Ecotech Marine Vortech Vs. Jebao Powerheads

elFloyd;1067456 wrote: I have used both and it's really hard to compare the two... Different animals. Minor problems with the Jeboas (one needed cleaning and alignment every few weeks) and I had to replace the controller on the other). I was always watchful of the Jeboa... Anticipating failure.

Not so with the Vortech where I have full confidence. The undertow (lacking in the Jeboa) is great, plus full Apex control. Again... Different animals.

I run two of each, love my vortech! I've had my MP 10's for 4 years without a single problem.

Have to clean Jeboas more often and they just sit behind rock for circulation. I don't ever touch the controls really because it's not going to make much of a difference unlike Vortech.

Love the Apex control, it's worth every penny to me!
The vortech is absolutely the better pump, but I can't get past the blatant price gauging, so I run Jebaos in my tank.
Never had any experience with vortech but I can tell they are a high quality product. Me personally I've been on the jebao band wagon since being in the hobby. Originally going with 2 wp-40's until one took a crap on me so I replaced it with a rw-8. I also run a dct-12000 return and a coralbox skimmer (jebao pump). You just can't beat they quality product for the price. Only issue I noticed is that you must stay on top of cleaning them if you want to maximize their life expectancy.
The reason I do not support Jebao is because they have no respect for international infringement laws on intellectual property. They steal peoples ideas and release them made of cheaper quality and at 1/3 the price. First they had that long bout with Hydor/Tunze and now they in the middle of a legal dispute with Coral-Vue with the Gyre pumps."></a>


So to me it doesn't matter how cost worthy these pumps are and how great they work for the money. If you are a company that behaves like Jebao does, you will not get my support. Just becomes a decision on what is right morally I guess. I'm not going to give my money to some one that didn't earn it on their own.
I agree to an extent, however having companies like Jebao does make the market more competitive. If a company like Jebao didn't come out and produce these pumps, you would have EcoTech and Hydor/Tunze still selling product year over year at a high price with nothing to drive their prices down.

Also, it keeps these companies on their toes, so they can't just expect to sell the same product year over year without any improvements. It's all products and it should be expected that any innovative company producing a new item is going to capture majority of its sales on a NEW item the first year followed by copies the next.

Regarding the law suit, eh... I'm neither here nor there on that. Just look at Samsung and Apple, constantly suing each other over copyright infringement.
civics14;1067567 wrote: I agree to an extent, however having companies like Jebao does make the market more competitive. If a company like Jebao didn't come out and produce these pumps, you would have EcoTech and Hydor/Tunze still selling product year over year at a high price with nothing to drive their prices down.

Also, it keeps these companies on their toes, so they can't just expect to sell the same product year over year without any improvements. It's all products and it should be expected that any innovative company producing a new item is going to capture majority of its sales on a NEW item the first year followed by copies the next.

Regarding the law suit, eh... I'm neither here nor there on that. Just look at Samsung and Apple, constantly suing each other over copyright infringement.

Oh I completely agree on the competition aspect of it... I just feel like they could add competition in the market but coming up with their own ideas... or at least changing up an existing idea a little bit to make it some what their own. But just out right copying and stealing others ideas... seems a bit much to me. Look at the Gyre Jebao knock off... it is literally the same exact pump other then cheaper material being used. Either way I'm too ignorant when it comes to laws such as this... so just my view on it.
In my opinion buying a Vortech pumps is a no brainer. Great support, functionality and they perform extremely well. Next to Tunze hands down Vortech pumps are neck and neck. On the other hand if you want a low cost solution they may or may not last but they do provide a decent performance with no bells and whistles then buy Jaebo's. If you do buy Jaebos I would consider buying backups because you really never know and I've heard some bad stories about there customer support, that's if they even have one.
aXio;1067566 wrote: The reason I do not support Jebao is because they have no respect for international infringement laws on intellectual property. They steal peoples ideas and release them made of cheaper quality and at 1/3 the price. First they had that long bout with Hydor/Tunze and now they in the middle of a legal dispute with Coral-Vue with the Gyre pumps."></a>


