February Frags...how are they doing?

Big D;151463 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Well, I've heard if you drop your salinty down to around 1.012... :eek: </span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Ziad, this is all in good fun... :yes: I am going to pm you some good info on where to get very nice chunk for very cheap!!! If you don't have the cash right now, then get it from Victor... he's the richest unemployed guy I know. :D </span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Big D</span>
bwahhahahabwaha Thanks David and yes I can actually take a joke. Victor I need some cash :)
Wow Z, I'm floored by your picture taking abilities! Ever think of going pro? On a serious note, what kind of lighting do you have it under? And roughly where in the tank is it.
about midway in the tank its a 29g standard tank under 175w mh 14k ushio bulb fairly new bulb maybe 2 months on it. The thing was dead before I put it in.
well after being in bed from this **** fever and completely neglecting my tank mine completely bleached out what sucks is that it wa comletely colored up and inctusted to the plup i mounted it on...... im also thinking that it could have been some kind of monti eating nudi cause i also lost my green monti which use to grow like a weed that i got from cameron ... oh well cant do anything now
The only frag that didn't make it was a Pavona. Stayed white and never did anything. My Montis are growing well, and my GSPs are encrusting the rock and expanding. Also the frags I got in March are doing well. Got a Kenya tree frag which has doubled in size, and the Candycane Corals are doing well. I thought I lost the Monti from Steve, a green one, but it is starting to color up. Cool.
Barbara;163824 wrote: I actually have a bit of good news to report! I got the superman monti frag. A day after I got it, it dropped down into the rockwork and I gave up on it since I didn't want to re-aquascape my tank and tear up the rockwork. Somwhere in this post someone made the statement "I would never give up on a monti, no matter how bad it looks". I was encouraged, but still chalked the Superman up to lost forever.

Well, I re-aquascaped last week and there was the tiny little frag, which had landed in a cupped section of a rock that wound up on the top of my reef. And believe it or not, the polyps started to extend. I saw a few brown polyps on this bright white rock (which had been at the bottom of the old reef design) and I thought "what's that growing there?" I pulled the little plug out and it was that darn Superman monti frag, still alive! Unbelievable! Now it has a prominent place in a whole in a piece of rock on the top of the reef, and I am waiting for it to color up. I am so excited!

Barbara, that is great! My superman has fallen off the rocks so many times I can't count! Finally, I figured that I lost it. The other day when I was inspecting the tank, in this little crevice of light, I saw it! It had many orangey polyps too. I didn't want to tear up the whole tank again because I finally have everything where I want them to be. Darn it! Now I'll have to tear it up again for that jewel. :) Thanks for the story, you inspired me to stop being lazy!
My pokerstar is doing well. It's about 2/3rds covering the plug now. Considering it was pencil eraser size I consider that pretty good!
My Pokerstar went in to a phone booth and is now a nice encrusting Superman frag! :)
Mine made the same transformation! No complaints though. I'm just happy it's still alive and growing.
The pink and green finger has become fingers, the pulsating xenia are pulsating and the rbta is having a ball! It found its home real quick and is playing nice with the corals!
My duncan was killed by my hermits, but i did replace it with another one
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There up to 9 heads now, the new sprouts grew up quick but havnt droped any new one for awhile
My Poker Star Monti...er....Superman Monti...(it was labeled as a PSM, but is blue with orange polyps--isn't that a Superman?)... is doing fine and is slowly encrusting on the plug it's on. My Monti-Cap frag is also doin' fine. My Pavona never showed any signs of life--it's green now.......but only 'cause it's covered with algae:doh:
Ahh, this again. Fun to continue to track progress. My eagle eyes died almost instantly. Never figured out why. But my Fire n Ice have grown rapidly, and I have already fragged them once to spread the love!

I'm really wishing I had taken the superman instead though... Didnt realize how badazz it was at the time.
my brain coral and eagle eyes are doing pretty good, better than I expected :) I didnt think I had that much of a "green thumb" with corals lol

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