February Frags...how are they doing?

My Monti frags are brown, I guess that's good. The Brain is half brown, we'll see. Also stuck around to the end and got a couple leftover GSPs which are doing well. I read up on the GSPs Green Star Polyps. They sound like they'll fill up my tank if I don't watch it. I got a 90, lots of room for now. I stayed up late glueing all my frags and placed them around my tank. Working nightshift at the end of the week so it's normal for me to stay up late. Thanks a bunch!
My Duncan is doing quite well. Eats like a pig :) Silly Scribble...doesn't think I can't see him.

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I was working on the tank last night and I noticed that my Superman has good polp extension and has a nice brown color to most of it. This is after it being bleached and thought to be DOA.
My Poker Star is doing well. The color lightened up a little at first, but seems to be coming back nicely. Thanks ARC!
All of my stuff is doing pretty well! I picked up an orange Pavona and the Favia Brain. Like everyone else, mine were pretty bleached at first, but I followed the directions we were given to place them lower in the tank, and they're starting to brown up pretty well. He told us that a brown coral is a healthy coral, so that's what I'm going for to begin with. I can see the orange centers of the Pavona and the green on the Favia under actinics, so I know they are still alive. Thanks ARC!!

The frags from Jin and Wolfie are doing great also! I really appreciate it guys! I'll be in touch....

- Brad
I am starting to think my PSM is barely alive. It is completely bleached no brown at all but if I look closesly it looks as if there is some polyp extension. I am going to keep it in the tank a bit longer to see if anything happens.
My Pokerstar is definitely alive now...very furry. Unfortunately, it's brown! I hope the color changes soon. I'm not sure if I should move it lower or over to the brighter side of my tank (I have 175 and 250w, it's under the 175).
yeah mine is now brownish instead of white maybe thats a good thing its just so small its hard to tell if the polyps are actually extending or not. Loren or Charlie post a pic of yours.
Mine has already encrusted about 1mm all around. Oddly it was supposed to be a superman monti but it is in truth a rainbow monti. Green polyps in the middle and red/orange polyps around the growth edge. Its in an area of about 400 par and moderate flow.
I got two small pieces of monti cap and at least one is ok, not sure about the other one yet. I also got two pieces of favia and neither looks all that great but one of them extended two little feeder tentacles after the lights were out so I am still hopeful.
I wonder if they mislabeled the montis because I know of two people that received pokerstar montis... but they turned out to be supermans.
my superman has grown three or four polyps, and the leather i couldn't get to stay on a rock so it drifts around but its growing alright
glxtrix;149016 wrote: Lets see some pics of the superman, poker star and or rainbow montis.

Yea, lets! ('cause now I'm wondering what I ended up with!) :unsure:
Same as Big D. Mine looked really faded but now is showing some Red polyps. Can't remember which one I asked for though.
dawgdude;148867 wrote: Ya know thats funny because I couldnt get mine to stay on my rocks either! I even used some bridal veil for 2 weeks but still no luck. What color are your polyps on the super man?

my superman looks brown, but i bought this blue led and it glows like a reddish color. it looks pretty cool. cant wait for it to get bigger:up:
My rainbow is encrasting very nicely. Polyps are still brown but the body has a very nice blueish tint.
OK just found the container that mine came in. It says "PSM" so I assume Poker Star. Mine has a blueish background and red polyps. Looks more like a superman right now. Not complaining though as it was free. :)