Have 4 tangs in my 90 gallon.


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I am wanting to add 3 more tangs. How big of a tank do I need to upgrade to? Currently have a Blue Regal, Yellow, Sailfin, and Powder Blue. Really wanting to add a purple tang right now but I know that may not be a good Idea. All fish get along nicely. Current stock is the 4 tangs, Potter's and coral beauty angel. 4 clowns. 2 pajama cardinals. One yellow Goby. A fox face. And a Dottie back. Tank is getting along real good right now. I just looking for some advice.
You're going to need at least a 8' long tank. I'd say 240g minimum, especially for the regal and sailfin, the powder blue is going to need a lot of swimming room.
In a 90....you've got all the fish that tank will handle right now. You need to at least double in size (180) if not do what Sean said and go to a 240. Tangs need room so move so they don't feel threatened and there is an "order" within Tangs. In my 180, I currently have a Yellow, a Regal, a Tomini, a Vlimingi, 3 clowns, an engineer goby, a pink spot goby, a Coral Beauty Angel, a Swallowtail Angel, a melanurus wrasse and an Arceye Hawkfish. While I've created plenty of hiding spaces....everybody is getting to the size (4+ inches) where I'm out of room. I see a 300 in my future!
porpoiseaquatics;1109544 wrote: In a 90....you've got all the fish that tank will handle right now. You need to at least double in size (180) if not do what Sean said and go to a 240. Tangs need room so move so they don't feel threatened and there is an "order" within Tangs. In my 180, I currently have a Yellow, a Regal, a Tomini, a Vlimingi, 3 clowns, an engineer goby, a pink spot goby, a Coral Beauty Angel, a Swallowtail Angel, a melanurus wrasse and an Arceye Hawkfish. While I've created plenty of hiding spaces....everybody is getting to the size (4+ inches) where I'm out of room. I see a 300 in my future!

Now that would be very nice! :)
I had 5 in my 58g way back when. I would just get them at around 2-3" then swap them out when they hit 5-6" I did that about 4 times before I upgraded.

I had a regal, yellow, sailfin, purple, and clown. If anyone has been here for a decade or so you might remember seeing it.
I'm thinking about getting a swimming pool liner for my apartment. Igot some big tangs in my 120 that I need to move.My wife and management says no. I cant do nothing. :sad:
Dont listen to the Tang police. You dont need a 8 foot tank. I had 8 tangs in my 5 ft tank with no problems. This bs about they need x amount of feet to be happy is nonsense. On average a tang may swim a thousand miles in a year easily without ever backtracking. You really going to believe that a Tang is going to say "wow I can't swim 1000 miles anymore but thank God this tank is 8 foot instead of 6?"
Come on people it's someone put you in a 10 foot jail cell instead of a 6-foot Jail cell would that really make you happy? You have to remember that you're taking these fish out of an ocean bigger than anything we've ever lived and putting them in a small glass box inside our home. Don't get me wrong you don't want to put a Tang in a 30-gallon tank however as long as you give it plenty of rock to pick off of plenty of food and it constantly have clean water you will be okay. Now saying that you have to understand that tangs produce a lot of waste so your maintenance program will have to be extensive however the biggest problem will really be getting them all to get along well. I went to 30 fish just to get the 8 that I needed / wanted. every time I got one I would have to replace another one that didn't like him with a newer one of the same species that was okay with it. By the time I got through seven tangs I had to replace each one at least once because of temperament. I was lucky though because I had a friend who owned a fish store and would gladly trade me one that was aggressive for one that he just got in that wasn't. Just make sure you feed them plenty of veggies so it lowers their aggression, keep the water clean and give them plenty of live rock to pick on. In other words keep them busy.