Curious question about frags

Well,.. ok I have an opinon:roll:

Im a noob,.. just getting started. Been dreaming about this since I was a kid. Wanted to be a marine biologist the whole 9.

The past 2 years I have maintain an awesome freshwater tank,.. and the dream kept rolling and getting bigger and bigger. I've been going to reef central for quite some time when I happened upon this site. I thought hey cool guys and gals in my area. So I took a shot in the dark and asked where I could get some sand. Having read all the post (and I mean ALL,.. those who do know me know I live on my pc and can bug the hell out of you :roll: ) on sand and what to get and what not to get,.. and all the opinons. So I asked ,.. I was at work at the time. Between the hour drive it takes me to get home 5-6 replies were left offering some sand up. To be honest I was truly amazed. So I met up with Brandon who offered me some free live sand,.. FREE live sand. Now this may be common place here,.. but when looking at the figures on how much this stuff cost,. I was a bit taken aback. Thinking to myself I will have a cool tank,.. in about 2 years.

Now Brandon is offering me some free frags to get me started,.. man I cant explain how flabbergasted I am. This is truly remarkable,.. would I feel the same if he had said err,.. give me like 20 bucks and I'll cut you off some frags. Well of course I would have! Either way its much cheaper and from someone who obivously cares greatly about his tank. I only hope that I can return this service to him and the next noob that comes through.

But like he told me,.. support us and we will support you. This is so true guys. Now have I ever been to a meeting?.. No.. I could give you all the excuses in the world,.. Im on the westside of town,.. little busy that night. Bottom line was I dont have a reef yet:lol2: ,.. so it felt a bit wierd going and seeing all the stuff,.. and being such a noob.

I suppose my point is,.. does it matter? No one here is gonna pay entirely to much for a frag. If someone uses frags to support thier hobby,. I say more power to them. But I also won't forget the people who have helped me.
rhomer;29933 wrote: I wasn't going to be that forward, but yeah your right.


Wow that's a know what, I really don't care.. So I am the only one that feels that way? Too bad.

Continue selling frags.

I will give to the people around me that want to have fun in the hobby and drink beers and tell coral stories about who's acro grows fastest.

Hope yinze get top dollar.
rhomer;29930 wrote: I for one feel akward taking frags from someone without some kind of compensation. If offered I would insist on trading. I've taken free frags once and it was entirely generous, but I didn't feel right about it.

It looks like we have 2 distinct camps, and neither is going to sway the other.
Perhaps it is time to leave this dead horse alone.


Why feel awkward? They offered you accepted...get over it. It's a hobby
I guess, I am coming into this EXTREMELY LATE. I agree that frags have value and I have given away plenty of frags, too many to count. I also have traded frags and only recently have sold some colonies, not really frags.

I have never seen a thread on this forum to get so much attention. it is nice to see

As far as ARC Kegger, how bout an ARC golf tournament?
I'm really on the fence on this one. This last meeting I bought a frag got a free frag. Plus I got two beers from bring in cheato. I would love to be able to frag and trade right now, but with a little fledgling tank its not possible. Now that I think back on things I wish I would have offered something in return for the free frag I got even though he "fragged" it by accedent. And the second beer was offered and I didn't even ask.

I think its all about making sure frags don't end up in the garbage. When you put your time and effort into something you want to know that its going to be taken care of. I mean 5-10 bucks isn't much but its enough for people to stop and look at what it is and if it will actually thrive in their tank. I know not many people know me at the meetings or from these boards.

I know when its tight group like the guys in Canton you know each other's setup and you know that they have a tank that can support almost anything you can give to them.

But to just give frags to guys you really don't know or that are just text on a screen...that's a bit more then I expect out of anyone. Giving frags away would be great if you could exspect the people that are receiving the free frags to stay in the hobby and pay it forward like you are. I'm just wondering about the turn over rate in this hobby.

I mean frags for friends are great. But don't put your frags on the front line of a losing war. Just make sure that the person wants the frag not just the free frag.(If that makes any sence to you.)
washowi;29876 wrote: Then what's the point of selling them? ...

That is what gives me a bad taste to all of the people that sell...IT COST YOU NOTHING!!!!

Nothing? Last time I figured it, I spend around $100 a month on electricity plus the cost of salt, CO2, additives, food, it is hardly nothing.

