February Frags...how are they doing?

SparksFly;140060 wrote: The stuff I got from Jin is doing great. But the duncan won't fully open. Hope it does good. They are fast growers from what I've read.


I got some Armor of God zoas from Jin, and they're freakin' incredible. Imagine a zoa with sunset monti colors, and that's what they look like! I'll try to get some pics up soon.

My huge superman frag (2 mm x 3 mm) is doing OK. The polyps are out, but the coral is pretty bleached. It's going to be a looooong time before that one can be fragged again!
Stroid;140016 wrote: I knew it!!!!!!! lol :D

I pee'd in Ziads cup....was that a problem. I heard urine was good for corals....was I wrong?

I only grabed the pokey star and its doing well.
Favia is doing good. My superman was kinda the same as everyone elses (almost completely white). I can see a bit of color starting to form but I think it is going to be a long shot.
I got one of each of the zoos. Both are doing really well so far and opening right up.
flyingarmy;140128 wrote: I pee'd in Ziads cup....was that a problem. I heard urine was good for corals....was I wrong?

There was a long line in the men's room. That little cup was a running over!:yuk:
my duncan is doing AWESOME!

I got some zoas from Jin: the only thing that didn't make it was the AOG :( hey just never opened up and have since disentegrated away).
dawgdude;140052 wrote: ... I have to say that meeting was WAY more painless than last year. Kudos to all those who planned it.

Everything did seem to go pretty smoothly in the back; Alan, Lee and Mike were animals in the frag disbursment department!
I thought you guys did a great job! just wanted to know how everyone elses frags are doing.
MY GPS are not doing well; look pretty meager. My one tiny brain coral is doing fine; the two montis were so small they disappeared in my coral. They were all so small and not so good. Last year the frags were much larger, healthier and all survived and have grown. Quyite disappointing frags this year for me.
One of the leathers I got is gone, I found some of it on the rock not sure where the rest went. The green pavona is mostly bleached but the polyps are still coming out. I dont know if my T5 are going to be able to color it back up though. The GSP is open but only the tips are green the rest of the polyp is brown I am going to try to get it higher up in the tank and see what happens
My pokerstar frag is quite bleached but still there...
Let's see. This was my first event so I scored big time (went thru 3 times-of course after everyone was done):

-Pokerstar Monti has approximately 5 pores that are brown. I guess better than dead right? We'll move him higher over time.
-Spagetti leather did not like the rubber band. It split again and doesn't look so hot.
-Green Favia- I was lucky and got a piece with a whole head/spore and 3 half spores. He's kinda brown but might be greening up a little now.
-Brown Monti-he's Ok. I guess this piece is from Cameron. Cam actually gave me a huge piece when I was over at his house.

Stuff I got from other people or bought:
-Orange Monti from Noel-thanks! Doing good
-Yellow Polyps-doing great! Of course.
-Orange Zoos-super
-Blue Tort-doing OK-I have no experience with SPS, probably shouldn't have bought him but gotta start somewhere
Its perfectly normal for encrusting montiporas to bleach out when stressed. Since nothing is more stressful than being chopped up into tiny tiny pieces, its understandable that they lost all their color.

If it was healthy to begin with, which I believe it was... then it will recover just fine. I've noticed that it usually takes a month for these things to recover and get established. After that they start growing like mad.
I got a superman and a orange cap. i have lost the superman he must have gotten blown somewhere in my tank. the moni cap is doing well. he is in a rock and won't come out
Big D;140862 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">As far as the frag from the meeting, I picked the Rainbow Monti. Mine too was bleached when I finally got it in the tank. It had a blue hue on the tissue at the top of it's peak which has since spread. The polyps are extended, but they are brown right now, we'll see how it goes. </span>

My Rainbow is the same. Some faint blue with brown extended polyps.
sagent3000;140870 wrote: I got a superman and a orange cap. i have lost the superman he must have gotten blown somewhere in my tank. the moni cap is doing well. he is in a rock and won't come out

We probably should have told everyone getting the monti frags to superglue those to LR!