Emergency Help Needed: Sick Maroon Clown

Bud, mix the SW to about 1.020 and drop it to 1.010 durring the corse of the week... The fish is already going to be stressed from the bath, best not make him adjust to a TOO difference SG right away. As a bonus, this will make you do small water changes every two days which will help the tank cycle without a ammonia spike in your QT. Then remember, run it at 1.010 for about 4 weeks and then slowly start to bring it back up to 1.02 before introducting it into your display at noraml SG range of 1.021 - 1.025. The fish can make the jump from 1.020 to 1.025 easily...

PS. I did not meanton this but make sure you have an air stone in your Formalin dip water... The wrass will use more O2 then your clown and BOTH should have an airstone for saftey reasons. If you need an air pump and stone, I have one that I only use for hospital tanks.
I just finished and the end result for today is that the wrasse seems to have gone through the Formulin treatment ok and is now sleeping in the new QT. The clown does not look good at all and after all the work today I'm not very hopeful it will make it through the night.

Brandon, thanks for the correction on the SG level and the need for an airstone and pump.

I set up the new QT at SG 1.023, treated the wrasse for 15 minutes in the Formulin mixed in SG 1.010, rinsed it in fresh SG 1.010 and then put it in the QT.

I treated the clown in the same formulin bath for 30 minutes, rinsed it in fresh SG 1.010 and put it in a 5 Gal bucket that I had already prepared with SG 1.023 and an airstone. While he was in the bucket I emptied the original QT, filled it with tap water and added about 3/4 cup of bleach. I let it soak for a half hour and then scrubbed it with a new sponge. Once I got it clean I emptied it, rinsed it as well as I could, and then dried it totally. Then I filled it again with tap water, added a capful of Seachem Prime, and let it sit another half hour. I emptied it and totally dried it again before filling it with SG 1.023 water. I started trying to clean the HOB filter and gave up and asked my wife to make a PetSmart run to get me another AquaClear 30. Once I got it filled and running I put the clown back in. Hopefully he'll pull through but I'm not very optimistic.
Bud... the air stone should have gone in the formalin dip as well, formalin does not hold O2 very well and thus a fish can run out of O2 and be worse for wear.

Lets hope the clown pulls through. Like I said, and I truely believe, if the fish was going to ever get healthy, he should be able to make it through a Formalin dip for 15-30 min.

Please let me know how he is doing in the morning.
Xyzpdq0121;65275 wrote: Bud... the air stone should have gone in the formalin dip as well, formalin does not hold O2 very well and thus a fish can run out of O2 and be worse for wear.

Lets hope the clown pulls through. Like I said, and I truely believe, if the fish was going to ever get healthy, he should be able to make it through a Formalin dip for 15-30 min.

Please let me know how he is doing in the morning.

Brandon, I knew you meant in the Formulin for the airstone. I did put it there and then after the treatment I cut off the airline and stone and threw them away and then moved the pump with a new airline and stone to the holding container.

Unfortunately the clown did not make it through the night. I found him laying on the bottom this morning.

The good news is that the wrasse looks just fine this morning and as long as I can get him to eat I'll feel a little better about the whole thing. I will lower the SG in his tank a little each day this week until I get it down to 1.010 and then leave it there for four weeks.

Later this week I'll go break down the other QT and go through the bleaching and rinsing process that I just went through, except I'll leave it empty for a little while.