Build: 200 gallon frag system

One more thing to add, anyone who says that argonite doesn't buffer PH, I will argue with. I think if you have enough it absolutely does. I have about 30sqft of argonite open to the water column, and my ph _never_ goes below 8.3 and is usually sitting closer to 8.4. It's so high in fact I had to switch to baking soda to buffer alk.
Just thought that was interesting.
I watched that video a few days ago; didn't realize it was you. Great prices and very well shipped! Do you have plans to sell SPS corals?
currently no plans for SPS, not much experience shipping it.

I am working with a company to build a styrofoam insert for the boxes, and then I will be using sheets of spaceloft for the top and bottom. at that point, I think I will have the best insulation of any coral company.

I'm not going to lie, building this little biz is both extremely expensive, and the most fun project I've ever worked on :D
Quick update. As the summer months are beginning to wind down, I can say that I successfully went the entire summer without ever having to use an AC unit in the system. The air duct is pulling air in from the garage, and pushing it outside the house. What I have found is that this not only keeps me in great shape PH wise, but the rapid evaporation keeps the tanks temperature from going out of range. Based on my seneye system, the highest temp I ever obtained in there was 81.6.

Now i do get a swing in temp from day to night. That can be as much as 2.5 degrees, but nothing seems to care.

Aside from that, nothing much to update. System has had as much as 400 frags in it with no trouble at all. I did finally add dosers to help me maintain.

Overall, I would do this project again, I'd just have a built in sump with a waterfall overflow instead so I could crank up the return more.
Oh on a side note, revamping my packaging again to use 3d printed canisters with spaceloft in the walls. First shipment to the west coast went out yesterday, and based on my test, i expect it to do very well.
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I spent a lot of time (I mean a _lot_ of time) working on packaging, and protecting the shipment while fitting the coral into a flat rate USPS overnight bag. Used my freezer as a benchmark for thermal performance.

I did a test of 30 minutes in the freezer at 0 degrees. These are the results (temperature drop over 30 minutes)

Control (no insulation): 136.3 degrees lost (extrapolated)
Insulated bag (like in billy pipes' video): 78.3 degrees lost
Styrofoam cooler: 89.262 degrees lost
New spaceloft pod (as pictured): 14.1 degrees lost.

Takes a solid two days or so to print one, but I am assembly an army of these :D