So to me it doesn't matter how cost worthy these pumps are and how great they work for the money. If you are a company that behaves like Jebao does, you will not get my support. Just becomes a decision on what is right morally I guess. I'm not going to give my money to some one that didn't earn it on their own.[/QUOTE]

Isn't just about everything we have in our industry made in China unbadged and reproduced with slight changes per the re seller? I've tested many unbadged (Chinese factory produced) products that the reseller requests to have minor changes in the body to be able to resell it as their own. Jaebo is no different. Red dragon, Vortech and many others.
That's funny. I just read that GE just sold there appliance line to Haier a Chinese company. I also read that the Chinese are now number one in research and development and beatout Silicon Valley

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aXio;1067566 wrote: The reason I do not support Jebao is because they have no respect for international infringement laws on intellectual property. They steal peoples ideas and release them made of cheaper quality and at 1/3 the price. First they had that long bout with Hydor/Tunze and now they in the middle of a legal dispute with Coral-Vue with the Gyre pumps."></a>


So to me it doesn't matter how cost worthy these pumps are and how great they work for the money. If you are a company that behaves like Jebao does, you will not get my support. Just becomes a decision on what is right morally I guess. I'm not going to give my money to some one that didn't earn it on their own.[/QUOTE]


Legit competition will keep a company on its toes. Beat them by being better, not by stealing from them and then selling the stele goods for less..that's not how competition works.

And Dave, no, not everything is made in china. Unfortunately, a lot is, but there are still some companies who pride themselves by manufacturing in the US (or Germany, Italy, etc.).
I wish everyone felt this way about cabinets and home building.

But back to the original question of the op.
I presently use the rw 4 Jebao simply because of the price of the ecotech . May try the Mp10 If I can find a deal.
I know how they can beat them.If they would just give there pumps away for free. That will fix there little red wagon.
MYREEFCLUB0070;1067475 wrote: lets put it this way, the jebao is the poor man's vortech.
if you we're offered a free jebao or vortech, <span style="color: Red">which would you pick</span>?
I have used both and would say that the vortech has quality, technology, price and a hell of a customer service behind it, what I have accepted about the jebao is that it cost a fraction of the vortech with the sacrifice of some quality and technology for the end result which is good water flow.
The same can be for vortech vs. most other brand of pumps out there.

The vortech of course. Then sell it , buy 2 jebao and take my wife to dinner.:yes:
aXio;1067566 wrote: The reason I do not support Jebao is because they have no respect for international infringement laws on intellectual property. They steal peoples ideas and release them made of cheaper quality and at 1/3 the price. First they had that long bout with Hydor/Tunze and now they in the middle of a legal dispute with Coral-Vue with the Gyre pumps."></a>


So to me it doesn't matter how cost worthy these pumps are and how great they work for the money. If you are a company that behaves like Jebao does, you will not get my support. [B]Just becomes a decision on what is right morally I guess.[/B] I'm not going to give my money to some one that didn't earn it on their own.[/QUOTE]
Prior to the above mentioned Gyre what idea did they "steal " from the other two? There are and were many makers of power heads. Who hasn't copied the others? I guess what I am saying if it is a "moral" issue then would you not have to stick with the original company/individual who designed it regardless of patents? Patent laws I'm sure do not dictate your morals!
grouper therapy;1067735 wrote: Prior to the above mentioned Gyre what idea did they "steal " from the other two? There are and were many makers of power heads. Who hasn't copied the others? I guess what I am saying if it is a "moral" issue then would you not have to stick with the original company/individual who designed it regardless of patents? Patent laws I'm sure do not dictate your morals!

Don't get me wrong... I'm all for sharing an updating ideas. I would be entirely OK if Jebao took some ideas from others and made their own style/version of the pumps... but there are literally just copying others peoples products... with out a single difference.

