Ecotech Marine Vortech Vs. Jebao Powerheads

thanhreef;1067920 wrote: I stay away products Made in China as much as I can no matter how good/cheap they are.
Good luck with that lol

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thanhreef;1067920 wrote: I stay away products Made in China as much as I can no matter how good/cheap they are.

I do the same and have become quit obsessed with it. Hell, even vetted my Tupperware!

Once you're willing to pay a little more, it's very doable and not that hard. I've found tons of things that were a better deal made in the USA!
aXio;1067782 wrote: Don't get me wrong... I'm all for sharing an updating ideas. I would be entirely OK if Jebao took some ideas from others and made their own style/version of the pumps... but there are literally just copying others peoples products... with out a single difference.

Look at Hydor, Tunze, Sicce, Vortech, Maxspec... they all make circulation pumps yes... all the basic same idea yes... but they all have unique features and they spent the time and money on research to make them good worth while products... and I feel like Jebao has zero respect for that... why don't they spend their own money and time to develop their own product? oh I know why because they wouldn't be able to sell them at 1/3 of the price anymore and under cut the rest of the market.

Link to some of the issues between Jebao/Hydor..."></a>

Would it be OK if Ford made a Ford Corvette that looked exactly like the Chevy's and used all the same parts to make it? No... but they are fully in he right to make the Mustang... because even though they are both vehicles they are both entirely unique designs. That they spend their own time and money to develop. Major difference compared to out right stealing some ones ideas.

Tunze actually won their lawsuit back in 2013 and were able to stopped the importation of the Jebao knock offs to the USA entirely. At least last I heard.


Well this actually did happen with Scion, Subaru, and Toyota
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Genesis;1068009 wrote: Well this actually did happen with Scion, Subaru, and Toyota

Not really the same as Toyota and Subaru co-developed that car. And Toyota owns Scion. Also Toyota and Subaru have a good chunk of their shares owned by the same company. That entire project was done with all parties involved knowing the other brands would release versions of the same car. Maxspec even mentioned to Jebao in the letters that it would be willing to sit down and try to come to an agreement, but Jebao thus far has completely ignored them.
Own both. Multiple sizes of each. If you have the money to spare, this isn't even a topic of discussion, let alone a debate. It's like asking "Hey, which do you prefer? KIA or Ferrari?"
Then someone wants to argue KIA because it gets him from work to home just as well as the other guy's Ferrari. Like it's been said, two completely different animals. I'll stick with the Ferrari, thanks. My Jaebo's are either on my sump stuck in one mode, in dry dock, or sold off after testing a sampling of them. Garbage
I must just be lucky. I have been running jebaos for well over a year with not one issue. Well, the only "issue" I've had is the loss of strength if I go too long between cleanings.
Things made in China has nothing to do why the quality is poor. Coming from the buying side, it is all about what the company is willing to pay the manufacturer to produce. A manufacturer is not going to go out of their way to take upon the extra expense of using higher quality material or adding extra check points in QC, to produce a higher quality product when the US company isn't paying for it.

thanhreef;1067920 wrote: I stay away products Made in China as much as I can no matter how good/cheap they are.
civics14;1068201 wrote: Things made in China has nothing to do why the quality is poor. Coming from the buying side, it is all about what the company is willing to pay the manufacturer to produce. A manufacturer is not going to go out of their way to take upon the extra expense of using higher quality material or adding extra check points in QC, to produce a higher quality product when the US company isn't paying for it.

Sure. But in this instance, it's a Chinese company manufacturing low quality goods in china per their specs.

It's also a good bet that Chinese manufactured products are going to be of lower quality. Just the fact that the egineer who designed it isn't on site to oversee the production will contribute to that. But, companies go to China for cheap manufacturing and they get what they pay for. Good Chinese manufacturing can cost as much as good US manufacturing, so there's little point in that.
I was only making a statement regarding the general statement how people don't buy things made in China due to poor quality. Big misconception there regarding quality and being made in China.

On another note regarding Jebao being poor quality is we all know what we were buying when we bought it. We all bought it expecting it could crap out in a year or two, even with a little extra maintenance. At the same time, I compared the price of 1 Jebao vs. 1 EcoTech, and I looked at the pros and cons. I bought two of each pump being used: 1 for use and 1 for back up, and still saved $100s. Could I have afford to purchase an MP pump? Sure could. Did I think that it was worth the extra couple hundred of dollars when I could put that money elsewhere? Heck no! It's a pump, it's going to move water.

