Darn Cyano.... How to get rid???

FutureInterest;240595 wrote: Granular ferric oxide... rust crumbs/pellets. It can bind phosphates and silicates. I don't use the stuff though as its not needed imo... and it can be dangerous to your system if used improperly.

It's not needed, but it works great. But as Jin said, you need to do a lot of research before you use it. The best case scenario is to start using it BEFORE you add any stony corals to your tank. You also need to have a great phosphate kit that measure phates in the low range. If you acclimate your animals over months, it can be awesome. If you don't, they are toast. However, even with slow acclimation, some stonys can die on ya during the acclimation process. It won't effect fish though as far as I know, but then you don't need phosphate that low for fish either.
it wouldn't hurt to change to gfo quicker (10 days instead of 2 weeks) for at least the next 4 times or so.
I dont know if this helps, but i have always used chemi clean slime away and it works really good for me
When I started dosing vodka into my 120 gallon all the cyano disappeared...took little less than a week, but now I have more root beer foam than I know what to do with :)

ilovesam08;240633 wrote: I dont know if this helps, but i have always used chemi clean slime away and it works really good for me

some people have have great results, & some people have crashes.

I also worry about having a product that could release a nerve toxin. I used it a few years back with great results, but them after researching what it was, I thew it out.

it is believed that Chemi-Clean is this:

Bleedingthought;240763 wrote: Just use the antibiotic Perry did.

I thought about it but since I dint have any I just put shoe polish in my tank.
I have a whole jar full of that too. It's in an aerosol but you can just hook it up to your skimmer and I'm sure it will work.
i see cyano in alot of peoples sumps, but not in the display. Is this a bad situation?
Treyeleven;240852 wrote: i see cyano in alot of peoples sumps, but not in the display. Is this a bad situation?

I let it grow on my cheato in my handon fuge. pods love it. I only have a little in my fuge/sump. I try not to let it grow there. no reason though.
I battled cyno for ever and I finally beat it by changing my lights. go figure. I think I had a bad bulb.
corvettecris;241786 wrote: ceriths really eat it? I need some of those babies.

I am finally on the winning side of my cyano battle, not finished, but it is defiantly receding.

I have never seen my ceriths eating any cyano, but I only have like 10 in the tank, so I could be missing it.

Basically I starting running phosban, and dosing kalk. Then everyday before the lights go out I use a turkey baster and blast all the algae off the rocks and let it all go into the overflow, and then change out my filter sock about an hour later. It seems to be working great. I also get as much as I can out during water changes. It's been almost a month since I started running phosban, and kalk, and cleaning and it is about 90% gone.

I did not start kalk just for the algae, just worked out that way...