Look at Hydor, Tunze, Sicce, Vortech, Maxspec... they all make circulation pumps yes... all the basic same idea yes... but they all have unique features and they spent the time and money on research to make them good worth while products... and I feel like Jebao has zero respect for that... why don't they spend their own money and time to develop their own product? oh I know why because they wouldn't be able to sell them at 1/3 of the price anymore and under cut the rest of the market.

Link to some of the issues between Jebao/Hydor..."></a>

Would it be OK if Ford made a Ford Corvette that looked exactly like the Chevy's and used all the same parts to make it? No... but they are fully in he right to make the Mustang... because even though they are both vehicles they are both entirely unique designs. That they spend their own time and money to develop. Major difference compared to out right stealing some ones ideas.

Tunze actually won their lawsuit back in 2013 and were able to stopped the importation of the Jebao knock offs to the USA entirely. At least last I heard.

aXio;1067782 wrote: Don't get me wrong... I'm all for sharing an updating ideas. I would be entirely OK if Jebao took some ideas from others and made their own style/version of the pumps... but there are literally just copying others peoples products... with out a single difference.

Look at Hydor, Tunze, Sicce, Vortech, Maxspec... they all make circulation pumps yes... all the basic same idea yes... but they all have unique features and they spent the time and money on research to make them good worth while products... and I feel like Jebao has zero respect for that... why don't they spend their own money and time to develop their own product? oh I know why because they wouldn't be able to sell them at 1/3 of the price anymore and under cut the rest of the market.

Link to some of the issues between Jebao/Hydor..."></a>

Would it be OK if Ford made a Ford Corvette that looked exactly like the Chevy's and used all the same parts to make it? No... but they are fully in he right to make the Mustang... because even though they are both vehicles they are both entirely unique designs. That they spend their own time and money to develop. Major difference compared to out right stealing some ones ideas.

Tunze actually won their lawsuit back in 2013 and were able to stopped the importation of the Jebao knock offs to the USA entirely. At least last I heard.


I think that's why they came out with the RWs and changed their name to Jedco. Don't quote me though. :)
Jebao's are by far better for the money. Vortec is just so overpriced it's ridiculous imo.

I'm running two RW 20's and one wp60 on a 210gal right now and will probably add at least one more rw20 to the mix soon....

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Also, will highly consider the jebao gyre when it comes out too

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aXio;1067782 wrote: Don't get me wrong... I'm all for sharing an updating ideas. I would be entirely OK if Jebao took some ideas from others and made their own style/version of the pumps... but there are literally just copying others peoples products... with out a single difference.

Look at Hydor, Tunze, Sicce, Vortech, Maxspec... they all make circulation pumps yes... all the basic same idea yes... but they all have unique features and they spent the time and money on research to make them good worth while products... and I feel like Jebao has zero respect for that... why don't they spend their own money and time to develop their own product? oh I know why because they wouldn't be able to sell them at 1/3 of the price anymore and under cut the rest of the market.

Link to some of the issues between Jebao/Hydor..."></a>

Would it be OK if Ford made a Ford Corvette that looked exactly like the Chevy's and used all the same parts to make it? No... but they are fully in he right to make the Mustang... because even though they are both vehicles they are both entirely unique designs. That they spend their own time and money to develop. Major difference compared to out right stealing some ones ideas.

Tunze actually won their lawsuit back in 2013 and were able to stopped the importation of the Jebao knock offs to the USA entirely. At least last I heard.

Such as? The shape of the housing?:confused2: My point is that it is as simple design as one could probably get. It is a electric motor spinning a prop. How much could they change? How much R&D is needed?

<span style="color: Red"> So far as not a single difference</span> .Jebaos don't run backwards half the time(Hydor) and they opened up the shroud so that the stream is not so narrow(Tunze)
I stay away products Made in China as much as I can no matter how good/cheap they are.