dinos... how to rid them for good?


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ive got these guys on their knees atm but i cant seem to eradicate them entirely.

so my question is mainly how you rid them short of breaking down a tank.
Get more cleanup crew, do water changes, and control nitrates and phosphates.
I have been dealing with them for over a year. There is a lot of information in this thread over at RC. Put your reading glasses on!

FF337;1050735 wrote: What were your results with the peroxide method?

85-90% gone.
lost pistol and cleaner shrimp.
maxima clam was unaffected. some sps got angry.

i went 1 ml per gallon though.
i also did it with 72 hours lights out.

i have it under control using 80 watts of uv atm. however they persist on the rocks in the form of bubbles. no strands of snot.

as far as the other comments are concerned. it is not a nitrate or phosphate issue. i have to dose both for corals to live.

1.5 ppm nitrate
0.005 ppb phosphate (yes billion)
reeferman;1050743 wrote: i had them years ago and beat them using biopellets.the bp's out competed whatever the dinos were feeding on

cant do carbon. my dinos need carbon to live. i do think a bacteria additive would help of some sort.
bones305;1050765 wrote: I used a product called Clean Bacter M by continuim and I also did a 72 complete backout. And it worked for me.

seems like the bacter clean m is a solid product and worth a go. not sure if a LFS would have it on hand.
DavidinGA;1050802 wrote: How does clean bacter M work?

from what i read it adds enzymes and such to eat detritus and other nasties. sounds like it is worth a shot to finish off what few dinos i have left in the tank.
Get a UV and some blankets and do a 3 day black out. Worked for me.
bones305;1050765 wrote: I used a product called Clean Bacter M by continuim and I also did a 72 complete backout. And it worked for me.

Ditto. I was vodka dosing at the same time. Don't know who to give the credit to.

Russ-IV;1050788 wrote: seems like the bacter clean m is a solid product and worth a go. not sure if a LFS would have it on hand.

I know the fish store carries it. I think pure reef and maybe the aviarium as well. I would call and check.
Ringo®;1050811 wrote:

I know the fish store carries it. I think pure reef and maybe the aviarium as well. I would call and check.

avarium is a negative but pure reef has it. how long did you guys dose for before it was eradicated?
I honestly don't remember. I was even using it for that purpose. Maybe 2 or 3 days. I just remember checking on the tank one day and it was all gone.
Russ-IV;1050749 wrote: cant do carbon. my dinos need carbon to live. i do think a bacteria additive would help of some sort.
most everything needs carbon to live.the world is carbon based.that doesn't mean that the dinos can't be out competed for whatever food source they're feeding off of.
reeferman;1050863 wrote: most everything needs carbon to live.the world is carbon based.that doesn't mean that the dinos can't be out competed for whatever food source they're feeding off of.

yeah i agree. problem is heterotrophs consume nitrate and phosphate as well as consume o2 not co2. while i agree with out competing the dinos to consume nutrients, i believe carbon dosing may not be the solution. at least the dinoflagellate strain i have is heavily dependent on co2 and carbon to proliferate.

i sucked out all my sand and did a 70% waterchange but i had an explosion of dino growth doing so. the uv has knocked it back to it's knees but like i said... the rocks start forming bubbles

if this stuff doesnt knock it out i am going ozone.

cyano and bryopsis is child's play compared to this stuff.
FF337;1050901 wrote: I didn't think ozone was successful with eliminating them.

well that would be a very long topic to explain. the long and the short of it is yes.
infact the jury is still out if the uv lamp im using is creating ozone to keep them in check, not bombarding pathogens that get caught in the lamp. im sure it is doing both.

ozone is produced when uv from the sun hits the waters. more prevalent in shallow clear warm waters rather than deep, turbid, cold ones.
I've been dealing with dinos now for a few months. The latest fix I tried was Dino X by Fauna Marin. The dosing regimen certainly knocked the dinos back by 90%+, but unfortunately I still have them. Also my nitrates are high right now since I was previously carbon dosing to keep nutrients in check. I haven't tried UV, but am currently dosing Hydrogen Peroxide to get the same effect. I haven't seen a huge difference yet, but I am only dosing 1ml per 10 gallons at the moment. I may have to try the Continuum stuff though since I know the LFS here sells it. I feel your pain though, this is not a fun beast to tackle!