eel help asap !!!!

jgilley84 - Barbara and Danny have a valid point. This is where you need to think about what is being said before simply responding within a few minutes asking them to stay out of your post - people have a right to speak their mind on these issues, with tact and respect of course. I think they were trying to give you friendly and tactful advice, rather than trying to make it a big issue.

I welcome you to the club, and gauging from your 1200+ posts, I am assuming you would at least consider what is being said. Remember, this is in response to your statements made previously that Danny quoted above...this is not people trying to start something, they are responding to your statements. If you are bold enough to make them and stand behind them, people will be bold enough to respond to them.
After your statements in the RnC thread it is clear that you take what we provide as granted.

It is the paid members that are the most knowledgable, gracious, and generous. I've been more than happy to provide my knowledge and resources to this club at my expense and the resources and expense of my company and will continue to do so, because I enjoy it. However, there is a caveat.

Your 1000+ posts without contributing anything back to the community is a slap in the face of everyone that has. No one here can make you pay, but we can reserve the right to withhold our help until you pony up the $30 and become a member.

I'm not at all opposed to helping new members that are having issues with their tanks. I want their systems to thrive and for them to have fun with them. You are not a new member.
I hope your eel gets better man...

As for all this shiznit, I don't really much to comment but I am wondering why such an active guy on here never joined?
The forum doesn't cost anything? HA! I suppose the software is free and the hosting is free? All of this comes from the red cross, right? You should probably not stick your foot so far in your mouth.
I had to lose my SF once he got 18" +

Try given him some thawed beef heart on a scewer from (publix)
Mine loved it.

Let me know how he likes it

Skriz;257787 wrote: The forum doesn't cost anything? HA! I suppose the software is free and the hosting is free? All of this comes from the red cross, right? You should probably not stick your foot so far in your mouth.

How much is the yearly cost? Anyone know? At most the software should cost 85 dollars a year if we're leasing it. If we bought it then its 180 upfront to own it and it was 160 back when this forum was started... The domain name costs like 10 bucks a year, although we may own more than one. Together though that's not a lot of money, as for hosting it and extra bandwidth if necessary... I'm not sure how much it would cost for a forum of this particular size. Seriously, I'm curious! :) I think its a misconception that operating this forum is expensive... but what do I know... :sad:.

Anyways, I always wonder why people that are active here are not members. Clearly we're not offering them enough incentive to join and a strongarm approach just doesn't seem to work... What do they say about flies and honey? I'm still of the opinion most people join primarily for the discount but amongst active members that's not a popular theory :). I think the club does have a lot to offer though aside from the discount and hope we can always improve the value of membership... To do so it would help to understand why non-members don't join up as there are quite a few people like jgilley here :).
FutureInterest;257860 wrote: How much is the yearly cost? Anyone know? At most the software should cost 85 dollars a year if we're leasing it. If we bought it then its 180 upfront to own it and it was 160 back when this forum was started... The domain name costs like 10 bucks a year, although we may own more than one. Together though that's not a lot of money, as for hosting it and extra bandwidth if necessary... I'm not sure how much it would cost for a forum of this particular size. Seriously, I'm curious! :) I think its a misconception that operating this forum is expensive... but what do I know... :sad:.

Anyways, I always wonder why people that are active here are not members. Clearly we're not offering them enough incentive to join and a strongarm approach just doesn't seem to work... What do they say about flies and honey? I'm still of the opinion most people join primarily for the discount but amongst active members that's not a popular theory :). I think the club does have a lot to offer though aside from the discount and hope we can always improve the value of membership... To do so it would help to understand why non-members don't join up as there are quite a few people like jgilley here :).

It's not a lot of money Jin, but it certainly isn't ZERO! You're about right with the software, then you have upgrade costs-there's no unlimited upgrades! The hosting would cost a few hundred/year. The hours and hours of do you price that? Free?

Nobody is trying to strongarm here...he's been fine for 1200 posts now! Members just don't like getting slapped in the face while they are providing something for someone. In this case, the members are providing this forum and friendship/advice/etc. To turn around and then curse this same group of members and state that you're not going to support it and that you're glad you haven't joined is just not cool. It's a cop out, just like all of the previous excuses. If you don't want to join, that's fine, but there's no need to insult the membership.
No arguments here really... His comment there was unsettling but so was Eric's at the time. Eric misunderstood it though and I feel this kid prolly did the same thing as that's the only part he quoted... He was only focused on the "kick your *** to the curb" portion. He's just a kid though and didn't man up like Eric did to a misunderstanding. Even though I think that's what occurred...

I don't know why I feel drawn to try and defend this kid :sad:. I'm turning into a sap. Someone slap me silly.
FutureInterest;257901 wrote: No arguments here really... His comment there was unsettling but so was Eric's at the time. Eric misunderstood it though and I feel this kid prolly did the same thing as that's the only part he quoted... He was only focused on the "kick your *** to the curb" portion. He's just a kid though and didn't man up like Eric did to a misunderstanding. Even though I think that's what occurred...

I don't know why I feel drawn to try and defend this kid :sad:. I'm turning into a sap. Someone slap me silly.

I'll be right over with my kung-fu slap! :) It's the pro-bono in you..
Skriz;257906 wrote: I'll be right over with my kung-fu slap! :) It's the pro-bono in you..

Just make sure you don't kung-fu kick him and break your toe again. :D

You been street fighting again Raj? I thought you put that life behind you...
FutureInterest;257914 wrote: again???

You been street fighting again Raj? I thought you put that life behind you...

Never! And now that I'm armed with the banstick, I'm invincible! :lol2:
FutureInterest;257901 wrote: I don't know why I feel drawn to try and defend this kid :sad:. I'm turning into a sap. Someone slap me silly.


Keep in mind that this 'kid' is 24 years old. At 26, I'm only 2 years older than him. When do we stop coddling the children and force them to grow up?

I mean, for christ's sake, he can't even construct a sentence. We had twistoflime's little sister log on and intelligently compile a post, and she's what, like 10 years old? Jgilley has a 14 year lead on her but only about half the maturity.

lol. His writing style and demeanor led me to believe he was mid to late teens. Oh well... If that's the case then he doesn't need me to make his excuses for him :). Carry on.
FutureInterest;257990 wrote: lol. His writing style and demeanor led me to believe he was mid to late teens. Oh well... If that's the case then he doesn't need me to make his excuses for him :). Carry on.

My feeling about this...

I didn't even notice the non-membership issue. And I guess I feel that I'm responding to the board more than an individual. I've learned so much by reading threads that were not made by me, directed to me or even participated in by me, and I figure anyone else interested in eels can benifit from interactive discussion about them, be it with a member or a non-member. Even though my knowledge is very limited, I'd like to give a small part back to the club that's given me so much. That 12-step mantra comes back to me: "you can't keep it if you don't give it away."

When I particpate in a thread with a non-member, I'm trying to support and promote my hobby and not that member.

Personally, I can't imagine any good reason at all not to be a paid member. It's the cost of a coral or a fish, for Pete's sake! And that logo beside your screen name tells everyone that you support the club. So what if you don't always agree with a particular member, officer, board member or moderator? I don't always agree with my mom, my sisters, my brother, my husband or my kids, but I'm not going to leave the family or kick them out of the family.

Frankly, I think if you're not a paid member, then you're anti-</em> for some reason, and that's not cool. This is not a cheap hobby, yet this membership is one of the cheapest things you can do.

Not paying is saying "pfffffffff" and "screw you, Atlanta Reef Club."
threads like this have a lot of potential in scaring away those that are thinking about becoming members.........

has anyone heard if the eel is ok?

how is she doing Jgill?