Giving this filter sock a try.


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Hi guys,
I just received these in the mail. They originate in Hong Kong. I have been using felt prefilter socks in my sump, and while they work, they clog quickly and cleaning them is a pain-bleach, rinse,dry, etc. I have been looking for an easier to use alternative that can be rinsed out with water and quickly reused. This looks like it can he hand rinsed and resued right away.

Cost is $4.50 each with free shipping to the US. I bought 4 of them.

I have emailed the seller to ask about the pore size. They are constructed of a woven nylon , and the pore opening is not visible to the naked eye. I am guessing between 200-400 microns. Bag has a 4.5" diameter and is 12" long. Here are some pics:

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If anyone would like to try these, PM me and I'll send you the Seller's info. I have no ties to this seller. I will post my experience with these. I will put them into service tonight.
Keep us posted! Of course, I just bought 6 of the regular socks (for a lot more!)
dawgdude;212683 wrote: Is the porosity really that small on it? If so then those look like a home run! Great find, I hate using felt filter socks because sometimes I feel like its doing more harm than good.

I'll post when I hear back from the Seller about the pore size. My felt socks are 200 micron, and I think the telling factor will be if I see an increase in the mulm accumulation in my sump. The felt socks are a PIA, but there is very little buildup of detritus in my sump so far using them. If there is an increase with these nylon socks, then the pore size will be bigger. I used 25 micron filter bags for a while, and besides having crystal clear water, I don't think any food was making it back into the tank thru the sump. Most coral foods I feed (Reef Chili, Coral Frenzy, Elos, Ocean Nutrition is 50-100 microns in diameter)
Ya let us know how they work. Would be a lot better then washing socks in the washing machine all the time!
I don't think you should be able to see through 200-400 micron bags, those holes should be too small if I understand microns correctly, but then again, maybe I don't...
I have had several people ask for the shipping information on these. Hopefully we'll get some responses after a few weeks if anyone else purchased them. They do a nice job of breaking up micro bubbles in my sump, and they are retaining some grunge.

Here is a pic of them in service in my MRC sump. Sorry for the huge pic!
Nice find let us know what the seller says. I don't like the felt ones either. Those look like they are working pretty good so far.
dough;213406 wrote: Nice find let us know what the seller says. I don't like the felt ones either. Those look like they are working pretty good so far.

Will do. My main concern was wether the Seller was legit, being overseas, but he shipped just fine. Even warned me it takes two weeks to ship to the US. Got them about two weeks to the day.
I do like how the polyester felt ones are able to effectively trap detritus. I wonder if the overflow turbulence would break up the detritus in these bags such that it could slip through the netting.
How does the micron rating work. My guess is that 200 microns passes larger debris than a 300 micron and so on. Is this correct?
Actually I guess it's the other way around, right? I'm trying to eliminate micro bubble from my tank. What about this?
That looks like it would work as well. The ad doesn't say the diameter of the plastic ring, but in the bag is 6" wide, then the ring "looks" about 4" wide.

I might be concerned that the pore size is too small in that. 100 microns is kind of small. I'm not sure what everyone uses, but I prefer 200 because I feed my corals, and many of the prepeared ones I use are wider than 100, usually 50-150 microns in width, per the labels.

For me, that bag in a 200 micron width would be great.
Just did a little web surfing, and found this:"></a>. They have 200 micron nylon mesh bags with plastic rings in the style of the felt socks.

Here is the particular mesh bag link: [IMG]"></a>

These look good at $3 each with a 25 count minimum order. If 3-4 others want to get 6 each or so I'd be happy to coordinate and order them and then mail each person their bags. Looks like it would be about $23 total for 6 bags and USPS shipping. I'd need a commitment and PayPal payment before I order.

PM me or let me know here and we can get it organized. These have to be easier to use than felt socks.
Ace of Spades;213497 wrote: I could be interested in something like this. I need to knock out some bubbles in my fuge.

Two more people needed. I'll buy 7 and three others can buy six. That'll be enough for the minimum order. $23 for six easy to clean 200 micron filter socks. You can't beat that.