As Promised 180 build thread

Monday I finished the overflow plumbing and leak tested it.

It leaked.

Tuesday I redid the plumbing and let it sit over night.

Wednesday I reconnected what leaked Monday and was rebuilt on Tuesday and connected the return lines..

Today I pushed the tank in position put the sand in and added 40 gallons or so of water.

I filled the overflows to make sure that the plumbing that leaked on Monday, rebuilt on Tuesday and put back together on Wednesday didn't leak.

It leaked.

Screamed, cursed, fixed myself a bagel, blew my nose and wiped my eyes which seem to have also started leaking.
want some cheese with that wine?? should I call the waaaaaambulance? go get a waaaburger and some french cries

haha Im just kidding, I can imagine the frustration, whenever I can't get something to work and I know it should, I hit the roof

where is it leaking from?? seals?? try more glue
Looks like a nice setup coming along.

I see you live in Powder Springs. I grew up there... McEachern class of 96:cheers:
Where the heck are the pictures of the tank on the stand?

YEA! Repaired the leak!

Where is the leak...bulkheads? Didn't I tell you to silicon? If I looked hard enough, I could find the post where I was angry that the **** things leaked.

Step 1 - Drain overflows.
Step 2- Clean completely of all bits of sand and other grit
Step 3. put a bead of silicon around the hole.
Step 4. drop bulkhead in (gasket on inside of tank of course) so gasket is on silicon
Step 5. Hand tighten. THen give a small turn with some rusty channel locks.
Step 6. Let cure for minimum of 24 hours.
Step 7. Read Step 6 because you have no patience when you drink.
Step 8. Do water test and bask in glory of no leaks.

Oh yeah, Step 9, take a mitol and eat a chocolate bar.
Bulkheads are tight because I own a wrench designed to tighten bulkheads:"></a>

The leaks are coming from things that I have connected.

For example my drain bulkhead was thread/thread. At the bottom I had screwed in a nipple and I believe I over tightend and split the bulkhead just a bit at the seam.

Bulkhead had to come out and because the nipple deformed the bulkhead I had to cut it out like we did at your house however, I own one of these:
[IMG]"></a> which makes cutting thru bulkheads a snap.

Any way I think I have it now we shall see.

And it's Midol not Mitol and they upset my stomach!
Well I think I have the leaks sorted out.

I put everything back together and back in the stand.

I put most of the black sand in it along with 35 gallons yesterday and I have put another 35 gallons in today.

The 125 is completely drained all good rock from that tank has been brewing.

In a few days I will clean up the 125 for sale.

Also, there will be some homemade live rock that I will give away to members if they want it.

So without further ado here it is on the stand:" alt="" />

I floated a piece of pink board with a cup and filled the cup letting it overflow gently into the tank so it didn't kick up a cloud.

This was not my idea. Actually I learned this trick on melevsreef.

Here is a closer look at the cup trick. The pictures not great but you get the idea:
[IMG]" alt="" />

The water is gently cascading into the tank. Picture is blurry but trust me there is no sandstorm:
[IMG]" alt="" />

Currently I have 35 more gallons of water brewing. This will be for fill in as I will use the bulk of the water from Linda's 90.

Two power heads are circulating water in the tank currently.

Today I hope to have the refugium set up and at some point tonight or tomorrow start the tear down of Linda's tank so we can get at her black sand to put about 1" more on top of what we have to seed the new sand.

After the rock is in it I will let it brew for a few days and test. Spike should be (hope and pray) minimal.
We should have painted that back wall before you moved the tank/stand over there.
Looking very nice. What did you do about the teeeh on the overflow? I really like the way the stand looks. How tall is the stand???