cichlid question.


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ok i have a convict cichlid in a tank by himself.
hes by himself because he kills everything you put
with him in hours. i do mean anything. hes about the size of your hand.
ok so hes been acting strange the last 2 weeks.
seems like hes hiding in this tunnel rock thingy i have in his tank
and when you see him its like hes trying to float on his side.
yes he eats great, no problems there. he has no bloating going on
or marks on his body. no visible worms either. watrchanges on the regular as well. no i dont know the params. any ideas guys? achrodave?

ok second question, what type of water test kit should i get for this and my other cichlid tank?
what are the more important tests i should be doing?
Man that could be all sorts of stuff, obviously you know you need to test the water. Where did the tank come from? How long has he been in the tank?

What kind of water are you using? I'd be checking Nitrates, PH, Temp, etc.

Are your PH and Temp stable?
finally somebody......

yes temps are stable, and hes been in this tank about 3 yrs.
the water comes 50/50 from my DO/DI and the tap.
yes its treated.
ive noticed he has a white injury looking mark on his top fin.
hes been acting like thislong before the mark showed up.
he might have gotten that going in and out of his cave.
forcing himself of course because hes to big lol.
i do need to check the PH for this guy. what should it be at
for these fish? i hear that its a little off compared to other fish.
The PH range is pretty huge as long as it's stable. Anywhere between low 6's up to 8.

Can you take a picture of the mark? What temp do you maintain?

What size is the tank?
NanoNano;577145 wrote: The PH range is pretty huge as long as it's stable. Anywhere between low 6's up to 8.

Can you take a picture of the mark? What temp do you maintain?

What size is the tank?

hes in a 30gal tank.
pics are impossible as my camera really does SUCK.
i hate it lol. the temps 78-82.
whats got ya thinking about the white mark?
i do have a selection of med for freshwater........
hes been eating mysis as well. he eats very well indeed.
I'm not really sure... That's why I wanted to see it. Is it a lesion? Or a cut? Does it look infected? I know you said you didn't see any parasites.
From when I kept malawi chiclids (not very long though before i went full salt) I thought as they age they move into higher PH waters and ultimately in waters with a higher salinity...I kept my cichlids in brakish water with green spotted puffers.
NanoNano;577181 wrote: I'm not really sure... That's why I wanted to see it. Is it a lesion? Or a cut? Does it look infected? I know you said you didn't see any parasites.

it just looks like a little white spot where hes rubbed himself by coming and going from the cave. the entrence isnt tall enough for him.
it doesnt look infected honestly. hes not swollen anywhere either.
should i be adding salt to his tank or no?
ricksconnected;577374 wrote: it just looks like a little white spot where hes rubbed himself by coming and going from the cave. the entrence isnt tall enough for him.
it doesnt look infected honestly. hes not swollen anywhere either.
should i be adding salt to his tank or no?

No. You don't have to. They can tolerate it and live fine with it once they get used to it but it isn't necessary with a South American Cichlid.
im trying to get a pic up in a couple hrs nano.
kirsten brought home the camera from work for this purpose.
Large water changes 50%+ (unless it's been a long time). Anytime you're in doubt. You said they have been on the regular. What is the regular?

Get the basics (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH). pH needs to be stable, don't chase a number. API is pretty good for FW. Sorry to see this so late.
i did a 50% WC a week ago and hit it with prime.
maybe i should do one tonight.
come on HN1 get in here and get involved lol.
i need you maaaaan :D
man i tried and i tried to gea clear close up pic last night. i guess cameras and i dont get along. we do another 80% WC last night.
the tests improved a bit.
the white mark we are talking about has started to look like a bity cotton ball on him if that helps. hes a older fish, maybe hes about to pass or something. :sad:
ricksconnected;577499 wrote: man i tried and i tried to gea clear close up pic last night. i guess cameras and i dont get along. we do another 80% WC last night.
the tests improved a bit.
the white mark we are talking about has started to look like a bity cotton ball on him if that helps. hes a older fish, maybe hes about to pass or something. :sad:

That doesn't sound like a scratch.

Fungal Infection or Ich possibly.