Emergency Crisis Over, trying to figure out what happened....

I try to limit tank dips to basically the frequency I feed my suncoral and no more. I'll take your poll.
Really strange...... The anemone is happy and healthy again now, eating and full.

What ever happened in the tank was over pretty quickly I think.

I believe the over dipping caused the softies to emit toxic chemicals, but the Purigen nuetralized the toxins in short order, keeping the tank from crashing........

Alls well that ends well.....
Yea, I read the whole thing :)
I figured I was bad as I am always in my tank picking up something or moving a coral away from another. or just feeding my acan and candy canes. atleast now I know its a good thing. I try to do one thing at a time too b/c if i don't i'll forget what is the highest priority to everything else. which reminds me i need to frag a piece of some AoG zoas. I'll do that tonight.

Glad you survived a total wash out.

Dakota9;313744 wrote: Oh, we're talking wonderful cookies, brownies in fact, all covered in fudge...... sprinled in walnuts

My place, any minute now

Sounds good, I'll be waiting on them for the April meeting. :D
Sorry you had a major FUBAR with tour tank. Glad to hear all is ok. Even after all the years I have done freshwater, saltwater and ponds sometimes something goes crazy. I've had a 3000g pond go bizerk, years ago. Taced it back to neighbor fertilizing grass. Did a 1000g water change. Not lol when that happened. My hands and wifes in tank many times daily.
Just for info:
I use charcoal when corals start chemical warfare. Just a reminder to much charcoal is not really better. I use about 1/3 cup for each 10 gallons rinsed in tap water then soaked in Ro water for 30-60 minutes. After about 2 - 4 days it is used up and I discard. It does not leach anything it pulls out back into the tank as far as I have read or personally noticed.

Oh yeh! I read the whole thing and want my cookies too.