And everyone is always talking about the customer service of EcoTech. I'm sure it is better if Jebao even had one. Who really likes to call customer service and even if you did get it fixed quickly, you are still without a pump for a few days. So, my reasoning is skip the whole entire warranty process and just have a few extras. Never have to pick up the phone, call anyone, deal with shipping it out, etc. etc. etc.

Skriz;1068204 wrote: Sure. But in this instance, it's a Chinese company manufacturing low quality goods in china per their specs.

It's also a good bet that Chinese manufactured products are going to be of lower quality. Just the fact that the egineer who designed it isn't on site to oversee the production will contribute to that. But, companies go to China for cheap manufacturing and they get what they pay for. Good Chinese manufacturing can cost as much as good US manufacturing, so there's little point in that.
We can make this a war against Chinese manufacturing (which is ridiculous) or we can discuss the pumps. I think we can all agree that the vortechs are hands down the best... but the cost difference is absurd. If you simply compare the cost of putting needed flow into my tank (120), it's pretty apparent how ridiculous vortech is.

Vortech: $700

Tunze: $400
Sicce: $300
Koralia: $300
Gyre: $260
Jebao: $180
AGREED!!! :up::up:

Crew;1068209 wrote: We can make this a war against Chinese manufacturing (which is ridiculous) or we can discuss the pumps. I think we can all agree that the vortechs are hands down the best... but the cost difference is absurd. If you simply compare the cost of putting needed flow into my tank (120), it's pretty apparent how ridiculous vortech is.

Vortech: $700

Tunze: $400
Sicce: $300
Koralia: $300
Gyre: $260
Jebao: $180
I have 2 mp40s on my 120 and I love them and am trying to find a used mp10 for $100 or less for my 40b frag tank. If I can't, think I'm going to go the wp-25 route since people on here seem fond of the jebaos as well
Acandoit;1068280 wrote: I have and have used both. No complaints with the Jebaos...maybe I have been lucky, but they have been strong since I bought the 1st one 2 or 3 years ago. Like a Corvette for HP, best bang for the buck.

Vortechs - These are ridiculously awesome/sexy. Price point hurts, but man, I sure do love keeping the wires out of my tank.

If someone were to give me a free Vortech or Jebao, no hesitation on the Vortech.

Good point, I also like how the vortech keeps the wires out of the display. Also, it can't leak electricity into the water like Jebao pumps can.

Has anyone ever found their Jebao pumps to be the source of leaking electricity?
wow this is still going on...

they are different applications. jebao being more versatile. it doesnt leak electricity like my eheim heater does. they are good at what they do. mine has been running for over a year with only loss of power due to not caring if they rust in my tank or not.

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mp40s cannot do what wp40s do and wp40s cannot compete with what mp40s do well...

as far as the made in china ripoff stuff goes. sorry. compete or do not. that is the story of life no matter how noble your cause. (yes they look like tunze ripoffs)
Definitely prefer a Jebao (after being modified though) over an overpriced vortec anyday...

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Ecotech, yes they are pricey, but you not only get a great product you get superior customer service. I just got off the phone with them. One of my MP40WQDs is much louder than the other one. They are sending me a replacement with a prepaid box to send the defective unit back. I had a problem with one of my lights before too, with one of the mounting screws being stripped. Same thing, they send you out a new unit BEFORE they receive the defective one back. Well worth the price in my mind.
atlorange;1068705 wrote: Ecotech, yes they are pricey, but you not only get a great product you get superior customer service. I just got off the phone with them. One of my MP40WQDs is much louder than the other one. They are sending me a replacement with a prepaid box to send the defective unit back. I had a problem with one of my lights before too, with one of the mounting screws being stripped. Same thing, they send you out a new unit BEFORE they receive the defective one back. Well worth the price in my mind.
And I think that is a valid point. With the ecotech you pay for the customer service/warranty upfront, with the Jebao as you go.
grouper therapy;1068791 wrote: And I think that is a valid point. With the ecotech you pay for the customer service/warranty upfront, with the Jebao as you go.

Yep. "Pay as you go" is very accurate.

Common comment/theme seems to be something along the lines of "As long as you clean them a lot, they're great!" Time is money for me. I clean a Vortech wet side around once a year without compromising performance or wear. This is my hobby, not my job. I do all work and maintenance on my tank. I don't pay others to do it. It's not for any other reason than I enjoy working on my tank. BUT, I don't enjoy being forced to an equipment maintenance regiment for fear that not doing so will result in product failure. I'd rather put focus on keeping the inhabitants alive rather than the equipmen from breaking. The former can be challenging enough on its own already.