cichlid question.


Saprolegnia - Cotton wool Fungus

Fungus is another common disease that affects fish. Most fungus infections are connected to water moulds from the class Oomycetes. From the many different types of fungi, saprolegnia is most commonly known to affect fish. Saprolegnia is a filamentous fungi that can prove to be fatal if it is not treated in the early stages. As with all common moulds, it feeds by secreting digestive enzymes onto its surrounding area. These enzymes break down the cells and tissues on the surrounding object. The fungi then absorbs nutrients such as proteins and carbohydrates.

Water moulds are saprotrophs. Saprotrophs are organisms that obtain their nutrients from non-living organic matter, which in this case, will be fish waste, uneaten food, dead fish etc. However, they are opportunistic parasites that will take advantage on stressed or weakened fish. Water moulds are made of a tangled group of filaments called hyphae. As the group of hyphae grows, it becomes compressed tufts that are collectively called mycelium. This mass of fungi filaments can be seen clearly without the aid of a microscope. The moulds reproduce by releasing thousands of spores into the water. Spores of fungi are always present in aquariums and ponds and cannot be eliminated.

This disease more often comes as a secondary infection. Occasionally it may act as a primary pathogen infecting fish that have not been suffering recently from any infection, mistreatment etc. Fish that are handled roughly: their outer skin can be scraped off. When the skin's protective layer is damaged or removed it enables fungus to move in. Keep in mind that poor water conditions enable diseases to break out fast. Low temperatures, too, are primary causes.

Fungus also affect fish eggs, usually the unfertile ones, however if not treated soon enough it will spread to the fertile eggs as well. The fungus appears as grey or white patches on the fish. Generally at first, saprolegnia establishes as small infections in a specific area and thereafter spreads rapidly over the body and gills of the fish. Sometimes there may be inflammation but unless there is an underlying bacterial infection it is not common.

Never under-estimate the danger of this disease. The danger with saprolegnia comes from the speed at which it spreads and the area that is damaged, in which case protein and serum is lost. Fungus can be somewhat difficult to treat, however, our recommendation in treatment would be Maracyn, Maracyn II or Rid Fungus. A 50% water change should be made before the dosage is applied as partial water changes cannot be done during the time in which treatment is in process as it weakens the medication. When the treatment is complete, a 50% should be done again to help remove the medication.
ich no, its to big.
it started off as a scratch but started having that cotton ball look last night after work. even still he was acting the way he is before the sratch ever appeared.
so how should i treat this nano?
I agree with nano, stable pH is what you want. Not messing with it is usually the best course for most fish.

I'm simple, if I can't 100% ID something I resort to clean water. 50-80% 2-3 times a week will allow fish to fight through a lot of stuff. Guessing and improperly medicating is probably fatal to more fish than a lot of the baddies actually are. All JMO, like I said, I's simple.

Anyone know if the reagents in API's SW & FW kits are the same? I didn't think they'd work for both.
ricksconnected;577510 wrote: ich no, its to big.
it started off as a scratch but started having that cotton ball look last night after work. even still he was acting the way he is before the sratch ever appeared.
so how should i treat this nano?

Didn't see this.

That's good news. I'd just go with uber clean water for awhile, but if it's an infected wound pimafix/melafix may be an option as well.
just fed him and hes still eating like a pig for sure, mysis laced with seachem's nourish.
i will be changing out his filters today as well.
ok one suggest meds and the other suggests major WC's.
im suprised your the only ones offering suggestions on this topic.
but then again.............:D
thanks guys for helping out.
keep the ideas coming.
ricksconnected;577525 wrote: just fed him and hes still eating like a pig for sure, mysis laced with seachem's nourish.
i will be changing out his filters today as well.
ok one suggest meds and the other suggests major WC's.
im suprised your the only ones offering suggestions on this topic.
but then again.............:D
thanks guys for helping out.
keep the ideas coming.

All those snooties too good to come to the FW forum. :lol2:
ricksconnected;577525 wrote: just fed him and hes still eating like a pig for sure, mysis laced with seachem's nourish.
i will be changing out his filters today as well.
ok one suggest meds and the other suggests major WC's.
im suprised your the only ones offering suggestions on this topic.
but then again.............:D
thanks guys for helping out.
keep the ideas coming.

