Thanks, yes, the CA reactor is running great, and has adequately maintained Mg. Because of the growth of coral, I've had difficulty maintaining alkalinity. Therefore, this fall, I began dosing buffer/alkalinity with a peristaltic pump, and then included dosing kalkwasser with a peristaltic pump, and even now adding more buffer to the automated evaporation top off of RODI water. A wrestling match with both pH and alkalinity.
I thought to include the following in the construction of the system: (1) HVAC system duct into the aquarium LED light canopy, with the HVAC fan running a low speed permanantly, and (2) full time exhaust fan duct pulling air from the far side of the canopy all the way to the home's exterior wall (drier vent & metallic flex hose duct inside the ceiling sheetrock).
Wish I had thought to pipe in outside air into the aquarium cabinet to further remove C02 (and raise pH)? I have added ozone and CO2 removal pellets in twin canisters at the intake to the protein skimmer, and this has helped with pH.