Curious question about frags

This is good. I was trying to think of something unique to stir up a discussion

Okay, how about this - I need to stop reading this thread so I can finish cleaning and rearranging my take to make more room for the frags that I am buying tomorrow from a local reefer. Oh yeah, I have some frags for sale over in the trading forum. You know making room for the new frags that I am buying tomorrow from a local reefer. :D
Showtime305;29867 wrote: <span style="color: black;">This is good. I was trying to think of something unique to stir up a discussion, but I didn&#8217;t want to repeat something we&#8217;ve discussed on this board recently. This is a great topic. </span>

So you would agree that this place is getting a little boring and dull everyday when ya log on?It is for me... lets hear it..who else is getting bored? I mean I am addicted to it for sure...Yahoo was my home page, now it is this freaking site..

But I can't take the AJC Classifieds anymore.
washowi;29868 wrote: I would say that all that responded so far are Friends, we love our hobby, and want it to flourish. So stop selling $10 peices of corals! :)

<span style="color: black;">If you keep this up, you will see a frag vulture migration to the Canton area.</span>
Look at the amount of people that are viewing this thread...I have never even heard of over half of them..HEY WATCHERS!! Post something, have an opinion, contribute something to this place..
Showtime305;29871 wrote: <span style="color: black;">If you keep this up, you will see a frag vulture migration to the Canton area.</span>

Good love to meet new friends. and if anyone plays golf. Come over, No better way to know and understand a person. In 4 hours I can learn more about them than their spouses know.. If the cheat in golf they cheat in life. If they play the game as it was meant to be played you found a friend for life.

Frags for friends!!
washowi;29862 wrote: It's a transaction for profit.


That's funny. Profit is supposed to be money made exceeding your expenses.

No one is going to make any profit selling frags. If they did, then there would be more businesses of people just selling frags. But there aren't any, b/c it isn't profitable.

You say you aren't a farmer, but you are. You are raising corals and fish. Those corals don't grow for free. There is ALOT of money needed to grow corals. So why not make a SMALL fraction of that back to maintain your tank and buy some things, otherwise unaffordable?

And yes, I am bored here also. I bounce between 3 different forums and am caught up on all three.

That's sad, BUT I do get paid while doing it. :up:
washowi;29873 wrote: Good love to meet new friends. and if anyone plays golf. Come over, No better way to know and understand a person. In 4 hours I can learn more about them than their spouses know.. If the cheat in golf they cheat in life. If they play the game as it was meant to be played you found a friend for life.

Frags for friends!!

I'm all about playing some golf now.

Is mulligans considered cheating?????? :doh:

We should create a mini club called "Frags for friends", were Todd gives us all free frags of his corals. :yes:

Seriously, I wouldn't mind attending some get togethers on your side of town to check out the local tanks and do some swapping.

I think it would be a good time and a good way for people on different sides of town to get to know each other and check out each other's tanks.

Whatcha think?
Maveri9720;29874 wrote: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's funny. Profit is supposed to be money made exceeding your expenses.

No one is going to make any profit selling frags. If they did, then there would be more businesses of people just selling frags. But there aren't any, b/c it isn't profitable.

You say you aren't a farmer, but you are. You are raising corals and fish. Those corals don't grow for free. There is ALOT of money needed to grow corals. So why not make a SMALL fraction of that back to maintain your tank and buy some things, otherwise unaffordable?

And yes, I am bored here also. I bounce between 3 different forums and am caught up on all three.

That's sad, BUT I do get paid while doing it. :up:

Then what's the point of selling them?

I also raise cats and dogs and children too....that makes me a farmer? That makes no sense. So are my children commodities?

If you want to sell to people fine, You will always find someone who is new and willing to do it..I did, then i learned and met people and will never buy again..

There was a lady that sold stuff, I have not seen her in 2 years or more on the site, but I digress. Anyway she sold me ONE freaking zoo poylp for $20...I was stupid and did not know better...Wish I could remember her name..

That is what gives me a bad taste to all of the people that sell...IT COST YOU NOTHING!!!! so if this forum did not exist, who would you sell to? You would still have to frag corals to keep them heathy.. Sell them to the LFS not the hobbyist. WE are not into this for money. IT A FREAKING HOBBY!
Maveri9720;29875 wrote: I'm all about playing some golf now.

Is mulligans considered cheating?????? :doh:

There is no such thing as a mulligan in golf sir..a mulligan is called 3 off the tee. :tongue:
I am available for fragging and beers any Friday night, Saturday night or any other day that ends in "y"
washowi wrote: There was a lady that sold stuff, I have not seen her in 2 years or more on the site, but I digress. Anyway she sold me ONE freaking zoo poylp for $20...I was stupid and did not know better...Wish I could remember her name..
yeah i know who you speak off and i almost bought a single polyp for that much then i came to my senses and felt like i was getting ripped off. If you are going to sell frags ripping people of just isnt right no ands ifs or butts about it!
I am pretty sure she was from the Cartersville area...Come on people help me out here.....she sold a lot of you...and we were ripped
I guess we have run it's course on this thread?

Oh well over 300 views in less than 5 hours.. I say this is up for "thread of the month" :)
Ok, I will put in my 2 cents......As a newbie to ARC, I only joined for the knowledge and experience of others. I joined at my first meeting, in Feb. I didn't even have a tank, but thought that if I was to gleen knowledge off of others, even if I never start a reef tank, the least I could do was pay up. Good knowledge is valuable and I was interested in learning.

At the meeting, many people wanted FREE frags. I gave mine, since I didn't have a tank, to Ramone (Glen). Now that I decided to start my tank, when it cycled, Glen brought it back to me. He then offered FREE frags from his tank. I told him that I was just starting slowly, so I would take him up on it in the future! Glen proves that the ARC is full of generous, nice people.

I will be looking for coral frags soon. I EXPECT to pay for them, as the person that has been raising it deserves some compensation! Of course, a few bucks is not going to replace the corals, but it does insure that the person who buys them has a "vested interest" in the corals wellbeing.

I EXPECT to "pay to play", but free is good. If someone want to give something away, that is great. Good karma. What comes around, goes around!

I for one feel akward taking frags from someone without some kind of compensation. If offered I would insist on trading. I've taken free frags once and it was entirely generous, but I didn't feel right about it.

It looks like we have 2 distinct camps, and neither is going to sway the other.
Perhaps it is time to leave this dead horse alone.
