Emergency Crisis Over, trying to figure out what happened....


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Saturday night, for the first time after 20+ years in the hobby, I thought my entire system had been nuked ! Now that the crisis is over, I have time to reflect on why/how this happened.

It may always be a mystery since my reefing practices henders the investigation of the issue. Please read until you get bored, if youmake it to the end, you get a cookie. It's really and interesting tale of near death destruction. A comedy of errors, without the humor.

This past weekend, during the ToT, I picked up some new fish/corals/media for my tank. I came home and started acclimating everything as you normally would.
Now, rather than sticking my hands in the water daily, I wait till I have a short laundry list of things that need to be done in the tank and do them all at once (a practice that I'll be curbing in the future). A spacer I use to crack the lid open on warm days had fallen in the tank, a rock had needed to be moved, two softies almost touching needed relocating. Pretty average stuff.
Also, not so average things like dipping two frag plugs in freshwater, adding some Purgen media, along with 1ml of Seachem Alpha as it suggests adding it everytime you add livestock.
Within a 15 minute time period, I put the two corals in a freshwater tip, dosed the Alpha, opened the pre-bagged box of Purigen and placed it in my sump, and started tempreture acclimating some large polyps I got on the tour.
It occured to me that I didn't know how long to dip the corals after starting the dipping process, posted on ARC, but ended up, the corals were dipped for about 15 minutes, (I now know, 30 seconds or so).
I then replaced the recently FW dipped corals, waited a few minutes, then dipped my new polyps and frogspawn and placed them in the tank.
I stood there for a second and noticed that EVERYTHING IN THE TANK HAD CLOSED UP!!!!!!! Nothing was out! Even my anemone was retracted behind the rocks, something it had yet to ever do. My clam, candy cane, duncans, everything closed . EVEN MY LEATHERS THAT HAD JUST BEEN FULL AND OPENED WERE ACTUALLY NOT ONLY CLOSED, BUT SLOUGHING OFF A CLEAR FILM IN JUST A FEW MOMENTS TIME.
Quickly, I started retracing my steps..... I'd washed/rinsed/tried my hands well before starting. I found the box of Purgien to re-read the directions, which at second glance read to "rinse well before first use" which I had not done, while the thought of toxic chemicals being emitted from the over dipped softies crossed my mind as well.
The odd thing, is the new corals that were last put in the tank suffered no ill consquences at all. Its like an invisible cloud of destruction passed through my whole system once. It was very odd.
Two days (and 50% WC) later, the tank is 95% back to normal, my anemone is full and eating again, all the softies and LPS are openning up nicely.
Unfortunately, I've had to isolate my huge Sun Coral, as it did not fair well in the chemical melee. It's top coat of connective flesh seems to be burnt off, along with all it's feeder tenticles being melted down. I have it in qt alone, with no lights, at a nice warm temp to speed recovery. Of the 70 to 80 polyps, it appears only two small polyps of the sun coral made it out unscathed. I'll make it my mission in life to feed it well (by hand as the mouths are still there), and nurse it back to health in order to pay penance for my (albeit rare) breech in good husbandry practices.....

Moral of the story (and hard lesson learned).........

Do ONE thing,
Add ONE thing,

ONE thing at a time........ Otherwise, you can't track down a treatable cause when the **** hits the fan........
We do the same. I always worry about coral wars while I'm waiting for enough crap to fall to make it worth going in.
Did you dip everything in fresh water? Or did you use a dip for the frogspawn. If you did and then did not rinse them it could be from that.

Sorry to hear of your troubles and glad to hear all are recovering.

Just a freshwater dip, but did more damage than good.........

I'm thinking maybe ishouldn't have dipped the frogspawn in fresh water. I'm going to research that real quick
Oh, we're talking wonderful cookies, brownies in fact, all covered in fudge...... sprinled in walnuts

My place, any minute now
FW dips on corals are not needed IMHO. A good reef dip, like Tropic Marin's Pro-coral cure, will do pretty much the same thing but is much easier on the coral.
I use the Tropic Marin dip and it seems to work really well. I use it on everything, and add a little interceptor to acros. I saw it roast some AEFW one time. THose guys hate iodine I guess.
Dakota9;313742 wrote: Just a freshwater dip, but did more damage than good.........

I'm thinking maybe ishouldn't have dipped the frogspawn in fresh water. I'm going to research that real quick

OK, seems you can FW dip a fragspawn......

The polyps I dipped closed up the moment I pulled them from my display. The flatworms were closed up in the polyps..... wondering if toxins were released that way now.......

This is one of those things I'll lay awake considering
Dakota - I am happy to hear that you were able to retrace your steps. I am sorry that all of this happened after an exciting day with all of us. How are the clowns doing? I still think you should have gotten the naked clowns :)
I can just imagine what i'd be saying if if saw this happing in my tank.."Wait..what the...oh god oh god, OH GOD...FUUUUUUUU" lol
Clowns are doing great.......

Still hasn't hosted in the anemone though, but i aint pressing the issue at the moment

Thanks for asking Denise. The tot was huge fun
I don't think I'd even ever attempt Ozone......... Purgien is really very safe, and supposedly one of the best medias that you can use.

However, I am using a bag that treats up to 100 gallons on a 14 gallon tank....
Glad things are working out well now. BTW, I like plain ole sugar cookies. :)