HEADLINES: Clownfish Votes for RBTA (BFF Remain Undecided)

linda lee

Active Member
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Please 'scuse the bad pics. My tank really doesn't look this bad!!

I got these ocellaris clowns from Lee sometime back. While they hang out together, I can't really call them a pair. If it's possible, I think they might both be females that happen to get along. They're both the same size and fairly large." alt="" />

For months, they've ignored frogspawn, hammers and two anemones in my tank. Preferring instead to lounge around a large plate coral and sleep in a Xenia patch that they've almost destroyed.

Yesterday, one of the clowns finally took the plunge and dove into the RBTA. Other clown is hanging back, but I think he/she/it will be in there soon also, as these clowns always sleep together at night.

Yay! Halfway there.

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Thats awsome! The clowns I got from purplegorilla were already hosting an rbta so I guess I kind of cheated. I think it is so cool the way the clowns just swim in, out, and through the anemone. I hope for the best for your other clown.