What do you mean by that? Filter media only needs to be rinsed (in treated or old tank water). Replacing them throws your bacterial colony out and puts you into at least a mini-cycle. We have filter media that's lasted 5 years before needing to be chucked because it was starting to fall apart. Cheaper too. ;)
i chnge mine every 3 months like clockwork.
seems to make the water more clear when i do that.
FWIW rick, i keep a bunch of convicts, and i use a rift lake mix in with them. it's a homemeade one, for each 10 gallons i mix 1/2 teaspoon each (measuring spoon, not eyeballed) of bicarb, not iodised table salt and epsom salts.
Maybe they need it, maybe they don't, i am certainly not an expert in that field.

i also keep the juveniles in a grow out tank with some red zebra crossbred looking things. personally i was hoping the convicts would eat them cos their momma wwas shimmying for a johanni.. weirdo
btw, i realise i have bumped an older thread, hope the fish is still with us
ricksconnected;577653 wrote: i chnge mine every 3 months like clockwork.
seems to make the water more clear when i do that.

Hey Rick!! I assume by convict u mean "archocentrus nigrofasciatus" my first fish back n 1980 something. First off I should note 3 months apart may stretch it for this lil guy. He is a terribly messy eater as I'm sure u know. Your ph should be fine whatever it's at as long as we don't bounce around to much. Missed what your alk was. If the fish is getting a fungal style infection. We need to know what caused it? N y didn't it heal before it got infected? First do u have a nano power head n your tank? They r often found n fast moving streams n slow stagnant water can help promote infection. I asum u don't have plants n your tank because they will eat or uproot most of them. All though I have had success with swords. Also do u use a gravel bottom? It's very important question!!! Also what do u feed him because if u had him so long and he's developing problems know maby it's diet?? I feed mine zucchini 1 time every 2 weeks. N a absolutely u can keep other fish with that guy. He may have killed those so far but if u want a female I'll give u 1 free o charge. I also have some in a 20g with a red devil, 1 in a 29g with sydontis cat, pictus cat, 1 in a 55g with a zebra. Oh and I would deff add a little salt to your tank if he has an infection so long as live plants would not be infected.
yes he has a gravel bottom. looks like creek rock, pea gravel size.
that white puff has since gone away. hes still very tippy and lathargic (sp) though. hes blind and i do have to add a bit more food than normal so he doesnt spend all his energy seeking food. burning up food cals to find food isnt good IMHO. ok they do it in nature but being blind is tough on him finding his food. im gonna remove all his gravel tonight and wash the heck out of it. ive noticed the last water change his gravel was more dirty than expected.
i have a 55 full of females down stairs. problem is, they are all from the same family going back a few gen. i need males bad. i might take you up on your offer though for him. will break up the pool a little if ya know what i mean.
his food is some kind of tetra flake food.:unsure:
why do you feed yours veggies?
i can send you a few younger males if you like. i have a bucket load of them. it would probably be in a week or so. Just so you know though, the father of these little guys throws an albino fry or 2 in every batch, so you may end up with a couple of whities :)
I can get u a male then since u have so many females. Diet change is important for fish just the same as humans we may live off of a steak everyday but if we don't get in some veggies our system will run short on certin minerals. Rock is it smooth or like that walmart sharp edged stuff. Reason I'm asking is they love to dig so fine sand or smooth small stones are best.
that would be great. i just lost the last (female) of a breeding pair.
i watched these two grow up even. had them for yrs. the male died summer before last and she died 2 months ago.
i gave all of my last batch of whites away just weeks before he died. :sad:
the problem with ole fishstick is he kills everything in his path. always has since he was very little. use to breed like crazy. i believe all the fish down stairs are his kids if i remember right. ive thought about putting in a couple small clay pots in his tank if i add a female so she will have a secure place to hide if FS gets on a rage. might perk him up if he had company too.
RaisedOnNintendo;586050 wrote: Reason I'm asking is they love to dig so fine sand or smooth small stones are best.

ive heard of fine sand but have been afraid to use it not knowing how to clean it. like im removing the gravel tonight for a super cleaning, dont know if thats possible with sand.
so what main staple do you guys feed yours?
i wonder if ole FS will eat veggies? if it were stapled to another fish i know he would lol. hes retired so many of my fish over the yrs. hundreds worth im willing to bet. i was gonna get rid of him but figured somebody would kill him because hes so bad, so i got him his own 30 setup.
Got another question for u though. If it was a couple of years ago where did u get him from? Reason I'm asking is I had 4 separate breeding pairs all wild caught. That I use to wholesale to lfs along with many other fish. I no longer do this any more because alot of stores closed down. But just incase I still know what parents went to each store and u don't get any inbreed 1's