Fish addition 125 gallon.


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So far I have
Melanurus wrasse 3"
Royal gramma about 2"
Green/blue chromi 1.5"
One regular Clown almost 2"
One blacke ice clown 1"

Want to keep everything peaceful
Just curious on what additions you would recommend..pretty low bio load right now. Have a octo 2000 ext skimmer I haven't hooked up yet..just rock/sand/sump, filter socks doing the work now. All parameters good.
Sand sifting Goby’s, like Diamond Goby’s are a good addition. They provide a good service and don’t cause much trouble.

Also smaller gobys and Firefish will do well, most aren’t too territorial and are beautiful!

Blenny’s are great fish too, but can be a little bossy with their own kind. The Starry Blenny is a real clown, but is also bossy.

Flasher type wrasses are beautiful as well.

In that 125, you should have plenty of real estate to allow similar types of fish room to spread out and minimize rivalry’s.

fwiw, if you happen to be thinking about a dwarf Angel, like Coral Beauty or Flame, add that last.
Damn that’s nice aquascaping. How long did it take you?

I’m in a similar boat trying to stock a 150.

This is what I have so far that will be transferred into the 150:
2 yellow coris
2 davinci clowns
melanaurus wrasse
M/F blue throat trigger pair
Blonde naso
Yellow tang
Fox face
Black cap basslet
Coral beauty
Purple firefish

I’d like to add a few flasher or fairy wrasses and either a hippo or purple tang. And some sort of sand sifting goby
Looks like I can add quite a few Obviously slowly and making sure things are compatible. Don't have a top so I guess a jawfish is out. I have a couple jumpers already..should build a top. Aquascape was probably 2-3 weeks. Worked it here and there for 10 minutes, 20 minutes...2-3 a only used sand and gluemasters..thin for set, then medium and thick for final. The right side and left side are separate pieces. Best advice when making big pieces is to have someone who can hold it upside down for gluing those hard to get to joints..glues sets fast but it gets heavy. The glue holds the weight but don't run into a door frame with will break.haha.
It’s really pretty. I originally wanted to do a negative aquascape like yours but just got lazy and ended up just piling rocks on top of each other, lol


Original look before I broke it from the door frame then a bucket of sand slipping out of my hand while in the tank
I like the open look better and you still have plenty of hiding places and room to add a piece or two later if you want. I jammed my 28 jbj with too much rock and always regretted it. Something about "a more spacious bottom" hehe that I like.
Any sandsifters should be added later. Past 6 months if not a year. Gives the system time to build up microbes and pods in the sand bed that are their primary food sources. Add them too early and you run the risk of starving them to death.
Any sandsifters should be added later. Past 6 months if not a year. Gives the system time to build up microbes and pods in the sand bed that are their primary food sources. Add them too early and you run the risk of starving them to death.
I've read most of them starve to death regardless...which really has me on the fence.
My conch and nassarius snails don't do much as far as fact, my basslet sifts more sand than anything right now.
Conch and nassarius aren't sifters as much as they are stirrers which help turn the sand over.
If you can get a diamond goby eating small mysis in QT you've got a better chance of keeping them long term. The key is also only adding one sifter unless you have a very large footprint.
So few
I've got a yellow foxface in the frag tank and that sucker grows fast and is always fat
I'm debating whether to transfer that one to the 150 or get a magnificent

I'm going to have too much yellow in the tank with the tang and the 2 yellow coris