Crew's 120g Reef Tank


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Hi Guys,

So i'm officially jumping back into the fish tank world. Just a warning up front, this will not be a quick build. Right now, The goal is to have my first fish in the tank by May 1, 2015.

Anyway, let's start with the stand. I wanted something nice that would fit in with the rest of my living room, and after seeing the cost of buying a good looking stand, I decided I would just build it myself. In terms of furniture, this would be my first go, but what the heck right?

I did some basic math and figured out what kind of weight I would need to support, and then came up with a design that would fit what I needed. Forgive me on some of the strange angles for the photos. I'm doing a majority of this build in my garage, so space is a premium.

The beginning
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The 4 legs measured and cut. I took measurements from my armpit down so the tank wouldn't be so tall that I wouldn't be able to work on it without a stool. I'm really proud of how even these cuts are. :)
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Here is one of the legs standing up.
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Attaching the legs to the bottom. I used rabbit holes so I could get a more uniform angle on all of the legs and then added metal bracing for lateral reinforcement.
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Here is a closer look at the bracing. You wouldn't believe how much of a difference these make.
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The stand is starting to take shape. :)
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I added 2 lateral braces to create additional support. My design as far as supporting the weight of the tank is almost entirely wood sitting on wood. This is much more structurally sound than relying on all of the weight to sit on screws. My biggest concern was lateral movement, which the metal braces and lateral cross beams address.
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Here I put in the "floor" of the stand and then covered everything in a sealant. After that dried I painted with a second sealant, oil paint.
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I got as far as I could without having the actual tank to measure precisely, so I went and got the tank. I still haven't gone over and painted the inside of the shell, but it's on my to do.
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Here is the tank passing the leak test and the stand passing the "I can hold this up" test. I'm not sure why I was nervous. This stand could probably support 5,000lbs. I know this last picture is dark, but I got the tank the night before going on a long vacation and couldn't resist filling it up.
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So this is as far as I've gotten in terms of the build as well as my furniture skills. I'd like to finish the stand with doors in the front and some sort of mold/trim and then a stain, but I don't quite know how to do that. Could I bribe any of the expert stand builders on here to help me out or at least give me some tips? I can pay in alcohol or dollars if needed.

Let me know what you think!
Welcome to the 120g world hehehe !!!
I have mine just gathering dust :D

It's turning nicely a nice build!! But ( polyethylene disc scratch sound) metal on the stand? Just my point of view my friend please don't take me wrong. Most likely all metal and sorrounding metal will rust and become a problem over the time. I saw you painted, that might make a difference... but... jmho.
Ya, i considered that. It's stainless. Won't rust or corrode, and it's completely covered in sealant.

Good eye though!
Looks good man. Do you have a table saw or just the miter saw. Doors are a bit tricky but really not all that bad.
I love a good 120 build. I'm thinking of a tear down and rebuild on mine.

So, is that a wort chiller and a carboy I spy in the background?
That is a wort chiller and carboy! Good eye. I keep homebrew on tap in the house at all times.
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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm in the equipment collection phase. Check out my skimmer, lights, and sump.
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Just need my pump (eheim 5000), heater (suggestions?), powerheads (mp40s) and an apex and this baby should have water in it by Thanksgiving.

Rdnelson - i only have the miter saw, but a friend has a table saw down the street. I just need to figure out how to skin this thing so it looks like furniture and not a high school wood shop project.
I'm on my phone, I have no idea why the photos flipped sideways. Sorry about that.
Your going to love the a360. At least I love mine! Besides the price but I'm still glad I got it. Are you going with just one for now?
Nice build so far. Love the tideline sump... have a 4' one sitting in my attic just waiting for my big build.

There's no way you wait until May to get a fish in there. You're already making too good of progress. :)
Reefkeep - I've got two of them
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Tonymission - i agree, I'm way ahead of my may pace haha.
Another small update: I just ordered two Jebao RW-8s. I was initially going to go with Vortechs, but after seeing them in person, I couldn't get past the sound they make. Awesome technology, but the motor being out of the water would get to me.

Anyone have experience with the RW-8s? I did quite a bit of research and everything looks awesome. I'll update again when they come in on Wednesday. I'm also hoping to finish the stand in the next week or so, so stay tuned.
I was just checking out the rws today. Supposdly they have wireless capabilities with 2 pumps. One being the master and other slave. The actual controllers look better too. A buddy of mine has the rw15 I believe and he loves it. Going to be swapping my wp25 for two rw15's
Reefkeep - I spent a lot of time jumping back and forth between the 8 and 15. After a ton of research, I figured I would probably never need the 4000gph that the 15s push. I also read several posts from people saying that the 15 was just too powerful for their 120 gallon tanks. The 8 is slightly smaller and draws over an amp less in power, which is a big plus in my opinion. At 2000gph, it's probably going to be more than enough for me. The controllers seem to work really well too from what I've read. I saw a great video on the whole system a few days ago - you should check it out."></a>
The video is way longer than it needs to be, but it does a great job of showing the pumps off. At around 4:15 he turns the pumps on at 50%, and the water movement was more than enough to have me sold.

Kris - Good to see you again man. Everything going well?
Wow I think after you enlightened me I'm going to get the 8's as well. The 15s would be probably cause a tsunami in my little 75g lol. I'm glad Jabeo's still coming out with great pumps that save me $200+.
I got my RW-8s today and they are awesome. They are super quiet and they move a ton of water. Here is a quick video of me testing them out in the tank. The tank is only about 2/3 full as I just wanted to see how they operated and get some sort of idea on how the controllers work. I will eventually be controlling these via Apex, but curiosity got the best of me.

I've got an update!

I threw in the towel on building the stand. I was pretty close to being finished, but I started to realize that I wouldn't have been able to make this stand look as good as what would have been acceptable to me (perfect) and instead, I cut my losses and bought a nice one. I should have the tank inside sometime in the next 10 days and then some aquascaping.

In the meantime, I want to talk fish. I haven't had an aquarium in about 5 years, so please feel free to jump in with corrections/suggestions/crude jokes.

Here is what I'm thinking for my stock list:
1 Bicolor Blenny
2 Clownfish
1 Flasher Wrasse
1 Leopard Wrasse
1 Helfrichi Firefish
1 Midas Blenny
1 Lubboch Wrasse
1 Watchman Goby
1 Royal Gramma
1 Sleeper Goby
1 Yellow Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang
5 Bengai Cardinals
1 Magnificent Foxface
1 Blue Spotted Jawfish
1 Flame Wrasse

I know this is a pretty heavy stock list, but I have a very oversized skimmer and a pretty large sump. I think I can make it work. Let me know what you would sub in/out and if you have any preference on order. Right now, I know that the tangs and clownfish will be added together. I also know that only one of those wrasses (wrasse'?) should be male. Anything else?
Been waiting on an update! Glad you didn't throw in the town all together haha. That's quite a few fish but at least 1/2 of them aren't tangs I've seen some people go nuts.