Why is it wrong to sell $10 frags to offset the cost of running your system and buying frags and colonies from the LFS in the first place?
Schwaggs;29970 wrote: Nothing? Last time I figured it, I spend around $100 a month on electricity plus the cost of salt, CO2, additives, food, it is hardly nothing.

Why is it wrong to sell $10 frags to offset the cost of running your system and buying frags and colonies from the LFS in the first place?

That's what I have been saying, along with basically everyone else in this thread besides Todd.

I guess Todd makes so much money that trying to offset any costs incurred with maintaining a reef tank isn't really a problem and he doesn't need to recoup any money back.

Wish I had that kinda money. Checked my lotto tix last night and I still had to come to work today. :doh:
Schwaggs;29970 wrote: Nothing? Last time I figured it, I spend around $100 a month on electricity plus the cost of salt, CO2, additives, food, it is hardly nothing.

Why is it wrong to sell $10 frags to offset the cost of running your system and buying frags and colonies from the LFS in the first place?

So you bought the fish tank so you could sell that what your telling me? come bought the fish tank to have FUN and enjoy a hobby you love.

You going to sit here and tell me you if you couldn't sell frags, you couldn't have a tank cause the electric bill is too high, I can't buy fish food. etc.

That's crap.
Maveri9720;29975 wrote: That's what I have been saying, along with basically everyone else in this thread besides Todd.

I guess Todd makes so much money that trying to offset any costs incurred with maintaining a reef tank isn't really a problem and he doesn't need to recoup any money back.

Wish I had that kinda money. Checked my lotto tix last night and I still had to come to work today. :doh:

I work..why don't you try it. and basically now your pissing me off.
I'm working right now. And I could care less.

So much for no one takes anything personally.

Shouldn't have started the thread if you can't take different opinions.
washowi;29976 wrote: So you bought the fish tank so you could sell that what your telling me? come bought the fish tank to have FUN and enjoy a hobby you love.

You going to sit here and tell me you if you couldn't sell frags, you couldn't have a tank cause the electric bill is too high, I can't buy fish food. etc.

That's crap.


Are you just playing devil's advocate to spice up the dull forums or do you not see where other people are coming from?
good greif you

(this is the part where Todd says "I don't think I know who you are. Do you come to meetings? Introduce yourself to me at the next meeting. I want to know who you are.)
I have sold single zoanthid polyps for $20. According to this thread I'm playing everyone for the fool? I never have enough to go around, though. They are beauties.

I can't tell you guys how much money I've spent cherry picking frags and having them overnighted to me. I never sell stuff for what I paid even if I bought it from another hobbyist and paid shipping. Anybody that comes here to pick up a frag they've bought always goes home with something in addition to it (free). I like designer corals. I've spent ridiculous money on a single tiny frag of some of the things in my tank. Some people like designer clothes, fancy cars, the best golf clubs, etc. To each her own, right? Regardless, I don't think it's quite right to condemn someone for doing something that you do differently. It isn't wrong to sell frags.

I can't golf worth a crap. It would help if I practiced and took lessons.
So why can't selling frags from time to time be part of the "fun of the hobby". I don't think that for the most part anybody is ripping anybody off, such as your $20 zoo. There are more costly zoos out there than that. That's another topic.

And what is the difference in selling a frag or small colony to an individual or trading it in for credit at a LFS? Your still selling it.

I think what everyone is saying is that there is a time and place to trade, swap and sell frags.

Or Washowi are you just stiring the pot on a Wednesday? :D Just joking......
Maveri9720;29979 wrote: I'm working right now. And I could care less.

So much for no one takes anything personally.

Shouldn't have started the thread if you can't take different opinions.

Then go sell some frags...Your the one that started it *******.
It's about time to shut this one down. If you want time to continue the arguement, please take it to the PM's.
Wow. That's not cool dude.

Abusive language isn't tolerated on this forum. Kids read this too.

You're a grown man, why don't you act like one?

And if memory serves me right, you were the one that actually started this thread.
Whoa. It's all fun fellas. Let get back to a fun conversation and leave the harsh talk out. I still think this is a great thread.
Maveri9720;29979 wrote: I'm working right now. And I could care less.

So much for no one takes anything personally.

Shouldn't have started the thread if you can't take different opinions.

You attacked by bring up my lifestyle...How and what I do with my money is nobody's business but mine. I am trying to keep it friendly but, theses comments like Us against Todd....Todd has so much moneys..Dude that is personal attacks,

How bout saying that to me personally at the next meeting....