Coral Shipment just got delayed :(

Justin Ranke

Active Member
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Hey guys,

So first time ordering coral online. and the thing I was afraid would happen, happened.

The shipment got delayed 24 hours. It was a bunch of Acans and Favias.

What are the chance that they will survive a 48 hour transit time? Have any of you had shipments delayed before? How many of your coral survived being delayed?
I’ve had fish and inverts survive a 3 day delay, I wouldn’t sweat it when it shows up you’ll find out for sure. Most vendors will resend the products if there are issues in shipping.
so unfortunately after I added the corals to the tank I had to head back to work.

After coming home 2 of the corals are receding, and the other two look like crap, but not receding any.

What would you recommend is the best course of action here?

I read online someone would recommend dipping them in Iodine, but I would imagine that would only stress the out more at this point?
I'd recommend a wait and see approach and see how they look tomorrow. Images of the corals themselves would be helpful.
Here's the pics of the receding corals. Tissue is slowly falling off


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the pictures are not too bad in my opinion. Is it just small area of tissue recession or large area of tissue recession?

On the favia it's just the edges it seems. This I'm not as worried about. Worst that could happen is I loose a head or two.

On the acan, one side all the heads on the edge are just falling apart. At a pretty rapid rate. The rest of the colony seems intact.
On the favia it's just the edges it seems. This I'm not as worried about. Worst that could happen is I loose a head or two.

On the acan, one side all the heads on the edge are just falling apart. At a pretty rapid rate. The rest of the colony seems intact.
I would cut the area that’s badly receding and then dip in lugol for a few minute for disinfection
It looks mostly like bag burn to me. The spots on the coral that get rubbed against the bag during transport can get irritated and/or die off. If that's what it is, it should not get any worse. At least this has been my experience. Keep and eye on it and see what it looks like tomorrow and Friday. I would not cut anything just yet but @hzheng33 is a better coral grower than I am and he may be giving you the better advice.
so the Favia finally stopped receding yesterday! Did a Iodine dip a few days ago and I think that had helped tremendously. I lost half a head only, and I am feeling pretty confident that it will grow back.

The Acan lost a few heads only, but has been starting to open up now which is promising.

All of the corals seem pretty stressed still, but they are doing better every day, and I think they will all make it.

Thank you everyone!