For the last couple of months I’ve been battling phosphates issue and forgot about nitrates. My nitrates were always between 10-20 so Ive stopped testing for about a month. All this algae issues I was having, my thoughts were it’s definitely phosphates. Stupid assumptions and no testing cost me dearly.
Four days ago I’ve decided to test out this new Hannah nitrates kit. Prior to this test I was using reefbot for nitrates with Red Sea kit. Results would come at 20ppm, I didn’t think much of it.
Anyways I did Hannah nitrates test and it came over 50ppm. So I tested two more times thinking it was an error. Same result...
At this point I realized that this was main main issue why a lot of my coral were browning out..
First thing I did was massive water change. Unfortunately having 1400 gallons system and 200 gallons premix salt, water changes were limited. Over the next 48 hours i did around 409 gallons change. While doing these water changes I looked around to see what could possible be the source of these nitrates and phosphates, after all skimmer is running wet and full power, additionally have refugium, algae reactor and a scrubber. I couldn’t figure it out, all my tank are bare bottom.
So while doing water changes in refugium I was doing some cleaning. On the bottom of refugium (75 gallon tank) very little flow, all detritus was settling in over last 17 months. I never cleaned it once... There was about 1” thick layer of detritus. When I started vacuuming it was clear to me that this was the source of all problems with phosphates and nitrates.
it’s been about 24 hours since I vacuumed it. In addition to water changes I’ve set up another reactor, sulfur reactor. Hope after this nitrates will never be a problem again.
I‘ve been dosing vodka to combat nutrients also, I’m on week 6 of doing. Upto 16.2ml per day
My tank has been running for almost 19months now, fighting nutrients has been the biggest challenge so far. One thing for sure, with big systems unless you have huge amount of water on hand ready for emergency water change, very hard to flatten the curve. It’s like a freight train..
In the near future I’m planning to invest in 6-700 gallon wall/water tank for the emergencies purpose.

little bit of vacuuming left to do here, this picture is after I vacuumed 1” thick of detritus from the refugium.
Here is a picture of calcium / gfo and a newest addition sulfur reactor that I could fit all together side by side. There isn’t much space left here.
Here are some pictures of casualties. I do hope some of these colonies will recover. Most expensive corals seems to always die first...

Currently phosphates are at 0.06ppm
Nitrates last test was at 50ppm. I’ll be doing one more water change of 75gal to clean refugium completely out then test again.