts available locally probably won't be enough (or it'll be too expensive).

I'd recommend using
If you are going uber heavy on Tech M, be sure to watch for ammonia also.

We use Tech M - but you should be aware that it does react with SW and creates a bit of ammonia. With normal dosing it is not usually an issue but if you are going heavy on it, you might want to keep an eye on it.

Don't know about copper in it but I can run a test on that. Do realize that *elemental* copper is necessary to all life - it's a trace element. Trace is the operative word. There's a world of difference between trace/elemental copper and a therapeutic dose (ie to kill ich).

You should be testing your MG too.

We've found that Tech M or Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium (in crystal form) helps win the war against Cyano also.

mojo;332280 wrote: Most places sell it, but unless you have a nano tank, the amounts available locally probably won't be enough (or it'll be too expensive).

I'd recommend using">Dr Fosters and Smith</a> or [IMG]">Marine Depot</a> - even with shipping, it'd be much cheaper.[/QUOTE]

Before you send your money to Wisconsin - ask your LFS if they can get it for you :)

I can get the half-gallon through regular channels and I usually keep one in stock, a gallon may be a special order - but give your LOCAL store a shot at it before you go elsewhere (I'm speaking for ALL locals here, not just me)... if your local can't/won't - then by all means order it online - but you might be surprised - your local shopkeeper can probably help you out, for a fair price.

JennM;332281 wrote: If you are going uber heavy on Tech M, be sure to watch for ammonia also.

We use Tech M - but you should be aware that it does react with SW and creates a bit of ammonia. With normal dosing it is not usually an issue but if you are going heavy on it, you might want to keep an eye on it.

Actually, all magnesium products will contain ammonia, so this advice is good for all Mg supplements - not just Tech M. I forget the exact process, but ammonia is bound to the magnesium as part of the extraction or purification. Either way, it's a good idea to use an ammonia neutralizer at the same time and don't add it all at once.

Don't know about copper in it but I can run a test on that. Do realize that *elemental* copper is necessary to all life - it's a trace element. Trace is the operative word. There's a world of difference between trace/elemental copper and a therapeutic dose (ie to kill ich).
Please post if you try to test this. My test kit isn't sensitive enough to pick up trace amounts.

We've found that Tech M or Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium (in crystal form) helps win the war against Cyano also.
Interesting. I didn't have this luck... only the bryopsis, although I'm almost certain that other types of algae will crop up with that much algae die-off in the tank.

Before you send your money to Wisconsin - ask your LFS if they can get it for you :)

I can get the half-gallon through regular channels, a gallon may be a special order - but give your LOCAL store a shot at it before you go elsewhere (I'm speaking for ALL locals here, not just me)... if your local can't/won't - then by all means order it online - but you might be surprised - your local shopkeeper can probably help you out, for a fair price.

Jenn's right- it'd be best to support your LFS these days, esp. if you can get it at a fair price.
Well, Cyano is a bacterium, not an algae :) But it behaves much in the same way insofar as it's fed by light and nutrients.

Seachem Ions does NOT react in the same way - no ammonia. Brian learned that at Seachem's training session last week - and we did our own tests as well. We also tested Brightwell Magnesion and got a similar result (+ammonia)... Magnesion is more concentrated and ionic... not sure if it would prompt the same result as the TechM but it might be worth investigating... less cost/less product needed to achieve the same concentration - but that's another post.

My copper test will not detect trace - but if it's more than it should be, it will pick it up - so if I think of it/have time, I may give it a shot today and see. Somehow I doubt it's that though.

IF the crystalized form of Magnesium is as effective as the Tech M (meaning there's no other proprietary compound in the Kent product that's really doing the work) - it would be much more cost effective to go with the Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium. That's a big IF though since we don't really know if it's the MG on its own, or in combination with some other ingredient in the Tech M.

2 KG of the Seachem product would cost about as much as 64 oz of the Kent product. I'd have to look at the dosing instructions on both (I'm not at work yet) but I'd venture to say that you need less of the dry version - as a liquid has lots of water in it.

But the variable remains - is it something the Kent has that nobody else does?

Might be fodder for an experiment... :) 4 similar tanks with bryopsis, one being a control, the other 3 using Kent, Brightwell and Seachem products. Could go one more using the Aquavitro Ions too...

Now we need a willing subject with 4 or 5 tanks full of the stuff LOL!
