Cipro anemone treatment

You might want to call National Fish Pharmaceuticals, and ask about possibly using Enrofloxacin instead of Ciprofloxacin.

It appears to be more bio-available with a similar mechanism of activity.

They are not cheap, but are pharmacists with specialization in aquatic diseases. Their number is at the top of the page in the link below-

You might want to call National Fish Pharmaceuticals, and ask about possibly using Enrofloxacin instead of Ciprofloxacin.

It appears to be more bio-available with a similar mechanism of activity.

They are not cheap, but are pharmacists with specialization in aquatic diseases. Their number is at the top of the page in the link below-

Wondering if they can give me less than 100 grams. Lol that’s a lot of treatments. It does have the same description as the cipro though. Thanks for sharing that, now I can search for more than one medication
These days it’s all about liability unfortunately. I found it hard to get interceptor last year. Good luck.