Clown aggression?

Well i dont know if this is what you mean but, I originally had two Picasso clowns that never hosted in a nem, So i added another regular Ocellaris clownfish that was hosting in a nem that i bought. The biggest of my original two and the new one went at it for a day or two. Nothing major just a lot of chasing and twitching. After they got it figured out the one just stays with the nems in my tank and the other two just stay where they have always hosted...the top right side in the back of my tank. But the one that host is now going for my arm whenever i put it in the tank.
I had a single mocha misbar that would go after everything near her nem including me, didn't know if would be worse with a pair?
It also depends on the species. Some can be aggressive no matter what. With my Golden Nuggets, their maroons, the female was aggressive no matter where they were hosting. Once I added a nem it took a couple months till she started hosting it. The pair then defend it just like they did their corner of the tank.
My maroons are foaming at the mouth cujo kind of aggressive - one with the entire 40 gallon tank he is in - the other protects it's host anemone from everything - and the entire 120g tank from the algae scraper, net & my hands. Anything else in the tank is just fine as long as it stays a couple inches away from the anemone. They both show identical levels of aggression with or without an anemone.

My less than a week old little ocellaris clowns could care less about anything. They currently are hosted by a piece of PVC pipe (no anemone in this tank right now) but are showing zero signs of aggression towards my hands. They are new though and I won't be surprised to see that change.
George and weezy my homeless clownfish are fine with other fish, but if I stick my hand in the tank she attacks me like she's a piranha, the entire time my hands in there she's biting me
The Misbar's are Amphiprion ocellaris, generally considered the least aggressive. Maroon's (Premnas biaculeatus) and Clarki (Amphiprion clarkii) are much worse.
It still comes down to luck of the draw.
This is why I read everything! I had no idea they were aggressive. The 2 little ones I just got are in a bare bones QT currently with only one small piece of pvc. Nemo tends to hang upside down in the back upper left corner of the tank and the last 2 days Marlon has taken up residence in the pvc. They hang out together too. Haven’t noticed any aggression when I reach in for water samples or whatever but we’ve had them less than a week So time will tell I guess.
This is why I read everything! I had no idea they were aggressive. The 2 little ones I just got are in a bare bones QT currently with only one small piece of pvc. Nemo tends to hang upside down in the back upper left corner of the tank and the last 2 days Marlon has taken up residence in the pvc. They hang out together too. Haven’t noticed any aggression when I reach in for water samples or whatever but we’ve had them less than a week So time will tell I guess.
There mini sharks!
The effects on aggression caused by 1) pairing, or 2) hosting an anemone, is likely negligible. I’ve never seen evidence suggesting any amount of correlation. Species difference definitely plays a large role. As does age, and individual personality of the fish.

Generally, of the popular species, Maroons and Clarkiis are extremely aggressive compared to Occys and Percs. Older clowns are more aggressive than younger ones. And fish are intelligent enough to learn... so if you flinch when bitten, they will be inclined to bite more. Keeping them comfortable and happy will decrease aggression, and limit their experience/confidence in biting large hands in the tank.
The effects on aggression caused by 1) pairing, or 2) hosting an anemone, is likely negligible. I’ve never seen evidence suggesting any amount of correlation. Species difference definitely plays a large role. As does age, and individual personality of the fish.

Generally, of the popular species, Maroons and Clarkiis are extremely aggressive compared to Occys and Percs. Older clowns are more aggressive than younger ones. And fish are intelligent enough to learn... so if you flinch when bitten, they will be inclined to bite more. Keeping them comfortable and happy will decrease aggression, and limit their experience/confidence in biting large hands in the tank.
I sincerely had no idea that clownfish bit. I hope I can keep from flinching!
I sincerely had no idea that clownfish bit. I hope I can keep from flinching!

Yeah. They won’t all bite. But if they do, they are capable of drawing blood, even baby ones. Also, they will oftentimes target softer skin such as the webbing between fingers.
i got a mated pair of tomato clowns luckily they arent too aggressive yet the last one i had before my tank got velvet tried to kill any mate i attempted to pair her with and tried to bite my hand a few times
That I can't answer - but I can tell you my maroons are smart enough to bite skin even if I'm wearing a glove. No glove and they'll go directly after the hand, with glove they'll go for my arm above the glove.

And yes - they break skin.

I can confirm this too. Many biters won’t bite if a glove is on.