Bryopsis solution verified

dawgdude;387931 wrote: Ive heard acanthurus tangs are more prone to eat this form of algae. Anyone seen this?

I have an Acanthurus nigrofuscus</em> (lavender) tang who wont touch it. :(
dawgdude;387931 wrote: Ive heard acanthurus tangs are more prone to eat this form of algae. Anyone seen this?

Interesting. I added a powder blue tang that I got from Joe/sailfish recently, and happens to be an acanthurus tang. I'll keep an eye on it and see if the PBT does any byropsis damage.
seaslug attempt?"><span style="color: #22229c"></span></a>

Regarding Steve Wheeler's [IMG]"><span style="color: #22229c">query</span></a> about British sea slug predators of [I]Bryopsis</em>: According to T.E. Thompson (1976), the British sacoglossans [I]Placida dendritica</em> and [I]Limapontia capitata</em> will eat it. I have found the former feeding on [I]Bryopsis corticulans</em> in California and Oregon. It is possible (and already known?) that [I]Elysia viridis</em> from Britain feed on [I]Bryopsis</em>.

[IMG]"><span style="color: #22229c"></span></a>
Wonder if that seaslug would survive in a reef tank. Aren't the waters off California and Oregon a good bit colder than we keep our tanks?
A readily available Sea Hare is doing wonders in my tanks. I move it from tank to tank as soon as it eradicates all the HA in a tank.
I'd be tempted in getting one but I only have one tank with HA in it. Though if you want to lend him to me, I'd be happy to give him a smorgasborg of HA for him to munch on for a week or 2. heh
Don't confuse hair algae with bryopis,two different things.I just starting dosing the kent tech-m. I hope it does the trick.Going to get the mag up 1600-1800 and keep it there for 3-4 weeks.Nothing else I have done has worked.
I still can't tell if mine is standard HA or bryopsis. It doesn't look like a fern, but since the tank switch, I'm only feeding pellets (all of which are consumed), skimming wetter (full cup every 2 days), doing weekly 20 gallon water changes, and still the algae grows, and it's starting to get onto a few corals. I'm about ready to try the Kent Tech M, but it looks like I'll need at least a gallon to bump the MG up to 1800...very frustrating stuff.
au01st;388366 wrote: I still can't tell if mine is standard HA or bryopsis. It doesn't look like a fern, but since the tank switch, I'm only feeding pellets (all of which are consumed), skimming wetter (full cup every 2 days), doing weekly 20 gallon water changes, and still the algae grows, and it's starting to get onto a few corals. I'm about ready to try the Kent Tech M, but it looks like I'll need at least a gallon to bump the MG up to 1800...very frustrating stuff.

Post a pic of your algae. If the end of the algae strands looks like a feather or fern tip, odds are it's bryopsis.
<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">After my discussion on here about it, physical removal and Kent M are really the only thing that has seemed to work. Taking the nutrients out will not kill it. If I remember correctly, nutrients do not fuel its growth. So adding a large refuge isnt going to help. Also, you will not find the Elysia Viridia sea slug in LFS. I think I was told they are not common and never available. But Im not the expert, just my .02. Keep us updated adn good luck!</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman"><span style="font-size: 13px"></span></span>
dawgdude;389028 wrote: You pretty much summed it up.
+1 here
That is what worked for me. I was able to obtain some of the slugs and they did help but were blown away by the closed loop.
Been dosing kent tech-m for two weeks now. Took it slow. Mag at 1600 ppm . Bryopisis almost gone. Has affected a few corals.But they will recover.Going to maintain it at this level for another week or so.
The bryopsis has returned for me, I have ordered another round of Tech M and I will just prolong the high levels of Magnesium. I got up to 1900 ppm or so and only maintained it there for 3 weeks. I think if I double that time frame, it will keep it from resurfacing. Of course the 2nd round could be cross contamination from the QT system, I haven't moved any corals over but, if someone were picking bryopsis in one system and then stuck their hand in the other system....

I am going to maintain mine at the current level for a while to make sure I get it all.It hasnt really bothered but a couple of corals. Some fire and ice zoas closed up.And my jolly green giant PE's turned white with the brightest green mouth,Kind of hope they stay this way after I return to normal levels.
Hey Tim,
Any update on your war vs bryopsis? Did that second round of Tech M do the trick? Just wondering.
It has not returned in my tank.But I kept the level up for almost a month.Then slowly lowered it with normal water changes.
This has been a very helpful tread! I am new to the hobby, and have thankfully never had to deal with the dreaded Bryopsis (knock on wood that I NEVER have it).

I have read several threads on the subject, and it seems like Bryopsis is kind of like a terminal disease for an afflicted aquarium. I appreciate your feedback on a successful treatment, as I have not heard about a lot of people successfully beating it! :up:
Put another one in the success book. I treated the same way kelleyga36 did. I also tried some other magnesiums before the techm that had no effect.
It's completely gone in my DT now, and just a few places left in the frag tank. I can only attribute it to large water changes every week for a couple months...