Help clownfish bloated!


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I have no idea whats wrong, but my clownifishs' stomach is "bulging" and they "look bloated". Both of the clownfish (pair) are bloated. Is there any thing I can do to fix them. They're still eating and I fed them some metro incase it was an internal parisite. What can I do to help? Is this lethal?
Thanks, Diane
jmaneyapanda;347866 wrote: I would try prazipro.
all the stores are closed or by the time I get there they will be closed. I'll have to wait to 12 tomarrow will they survive? What's wrong with them?
Its impossible to say. Many times, bloated fish do ahve internal parasites or maybe worms, and prazipro is a good general dewormer. I dont use metronidazole for parasites, so much, but it wont hurt. I wouldnt feed them any more, regardless. Get a pic.
I can't get a pic but they survived through the night. I just have to wait until Marine Fish opens. The best way to discribe it is that they're abdomen/stomach is sort of "balloning up". They are breathing faster but I think that they can make it until I get the medicine. HOw long does it take befor the prazipro takes effect?
Sounds like a possible bacterial infection (perhaps of the swim bladder). Are they having a difficult time swimming?
Dakota9;348040 wrote: IMO
Sounds like a possible bacterial infection (perhaps of the swim bladder). Are they having a difficult time swimming?
no, They are swimming fine everything is normal except they're "bloated" and are breathing a little faster.
Would it hurt to give my clownfish a wide range of medicines and hope to find the one that works?
twistoflime;348050 wrote: Would it hurt to give my clownfish a wide range of medicines and hope to find the one that works?

Uh, I wouldn't go that route until you've narrowed the possibilities down.

Take a pic of it on a camera phone and go to a TRUSTED LFS
Dakota9;348052 wrote: Uh, I wouldn't go that route until you've narrowed the possibilities down.

Take a pic of it on a camera phone and go to a TRUSTED LFS
Ok, I'll see if I can find a camera. brb
Here are some bad pics I'm sorry I couldn't get better ones" alt="" />

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I actually like the big pics.....

What is all the debris in the water? Is that just micro bubbles that are blurred?

I'm not seeing a lot of bloating, perhaps some in the area of the Pelvic/Ventral Fin.

My only experience with this type of bloating/swelling was with a Betta that had an infection of his Swim Bladder. This was caused when I (unkowingly) cleaned the FW tank with a sponge that had been treated with an anti bacterial agent.

Perhaps someone with more experience in this field will sound off.

Was anything introduced to the tank in the last week or two?
Honestly, I dont see anything wrong. Did they get this way in a very short period?
Those are micro bubbles just blurred
You can't really see the bloating well in these pictures. Let me try to find pics befor.
They were starting to get "bloated" 2 days ago. A week ago I moved a tang with some type of parisite from the big tank to the thirty gallon becuase it couldn't swim here is the thread
This is the best I could fine sorry. This was in a different tank befor I bought them. You can see there is no bulge around the fin area though.
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twistoflime;348050 wrote: Would it hurt to give my clownfish a wide range of medicines and hope to find the one that works?

Potentially, yes it would hurt.

Firstly - if you give several things at once, you won't know "what" worked.

Secondly, if you give several things at once, you risk interactions - and if there are more than 2 meds, it's impossible to know what is interacting with what.

In the first pic by the fin you can see a bulge that is a greenish color. Before the clownfish never had that bulge their stomachs used to be flat.