HELP PLEASE, something growing in my tank!!


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I have waived the white flag, now it's time to reach out to the experts to try and resolve my issue.

As you can see in the pictures I have something growing in my tank that I have been unable to get rid of. My alkalinity, phosphate, calcium and magnesium levels are all good. I run two Red Sea Reef LED 90 lights 12 hours per day. I have treated the water with Red Slime Stain Remover and Chemiclean, I did a three day blackout as well, all with no luck. Nothing seems to stop it from coming back, time and time again. I am hoping someone on the forum may have an answer on how to finally get rid of it. I welcome any input to help resolve the issue. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.


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If it looks like snooty slimy sometimes with bubbly yuck, probably not cyano and those products won’t help. If you have a microscope, you can take a sample and see if it is Dino’s and what type. There are plenty of forums to combat Dino’s if that is what it is. But with the photos posted as is, it is impossible for me to see clearly enough to even give an educated guess. Also, if it was cyano, would need a lot more specific info posted like length of treatment, dosage, we’re all directions followed etc. if you followed all directions and gave it enough time and no change, prob not cyano.
Looks lilike dinosaur. Buckle up, it's gonna be a rough ride. Step 1 is identification as Sharis said.
If you can get a sample of it to me in Acworth I can look at it under my microscope.
I would not panic. It is unsightly, sure. But not going to ruin your tank. And it is temporary. I would guess your tank is less than 2 years old? If this were a 10 year old tank, this would be odd. I would not chase numbers on test results. I would keep things as they are (assuming coral/fish are happy), increase flow, do manual removal, and see where you are in 30 days.
thanks for all the input, I have a plan in place, will report back in a couple weeks, George at Purereef has been a great help
Crazy question for you - you don't have any open alcohol bottles sitting around near the tank anytime recently - have you ?

And - does it react to your skimmer being on or off?

I know you're working with George at Pure Reef - to me that looks similar to bactaeria blooms I've dealt with - and evaporating alcohol (or an open bottle of NoPOx ) can cause a bacteria bloom due to the increase in carbon available for bacteria to utilize.
No alcohol in the house, it is dinoflagellates and I am going to treat it with brightwell neoPhos and neoNitro. When I was using red slime remover I left the skimmer on per the instructions, when I used chemiclean I had the skimmer off per the instructions, my problem was I was treating it for cyano when it wasn't cyano, as sharis mentioned earlier.