Help, Cyano Problem

wbholwell;37617 wrote: Well I just siphoned off most of it, but I'll try to take some pictures soon. It's very stringy- some strings up to 2 inches long- but it other places it just covers. It seems to grow on the highest part of the rock or whatever it's growing on and the larger pieces of it have bubbles trapped in it.

TDS meter is reading between 0 and 1 on my RO/DI water.

Seige, a beneficial</em> relationship between cyano and anemones?

FutureInterest, my Alk <u>was</u> low- as I raised it with buffer the cyano suddenly appeared/ got worse.

You misunderstand me, which is understandable since I wasn't entirely clear... exceeding high kalk dosing is a treatment for dinos, basically very high ph will kill them. Your symptoms appear to match dinos to a T... I hope its something as simple as cyano... that's nothing and you should be able to control that easily. Heck the chemi-clean should of made it go away not grow stronger. On the other hand I've read several accounts of where dinos are mistaken for cyano, chemi-clean is used and the dinos get even stronger....

Anyways, its important to diagnose correctly and then move forward which is why I even bring up this possibility. G'luck.
Here check this thread out:
Oh crap, I DO have dinoflagelates. Well, it makes sense that it got a little worse with the chemi clean. I've also been losing some snails (another symptom of dinos.) On the plus side, I've been taking measures that people recommend for dinos (no lights, frequent water changes, etc.) It seems that unless you get all of it, though, it will probably come back. The guy on the above RC thread link, Redspot321, took a very drastic approach to his dino problem. He did the following:

1) removed all corals from live rock and put them in a separate tank
2) removed all LR and put them in covered buckets with NO light
3) removed all sand and boiled it on the stove, then rinsed the sand
4) after 5 days of no light, returned the LR, and then started to set up his tank again.

I <u>REALLY</u> don't want to have to go through all this. Right now I can only see a few strands of the stuff. So here's what I'm going to do: I'll keep the lights off the tank for the next few days, doing 20% water changes every other day to make sure all nutrients and stuff from die off are removed. The fish should be able to go a few more days without food okay. If <u>ANY</u> dinoflagelates still remain after 4 more days, I'll start a more aggressive aproach, which might involve replacing my sandbed. (If it comes to that, I'll need someone to house my sand star and conch so they don't starve.) I'll keep everyone posted, and FutureInterest, I'm forever indebted to you.
FutureInterest- gave you serious rep points. I wish I could've weighted it heavier. If there is <u>ANYTHING</u> you ever need that I can help you with, you only need to ask. Thanks again.
Thanks man, it seems I'm the pest algae guy around here these days... what with yours and cgill's. There are ways to treat it though without that drastic a measure from what I've read. Dosing with kalk to elevate your ph greatly will help."></a>

I'm confident you'll get through this now that you know what you're fighting.

At least I know I shouldn't have dino problems any time soon, since i JUST got my pH down to 8.2 from 8.6+
Bryan, If you'd like I can house your star and conch for you if it comes down to it. Good luck man. Oh and how did your silicate test out?
Thanks, Bryan. I used the low-range test procedure for the silicates and got around 0.3 mg/L. I'm assuming this is acceptable- anyone know for sure?
I guess that's what you get when you do two large water changes w/ RO/DI water in 3 days. I've also got some sponges growing in the caves of my LR, and I've read that they take up silicates.
Yup they sure do. Sponges are good! oh BTW did you know that Acro I'm keeping for you has an Acro Crab in it?
i had the same crap happen to my tank after 1 year of failure to vacume. vacume will save everything, get all that crap outa your sand first tho.