fish food

curtis mitchell

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got some freash tuna,oysters,shrimp,nori,scallops,octopus. droped all in blender . poor into freezer bag . freeze . feed . is it the freahness that made my fish expolde into a feeding frenz. they eat rods food regular but I wanted too see if i could make it should have been doing this all along. any body else try this?
I too have experienced the same thing and would like to know what makes the animals go so nuts over this homemade food. Did you blend it to a paste like material or did you leave many chunks? I have always chopped leaving chunks and just wondering how it compares to your mix.
most went in the blinder to a paste but some chunks were added. plus the amount of food I got was about 3 times as much for the same price. but it sure does stink when
Curtis Mitchell;586594 wrote: but it sure does stink when

I guess this is a matter or perspective. I did something similar once and my cats were THRILLED. :purr:
good call man, I think I will try as well - Im about out of Rods..

I may try to add some garlic guard and some vitamins to fortify it, I may also toss a pouch of PE mysis in it after I blend it - my fish go nuts for it
dont bother with expensive fish like salmon, any cheap fillets will work fine. Asian markets and farmers markets will have a great selection for a low price. I usually get whitting fillets, scallops, oysters, squid/octopus if they have it, shrimp(with heads), fish roe(orange ones are great), and whatever else looks interesting.

I usually blend it till its in small chunks, then remove 1/2 and blend the rest down to a paste.

I then add regular frozen foods like mysis, brine, bloodworms and cyclopeeze, along with some nori, pellet food and random coral foods.

If you really want to get into it, you can add stuff like brocolli, orange rind, and carrots(all shaved or blended into small bits) for vitamins.

I usually spend about $30 at the market, and $100 on frozen and coral foods and it makes enough for a year...and I feed HEAVILY!
Awesome stuff guys, this is so interesting! I've been in hobby for near 15 yrs and you would think I would have done something like this. I guess the only reason I haven't is the wife lol she would not go for me blending all this in her Kitchenaid blender. I may have to go to Wally World and purchase a super cheap one and play with this as well!
I do the same thing with 2lbs of shrimp and 2 bags of seafood mix then transfer it into ice cube trays. Wife is always B****ing about the smell.
EnderG60;586739 wrote: dont bother with expensive fish like salmon, any cheap fillets will work fine. Asian markets and farmers markets will have a great selection for a low price. I usually get whitting fillets, scallops, oysters, squid/octopus if they have it, shrimp(with heads), fish roe(orange ones are great), and whatever else looks interesting.

I usually blend it till its in small chunks, then remove 1/2 and blend the rest down to a paste.

I then add regular frozen foods like mysis, brine, bloodworms and cyclopeeze, along with some nori, pellet food and random coral foods.

If you really want to get into it, you can add stuff like brocolli, orange rind, and carrots(all shaved or blended into small bits) for vitamins.

I usually spend about $30 at the market, and $100 on frozen and coral foods and it makes enough for a year...and I feed HEAVILY!

I like this recipe, maybe a few of us can "go in" on making a batch and divy it up between us? who is in? I have a couple of lbs of lobster to throw in...
First off why would you waste lobster like that? SHAME ON YOU!

Second, im about 2 months away from making another batch if anyone wants to do a group buy Id be happy to make a larger bucket o ocean smoothie.
EnderG60;586773 wrote: First off why would you waste lobster like that? SHAME ON YOU!

Second, im about 2 months away from making another batch if anyone wants to do a group buy Id be happy to make a larger bucket o ocean smoothie.

Im allergic to shellfish so I dont touch the stuff....

I can get by 2 months on what I have

we should do a freezer scavenge! I know a bunch of us have frozen fish food in the freezer we havent used or didnt care for by itself. although by then I wont have any left!

I would pay $10 for a gallon ziplock flat pack of frozen food, about 1/2" thick or there abouts - would it come out close to that? I actually just finally used up the Rods and PE mysis I won at the bbq so I dont even know what that stuff costs retail.
I usually try to use freash unfrozen stuff since its not exactly expensive.

and my last $130 batch yeilded me 5 of those gallon ziplocks about 1/2" thick although that was about 50/50 fish food / market fish. BUT I Will be using more market fish this time.

Remember though that this is much more dense then usual foods so its easily twice the amount of food as what you think it is since there is zero filler/water added.

and FYI, I feed my mix once a day and I easily keep all kinds of picky eaters and nonphotosynthetic critters. This stuff is great, few hours once a year and you can feed up to 10 different things at once in one feeding :)
I have a nice rig set up..I use the fishing line splicers and place them in the food cubes I made in the ice trays and then already have a fishline tied to my 2" PVC with a sinker. I hook the splicer to the line and cast away! The fish love it.
I read somewhere that frozed food was bad for tanks because of preservatives. Is this info wrong? If it is I can't wait to make some up. I already make homemade food for all my other pets.
Just go to the Asian markets and you can buy fresh. Put it in a mini chop, add garlic guard and you're ready to go. I sometimes add silversides and krill to the mix also.